/* WysiHat - WYSIWYG JavaScript framework, version 0.2 * (c) 2008-2009 Joshua Peek * * WysiHat is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var WysiHat = {}; WysiHat.Editor = { attach: function(textarea, options, block) { options = $H(options); textarea = $(textarea); textarea.hide(); var model = options.get('model') || WysiHat.iFrame; var initializer = block; return model.create(textarea, function(editArea) { var document = editArea.getDocument(); var window = editArea.getWindow(); editArea.load(); Event.observe(window, 'focus', function(event) { editArea.focus(); }); Event.observe(window, 'blur', function(event) { editArea.blur(); }); editArea._observeEvents(); if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { editArea.execCommand('undo', false, null); } if (initializer) initializer(editArea); editArea.focus(); }); }, include: function(module) { this.includedModules = this.includedModules || $A([]); this.includedModules.push(module); }, extend: function(object) { var modules = this.includedModules || $A([]); modules.each(function(module) { Object.extend(object, module); }); } }; WysiHat.Commands = (function() { function boldSelection() { this.execCommand('bold', false, null); } function boldSelected() { return this.queryCommandState('bold'); } function underlineSelection() { this.execCommand('underline', false, null); } function underlineSelected() { return this.queryCommandState('underline'); } function italicSelection() { this.execCommand('italic', false, null); } function italicSelected() { return this.queryCommandState('italic'); } function strikethroughSelection() { this.execCommand('strikethrough', false, null); } function blockquoteSelection() { this.execCommand('blockquote', false, null); } function fontSelection(font) { this.execCommand('fontname', false, font); } function fontSizeSelection(fontSize) { this.execCommand('fontsize', false, fontSize); } function colorSelection(color) { this.execCommand('forecolor', false, color); } function backgroundColorSelection(color) { if(Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { this.execCommand('hilitecolor', false, color); } else { this.execCommand('backcolor', false, color); } } function alignSelection(alignment) { this.execCommand('justify' + alignment); } function alignSelected() { var node = this.selection.getNode(); return Element.getStyle(node, 'textAlign'); } function linkSelection(url) { this.execCommand('createLink', false, url); } function unlinkSelection() { var node = this.selection.getNode(); if (this.linkSelected()) this.selection.selectNode(node); this.execCommand('unlink', false, null); } function linkSelected() { var node = this.selection.getNode(); return node ? node.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'A' : false; } function formatblockSelection(element){ this.execCommand('formatblock', false, element); } function insertOrderedList() { this.execCommand('insertorderedlist', false, null); } function insertUnorderedList() { this.execCommand('insertunorderedlist', false, null); } function insertImage(url) { this.execCommand('insertImage', false, url); } function insertHTML(html) { if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var range = this._selection.getRange(); range.pasteHTML(html); range.collapse(false); range.select(); } else { this.execCommand('insertHTML', false, html); } } function execCommand(command, ui, value) { var document = this.getDocument(); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) this.selection.restore(); var handler = this.commands.get(command); if (handler) handler.bind(this)(value); else document.execCommand(command, ui, value); } function queryCommandState(state) { var document = this.getDocument(); var handler = this.queryCommands.get(state); if (handler) return handler.bind(this)(); else return document.queryCommandState(state); } function getSelectedStyles() { var styles = $H({}); var editor = this; editor.styleSelectors.each(function(style){ var node = editor.selection.getNode(); styles.set(style.first(), Element.getStyle(node, style.last())); }); return styles; } return { boldSelection: boldSelection, boldSelected: boldSelected, underlineSelection: underlineSelection, underlineSelected: underlineSelected, italicSelection: italicSelection, italicSelected: italicSelected, strikethroughSelection: strikethroughSelection, blockquoteSelection: blockquoteSelection, fontSelection: fontSelection, fontSizeSelection: fontSizeSelection, colorSelection: colorSelection, backgroundColorSelection: backgroundColorSelection, alignSelection: alignSelection, alignSelected: alignSelected, linkSelection: linkSelection, unlinkSelection: unlinkSelection, linkSelected: linkSelected, formatblockSelection: formatblockSelection, insertOrderedList: insertOrderedList, insertUnorderedList: insertUnorderedList, insertImage: insertImage, insertHTML: insertHTML, execCommand: execCommand, queryCommandState: queryCommandState, getSelectedStyles: getSelectedStyles, commands: $H({}), queryCommands: $H({ link: linkSelected }), styleSelectors: $H({ fontname: 'fontFamily', fontsize: 'fontSize', forecolor: 'color', hilitecolor: 'backgroundColor', backcolor: 'backgroundColor' }) }; })(); WysiHat.Editor.include(WysiHat.Commands); WysiHat.Events = (function() { var eventsToFoward = [ 'click', 'dblclick', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover', 'mousemove', 'mouseout', 'keypress', 'keydown', 'keyup' ]; function forwardEvents(document, editor) { eventsToFoward.each(function(event) { Event.observe(document, event, function(e) { editor.fire('wysihat:' + event); }); }); } function observePasteEvent(window, document, editor) { Event.observe(document, 'keydown', function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 86) editor.fire("wysihat:paste"); }); Event.observe(window, 'paste', function(event) { editor.fire("wysihat:paste"); }); } function observeFocus(window, editor) { Event.observe(window, 'focus', function(event) { editor.fire("wysihat:focus"); }); Event.observe(window, 'blur', function(event) { editor.fire("wysihat:blur"); }); } function observeSelections(document, editor) { Event.observe(document, 'mouseup', function(event) { var range = editor.selection.getRange(); if (!range.collapsed) editor.fire("wysihat:select"); }); } function observeChanges(document, editor) { var previousContents = editor.rawContent(); Event.observe(document, 'keyup', function(event) { var contents = editor.rawContent(); if (previousContents != contents) { editor.fire("wysihat:change"); previousContents = contents; } }); } function observeCursorMovements(document, editor) { var previousRange = editor.selection.getRange(); var handler = function(event) { var range = editor.selection.getRange(); if (previousRange != range) { editor.fire("wysihat:cursormove"); previousRange = range; } }; Event.observe(document, 'keyup', handler); Event.observe(document, 'mouseup', handler); } function observeEvents() { if (this._observers_setup) return; var document = this.getDocument(); var window = this.getWindow(); forwardEvents(document, this); observePasteEvent(window, document, this); observeFocus(window, this); observeSelections(document, this); observeChanges(document, this); observeCursorMovements(document, this); this._observers_setup = true; } return { _observeEvents: observeEvents }; })(); WysiHat.Editor.include(WysiHat.Events); WysiHat.Persistence = (function() { function outputFilter(text) { return text.formatHTMLOutput(); } function inputFilter(text) { return text.formatHTMLInput(); } function content() { return this.outputFilter(this.rawContent()); } function setContent(text) { this.setRawContent(this.inputFilter(text)); } function save() { this.textarea.value = this.content(); } function load() { this.setContent(this.textarea.value); } function reload() { this.selection.setBookmark(); this.save(); this.load(); this.selection.moveToBookmark(); } return { outputFilter: outputFilter, inputFilter: inputFilter, content: content, setContent: setContent, save: save, load: load, reload: reload }; })(); WysiHat.Editor.include(WysiHat.Persistence); WysiHat.Window = (function() { function getDocument() { return this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document; } function getWindow() { if (this.contentDocument && this.contentDocument.defaultView) return this.contentDocument.defaultView; else if (this.contentWindow.document) return this.contentWindow; else return null; } function focus() { this.getWindow().focus(); if (this.hasFocus) return; this.hasFocus = true; } function blur() { this.hasFocus = false; } return { getDocument: getDocument, getWindow: getWindow, focus: focus, blur: blur }; })(); WysiHat.Editor.include(WysiHat.Window); WysiHat.iFrame = { create: function(textarea, callback) { var editArea = new Element('iframe', { 'id': textarea.id + '_editor', 'class': 'editor' }); Object.extend(editArea, WysiHat.iFrame.Methods); WysiHat.Editor.extend(editArea); editArea.attach(textarea, callback); textarea.insert({before: editArea}); return editArea; } }; WysiHat.iFrame.Methods = { attach: function(element, callback) { this.textarea = element; this.observe('load', function() { try { var document = this.getDocument(); } catch(e) { return; } // No iframe, just stop this.selection = new WysiHat.Selection(this); if (this.ready && document.designMode == 'on') return; this.setStyle({}); document.designMode = 'on'; callback(this); this.ready = true; this.fire('wysihat:ready'); }); }, unattach: function() { this.remove(); }, whenReady: function(callback) { if (this.ready) { callback(this); } else { var editor = this; editor.observe('wysihat:ready', function() { callback(editor); }); } return this; }, setStyle: function(styles) { var document = this.getDocument(); var element = this; if (!this.ready) return setTimeout(function() { element.setStyle(styles); }, 1); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var style = document.createStyleSheet(); style.addRule("body", "border: 0"); style.addRule("p", "margin: 0"); $H(styles).each(function(pair) { var value = pair.first().underscore().dasherize() + ": " + pair.last(); style.addRule("body", value); }); } else if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { var style = Element('style').update("p { margin: 0; }"); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(style); } else { Element.setStyle(document.body, styles); } return this; }, /** * WysiHat.iFrame.Methods#getStyle(style) -> string * - style specificication (i.e. backgroundColor) * * Returns the style from the element based on the given style */ getStyle: function(style) { var document = this.getDocument(); return Element.getStyle(document.body, style); }, rawContent: function() { var document = this.getDocument(); if (document.body) return document.body.innerHTML; else return ""; }, setRawContent: function(text) { var document = this.getDocument(); if (document.body) document.body.innerHTML = text; } }; WysiHat.Editable = { create: function(textarea, callback) { var editArea = new Element('div', { 'id': textarea.id + '_editor', 'class': 'editor', 'contenteditable': 'true' }); editArea.textarea = textarea; WysiHat.Editor.extend(editArea); Object.extend(editArea, WysiHat.Editable.Methods); callback(editArea); textarea.insert({before: editArea}); return editArea; } }; WysiHat.Editable.Methods = { getDocument: function() { return document; }, getWindow: function() { return window; }, rawContent: function() { return this.innerHTML; }, setRawContent: function(text) { this.innerHTML = text; } }; Object.extend(String.prototype, (function() { function formatHTMLOutput() { var text = String(this); text = text.tidyXHTML(); if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { text = text.replace(/(
)+/g, "\n"); text = text.replace(/(<\/div>)+/g, ""); text = text.replace(/

\s*<\/p>/g, ""); text = text.replace(/
(\n)*/g, "\n"); } else if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { text = text.replace(/

/g, ""); text = text.replace(/<\/p>(\n)?/g, "\n"); text = text.replace(/
(\n)*/g, "\n"); } else if (Prototype.Browser.IE || Prototype.Browser.Opera) { text = text.replace(/

( | |\s)<\/p>/g, "

"); text = text.replace(/
/g, ""); text = text.replace(/

/g, ''); text = text.replace(/ /g, ''); text = text.replace(/<\/p>(\n)?/g, "\n"); text = text.gsub(/^

/, ''); text = text.gsub(/<\/p>$/, ''); } text = text.gsub(//, ""); text = text.gsub(/<\/b>/, ""); text = text.gsub(//, ""); text = text.gsub(/<\/i>/, ""); text = text.replace(/\n\n+/g, "


"); text = text.gsub(/(([^\n])(\n))(?=([^\n]))/, "#{2}
\n"); text = '

' + text + '

'; text = text.replace(/

\s*/g, "

"); text = text.replace(/\s*<\/p>/g, "

"); var element = Element("body"); element.innerHTML = text; if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit || Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { var replaced; do { replaced = false; element.select('span').each(function(span) { if (span.hasClassName('Apple-style-span')) { span.removeClassName('Apple-style-span'); if (span.className == '') span.removeAttribute('class'); replaced = true; } else if (span.getStyle('fontWeight') == 'bold') { span.setStyle({fontWeight: ''}); if (span.style.length == 0) span.removeAttribute('style'); span.update('' + span.innerHTML + ''); replaced = true; } else if (span.getStyle('fontStyle') == 'italic') { span.setStyle({fontStyle: ''}); if (span.style.length == 0) span.removeAttribute('style'); span.update('' + span.innerHTML + ''); replaced = true; } else if (span.getStyle('textDecoration') == 'underline') { span.setStyle({textDecoration: ''}); if (span.style.length == 0) span.removeAttribute('style'); span.update('' + span.innerHTML + ''); replaced = true; } else if (span.attributes.length == 0) { span.replace(span.innerHTML); replaced = true; } }); } while (replaced); } var acceptableBlankTags = $A(['BR', 'IMG']); for (var i = 0; i < element.descendants().length; i++) { var node = element.descendants()[i]; if (node.innerHTML.blank() && !acceptableBlankTags.include(node.nodeName) && node.id != 'bookmark') node.remove(); } text = element.innerHTML; text = text.tidyXHTML(); text = text.replace(/
(\n)*/g, "
\n"); text = text.replace(/<\/p>\n

/g, "


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\s*<\/p>/g, ""); text = text.replace(/\s*$/g, ""); return text; } function formatHTMLInput() { var text = String(this); var element = Element("body"); element.innerHTML = text; if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko || Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { element.select('strong').each(function(element) { element.replace('' + element.innerHTML + ''); }); element.select('em').each(function(element) { element.replace('' + element.innerHTML + ''); }); element.select('u').each(function(element) { element.replace('' + element.innerHTML + ''); }); } if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) element.select('span').each(function(span) { if (span.getStyle('fontWeight') == 'bold') span.addClassName('Apple-style-span'); if (span.getStyle('fontStyle') == 'italic') span.addClassName('Apple-style-span'); if (span.getStyle('textDecoration') == 'underline') span.addClassName('Apple-style-span'); }); text = element.innerHTML; text = text.tidyXHTML(); text = text.replace(/<\/p>(\n)*

/g, "\n\n"); text = text.replace(/(\n)?(\n)?/g, "\n"); text = text.replace(/^

/g, ''); text = text.replace(/<\/p>$/g, ''); if (Prototype.Browser.Gecko) { text = text.replace(/\n/g, "
"); text = text + '
'; } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { text = text.replace(/\n/g, "

"); text = '
' + text + '
'; text = text.replace(/
<\/div>/g, "

"); } else if (Prototype.Browser.IE || Prototype.Browser.Opera) { text = text.replace(/\n/g, "


"); text = '

' + text + '

'; text = text.replace(/

<\/p>/g, "


"); text = text.replace(/(

 <\/p>)+$/g, ""); } return text; } function tidyXHTML() { var text = String(this); text = text.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n"); text = text.gsub(/<([A-Z]+)([^>]*)>/, function(match) { return '<' + match[1].toLowerCase() + match[2] + '>'; }); text = text.gsub(/<\/([A-Z]+)>/, function(match) { return ''; }); text = text.replace(/
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"); return text; } return { formatHTMLOutput: formatHTMLOutput, formatHTMLInput: formatHTMLInput, tidyXHTML: tidyXHTML }; })()); Object.extend(String.prototype, { sanitize: function(options) { return Element("div").update(this).sanitize(options).innerHTML.tidyXHTML(); } }); Element.addMethods({ sanitize: function(element, options) { element = $(element); options = $H(options); var allowed_tags = $A(options.get('tags') || []); var allowed_attributes = $A(options.get('attributes') || []); var sanitized = Element(element.nodeName); $A(element.childNodes).each(function(child) { if (child.nodeType == 1) { var children = $(child).sanitize(options).childNodes; if (allowed_tags.include(child.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { var new_child = Element(child.nodeName); allowed_attributes.each(function(attribute) { if ((value = child.readAttribute(attribute))) new_child.writeAttribute(attribute, value); }); sanitized.appendChild(new_child); $A(children).each(function(grandchild) { new_child.appendChild(grandchild); }); } else { $A(children).each(function(grandchild) { sanitized.appendChild(grandchild); }); } } else if (child.nodeType == 3) { sanitized.appendChild(child); } }); return sanitized; } }); if (typeof Range == 'undefined') { Range = function(ownerDocument) { this.ownerDocument = ownerDocument; this.startContainer = this.ownerDocument.documentElement; this.startOffset = 0; this.endContainer = this.ownerDocument.documentElement; this.endOffset = 0; this.collapsed = true; this.commonAncestorContainer = this._commonAncestorContainer(this.startContainer, this.endContainer); this.detached = false; this.START_TO_START = 0; this.START_TO_END = 1; this.END_TO_END = 2; this.END_TO_START = 3; }; Range.CLONE_CONTENTS = 0; Range.DELETE_CONTENTS = 1; Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS = 2; if (!document.createRange) { document.createRange = function() { return new Range(this); }; } Object.extend(Range.prototype, (function() { function cloneContents() { return _processContents(this, Range.CLONE_CONTENTS); } function cloneRange() { try { var clone = new Range(this.ownerDocument); clone.startContainer = this.startContainer; clone.startOffset = this.startOffset; clone.endContainer = this.endContainer; clone.endOffset = this.endOffset; clone.collapsed = this.collapsed; clone.commonAncestorContainer = this.commonAncestorContainer; clone.detached = this.detached; return clone; } catch (e) { return null; }; } function collapse(toStart) { if (toStart) { this.endContainer = this.startContainer; this.endOffset = this.startOffset; this.collapsed = true; } else { this.startContainer = this.endContainer; this.startOffset = this.endOffset; this.collapsed = true; } } function compareBoundaryPoints(compareHow, sourceRange) { try { var cmnSelf, cmnSource, rootSelf, rootSource; cmnSelf = this.commonAncestorContainer; cmnSource = sourceRange.commonAncestorContainer; rootSelf = cmnSelf; while (rootSelf.parentNode) { rootSelf = rootSelf.parentNode; } rootSource = cmnSource; while (rootSource.parentNode) { rootSource = rootSource.parentNode; } switch (compareHow) { case this.START_TO_START: return _compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, sourceRange.startContainer, sourceRange.startOffset); break; case this.START_TO_END: return _compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, sourceRange.endContainer, sourceRange.endOffset); break; case this.END_TO_END: return _compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.endContainer, this.endOffset, sourceRange.endContainer, sourceRange.endOffset); break; case this.END_TO_START: return _compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.endContainer, this.endOffset, sourceRange.startContainer, sourceRange.startOffset); break; } } catch (e) {}; return null; } function deleteContents() { try { _processContents(this, Range.DELETE_CONTENTS); } catch (e) {} } function detach() { this.detached = true; } function extractContents() { try { return _processContents(this, Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS); } catch (e) { return null; }; } function insertNode(newNode) { try { var n, newText, offset; switch (this.startContainer.nodeType) { case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: newText = this.startContainer.splitText(this.startOffset); this.startContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, newText); break; default: if (this.startContainer.childNodes.length == 0) { offset = null; } else { offset = this.startContainer.childNodes(this.startOffset); } this.startContainer.insertBefore(newNode, offset); } } catch (e) {} } function selectNode(refNode) { this.setStartBefore(refNode); this.setEndAfter(refNode); } function selectNodeContents(refNode) { this.setStart(refNode, 0); this.setEnd(refNode, refNode.childNodes.length); } function setStart(refNode, offset) { try { var endRootContainer, startRootContainer; this.startContainer = refNode; this.startOffset = offset; endRootContainer = this.endContainer; while (endRootContainer.parentNode) { endRootContainer = endRootContainer.parentNode; } startRootContainer = this.startContainer; while (startRootContainer.parentNode) { startRootContainer = startRootContainer.parentNode; } if (startRootContainer != endRootContainer) { this.collapse(true); } else { if (_compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, this.endContainer, this.endOffset) > 0) { this.collapse(true); } } this.collapsed = _isCollapsed(this); this.commonAncestorContainer = _commonAncestorContainer(this.startContainer, this.endContainer); } catch (e) {} } function setStartAfter(refNode) { this.setStart(refNode.parentNode, _nodeIndex(refNode) + 1); } function setStartBefore(refNode) { this.setStart(refNode.parentNode, _nodeIndex(refNode)); } function setEnd(refNode, offset) { try { this.endContainer = refNode; this.endOffset = offset; endRootContainer = this.endContainer; while (endRootContainer.parentNode) { endRootContainer = endRootContainer.parentNode; } startRootContainer = this.startContainer; while (startRootContainer.parentNode) { startRootContainer = startRootContainer.parentNode; } if (startRootContainer != endRootContainer) { this.collapse(false); } else { if (_compareBoundaryPoints(this, this.startContainer, this.startOffset, this.endContainer, this.endOffset) > 0) { this.collapse(false); } } this.collapsed = _isCollapsed(this); this.commonAncestorContainer = _commonAncestorContainer(this.startContainer, this.endContainer); } catch (e) {} } function setEndAfter(refNode) { this.setEnd(refNode.parentNode, _nodeIndex(refNode) + 1); } function setEndBefore(refNode) { this.setEnd(refNode.parentNode, _nodeIndex(refNode)); } function surroundContents(newParent) { try { var n, fragment; while (newParent.firstChild) { newParent.removeChild(newParent.firstChild); } fragment = this.extractContents(); this.insertNode(newParent); newParent.appendChild(fragment); this.selectNode(newParent); } catch (e) {} } function _compareBoundaryPoints(range, containerA, offsetA, containerB, offsetB) { var c, offsetC, n, cmnRoot, childA; if (containerA == containerB) { if (offsetA == offsetB) { return 0; // equal } else if (offsetA < offsetB) { return -1; // before } else { return 1; // after } } c = containerB; while (c && c.parentNode != containerA) { c = c.parentNode; } if (c) { offsetC = 0; n = containerA.firstChild; while (n != c && offsetC < offsetA) { offsetC++; n = n.nextSibling; } if (offsetA <= offsetC) { return -1; // before } else { return 1; // after } } c = containerA; while (c && c.parentNode != containerB) { c = c.parentNode; } if (c) { offsetC = 0; n = containerB.firstChild; while (n != c && offsetC < offsetB) { offsetC++; n = n.nextSibling; } if (offsetC < offsetB) { return -1; // before } else { return 1; // after } } cmnRoot = range._commonAncestorContainer(containerA, containerB); childA = containerA; while (childA && childA.parentNode != cmnRoot) { childA = childA.parentNode; } if (!childA) { childA = cmnRoot; } childB = containerB; while (childB && childB.parentNode != cmnRoot) { childB = childB.parentNode; } if (!childB) { childB = cmnRoot; } if (childA == childB) { return 0; // equal } n = cmnRoot.firstChild; while (n) { if (n == childA) { return -1; // before } if (n == childB) { return 1; // after } n = n.nextSibling; } return null; } function _commonAncestorContainer(containerA, containerB) { var parentStart = containerA, parentEnd; while (parentStart) { parentEnd = containerB; while (parentEnd && parentStart != parentEnd) { parentEnd = parentEnd.parentNode; } if (parentStart == parentEnd) { break; } parentStart = parentStart.parentNode; } if (!parentStart && containerA.ownerDocument) { return containerA.ownerDocument.documentElement; } return parentStart; } function _isCollapsed(range) { return (range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startOffset == range.endOffset); } function _offsetInCharacters(node) { switch (node.nodeType) { case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: return true; default: return false; } } function _processContents(range, action) { try { var cmnRoot, partialStart = null, partialEnd = null, fragment, n, c, i; var leftContents, leftParent, leftContentsParent; var rightContents, rightParent, rightContentsParent; var next, prev; var processStart, processEnd; if (range.collapsed) { return null; } cmnRoot = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (range.startContainer != cmnRoot) { partialStart = range.startContainer; while (partialStart.parentNode != cmnRoot) { partialStart = partialStart.parentNode; } } if (range.endContainer != cmnRoot) { partialEnd = range.endContainer; while (partialEnd.parentNode != cmnRoot) { partialEnd = partialEnd.parentNode; } } if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { fragment = range.ownerDocument.createDocumentFragment(); } if (range.startContainer == range.endContainer) { switch (range.startContainer.nodeType) { case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { c = range.startContainer.cloneNode(); c.deleteData(range.endOffset, range.startContainer.data.length - range.endOffset); c.deleteData(0, range.startOffset); fragment.appendChild(c); } if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.DELETE_CONTENTS) { range.startContainer.deleteData(range.startOffset, range.endOffset - range.startOffset); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: break; default: n = range.startContainer.firstChild; for (i = 0; i < range.startOffset; i++) { n = n.nextSibling; } while (n && i < range.endOffset) { next = n.nextSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n.cloneNode()); } else { range.startContainer.removeChild(n); } n = next; i++; } } range.collapse(true); return fragment; } if (range.startContainer != cmnRoot) { switch (range.startContainer.nodeType) { case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { c = range.startContainer.cloneNode(true); c.deleteData(0, range.startOffset); leftContents = c; } if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.DELETE_CONTENTS) { range.startContainer.deleteData(range.startOffset, range.startContainer.data.length - range.startOffset); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: break; default: if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { leftContents = range.startContainer.cloneNode(false); } n = range.startContainer.firstChild; for (i = 0; i < range.startOffset; i++) { n = n.nextSibling; } while (n && i < range.endOffset) { next = n.nextSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n.cloneNode()); } else { range.startContainer.removeChild(n); } n = next; i++; } } leftParent = range.startContainer.parentNode; n = range.startContainer.nextSibling; for(; leftParent != cmnRoot; leftParent = leftParent.parentNode) { if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { leftContentsParent = leftParent.cloneNode(false); leftContentsParent.appendChild(leftContents); leftContents = leftContentsParent; } for (; n; n = next) { next = n.nextSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { leftContents.appendChild(n); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { leftContents.appendChild(n.cloneNode(true)); } else { leftParent.removeChild(n); } } n = leftParent.nextSibling; } } if (range.endContainer != cmnRoot) { switch (range.endContainer.nodeType) { case Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE: case Node.COMMENT_NODE: case Node.TEXT_NODE: if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { c = range.endContainer.cloneNode(true); c.deleteData(range.endOffset, range.endContainer.data.length - range.endOffset); rightContents = c; } if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.DELETE_CONTENTS) { range.endContainer.deleteData(0, range.endOffset); } break; case Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE: break; default: if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { rightContents = range.endContainer.cloneNode(false); } n = range.endContainer.firstChild; if (n && range.endOffset) { for (i = 0; i+1 < range.endOffset; i++) { next = n.nextSibling; if (!next) { break; } n = next; } for (; n; n = prev) { prev = n.previousSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { rightContents.insertBefore(n, rightContents.firstChild); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { rightContents.insertBefore(n.cloneNode(True), rightContents.firstChild); } else { range.endContainer.removeChild(n); } } } } rightParent = range.endContainer.parentNode; n = range.endContainer.previousSibling; for(; rightParent != cmnRoot; rightParent = rightParent.parentNode) { if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { rightContentsParent = rightContents.cloneNode(false); rightContentsParent.appendChild(rightContents); rightContents = rightContentsParent; } for (; n; n = prev) { prev = n.previousSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { rightContents.insertBefore(n, rightContents.firstChild); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { rightContents.appendChild(n.cloneNode(true), rightContents.firstChild); } else { rightParent.removeChild(n); } } n = rightParent.previousSibling; } } if (range.startContainer == cmnRoot) { processStart = range.startContainer.firstChild; for (i = 0; i < range.startOffset; i++) { processStart = processStart.nextSibling; } } else { processStart = range.startContainer; while (processStart.parentNode != cmnRoot) { processStart = processStart.parentNode; } processStart = processStart.nextSibling; } if (range.endContainer == cmnRoot) { processEnd = range.endContainer.firstChild; for (i = 0; i < range.endOffset; i++) { processEnd = processEnd.nextSibling; } } else { processEnd = range.endContainer; while (processEnd.parentNode != cmnRoot) { processEnd = processEnd.parentNode; } } if ((action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) && leftContents) { fragment.appendChild(leftContents); } if (processStart) { for (n = processStart; n && n != processEnd; n = next) { next = n.nextSibling; if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n); } else if (action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) { fragment.appendChild(n.cloneNode(true)); } else { cmnRoot.removeChild(n); } } } if ((action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.CLONE_CONTENTS) && rightContents) { fragment.appendChild(rightContents); } if (action == Range.EXTRACT_CONTENTS || action == Range.DELETE_CONTENTS) { if (!partialStart && !partialEnd) { range.collapse(true); } else if (partialStart) { range.startContainer = partialStart.parentNode; range.endContainer = partialStart.parentNode; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = range._nodeIndex(partialStart) + 1; } else if (partialEnd) { range.startContainer = partialEnd.parentNode; range.endContainer = partialEnd.parentNode; range.startOffset = range.endOffset = range._nodeIndex(partialEnd); } } return fragment; } catch (e) { return null; }; } function _nodeIndex(refNode) { var nodeIndex = 0; while (refNode.previousSibling) { nodeIndex++; refNode = refNode.previousSibling; } return nodeIndex; } return { setStart: setStart, setEnd: setEnd, setStartBefore: setStartBefore, setStartAfter: setStartAfter, setEndBefore: setEndBefore, setEndAfter: setEndAfter, collapse: collapse, selectNode: selectNode, selectNodeContents: selectNodeContents, compareBoundaryPoints: compareBoundaryPoints, deleteContents: deleteContents, extractContents: extractContents, cloneContents: cloneContents, insertNode: insertNode, surroundContents: surroundContents, cloneRange: cloneRange, toString: toString, detach: detach, _commonAncestorContainer: _commonAncestorContainer }; })()); } if (!window.getSelection) { window.getSelection = function() { return Selection.getInstance(); }; SelectionImpl = function() { this.anchorNode = null; this.anchorOffset = 0; this.focusNode = null; this.focusOffset = 0; this.isCollapsed = true; this.rangeCount = 0; this.ranges = []; }; Object.extend(SelectionImpl.prototype, (function() { function addRange(r) { return true; } function collapse() { return true; } function collapseToStart() { return true; } function collapseToEnd() { return true; } function getRangeAt() { return true; } function removeAllRanges() { this.anchorNode = null; this.anchorOffset = 0; this.focusNode = null; this.focusOffset = 0; this.isCollapsed = true; this.rangeCount = 0; this.ranges = []; } function _addRange(r) { if (r.startContainer.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { var start = this._getRightStart(r.startContainer); var startOffset = 0; } else { var start = r.startContainer; var startOffset = r.startOffset; } if (r.endContainer.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { var end = this._getRightEnd(r.endContainer); var endOffset = end.data.length; } else { var end = r.endContainer; var endOffset = r.endOffset; } var rStart = this._selectStart(start, startOffset); var rEnd = this._selectEnd(end,endOffset); rStart.setEndPoint('EndToStart', rEnd); rStart.select(); document.selection._selectedRange = r; } function _getRightStart(start, offset) { if (start.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (start.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { start = start.childNodes(offset); } return getNextTextNode(start); } else { return null; } } function _getRightEnd(end, offset) { if (end.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (end.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { end = end.childNodes(offset); } return getPreviousTextNode(end); } else { return null; } } function _selectStart(start, offset) { var r = document.body.createTextRange(); if (start.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { var moveCharacters = offset, node = start; var moveToNode = null, collapse = true; while (node.previousSibling) { switch (node.previousSibling.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: moveToNode = node.previousSibling; collapse = false; break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: moveCharacters += node.previousSibling.data.length; } if (moveToNode != null) { break; } node = node.previousSibling; } if (moveToNode == null) { moveToNode = start.parentNode; } r.moveToElementText(moveToNode); r.collapse(collapse); r.move('Character', moveCharacters); return r; } else { return null; } } function _selectEnd(end, offset) { var r = document.body.createTextRange(), node = end; if (end.nodeType == 3) { var moveCharacters = end.data.length - offset; var moveToNode = null, collapse = false; while (node.nextSibling) { switch (node.nextSibling.nodeType) { case Node.ELEMENT_NODE: moveToNode = node.nextSibling; collapse = true; break; case Node.TEXT_NODE: moveCharacters += node.nextSibling.data.length; break; } if (moveToNode != null) { break; } node = node.nextSibling; } if (moveToNode == null) { moveToNode = end.parentNode; collapse = false; } switch (moveToNode.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { case 'p': case 'div': case 'h1': case 'h2': case 'h3': case 'h4': case 'h5': case 'h6': moveCharacters++; } r.moveToElementText(moveToNode); r.collapse(collapse); r.move('Character', -moveCharacters); return r; } return null; } function getPreviousTextNode(node) { var stack = []; var current = null; while (node) { stack = []; current = node; while (current) { while (current) { if (current.nodeType == 3 && current.data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').length) { return current; } if (current.previousSibling) { stack.push (current.previousSibling); } current = current.lastChild; } current = stack.pop(); } node = node.previousSibling; } return null; } function getNextTextNode(node) { var stack = []; var current = null; while (node) { stack = []; current = node; while (current) { while (current) { if (current.nodeType == 3 && current.data.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').length) { return current; } if (current.nextSibling) { stack.push (current.nextSibling); } current = current.firstChild; } current = stack.pop(); } node = node.nextSibling; } return null; } return { removeAllRanges: removeAllRanges, _addRange: _addRange, _getRightStart: _getRightStart, _getRightEnd: _getRightEnd, _selectStart: _selectStart, _selectEnd: _selectEnd }; })()); Selection = new function() { var instance = null; this.getInstance = function() { if (instance == null) { return (instance = new SelectionImpl()); } else { return instance; } }; }; } Object.extend(Range.prototype, (function() { function getNode() { var node = this.commonAncestorContainer; if (this.startContainer == this.endContainer) if (this.startOffset - this.endOffset < 2) node = this.startContainer.childNodes[this.startOffset]; while (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) node = node.parentNode; return node; } return { getNode: getNode }; })()); WysiHat.Selection = Class.create((function() { function initialize(editor) { this.window = editor.getWindow(); this.document = editor.getDocument(); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { editor.observe('wysihat:cursormove', saveRange.bind(this)); editor.observe('wysihat:focus', restoreRange); } } function getSelection() { return this.window.getSelection ? this.window.getSelection() : this.document.selection; } function getRange() { var range = null, selection = this.getSelection(); try { if (selection.getRangeAt) range = selection.getRangeAt(0); else range = selection.createRange(); } catch(e) { return null; } if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { range.setStart(selection.baseNode, selection.baseOffset); range.setEnd(selection.extentNode, selection.extentOffset); } return range; } function selectNode(node) { var selection = this.getSelection(); if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var range = createRangeFromElement(this.document, node); range.select(); } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { selection.setBaseAndExtent(node, 0, node, node.innerText.length); } else if (Prototype.Browser.Opera) { range = this.document.createRange(); range.selectNode(node); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } else { var range = createRangeFromElement(this.document, node); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } function getNode() { var nodes = null, candidates = [], children, el; var range = this.getRange(); if (!range) return null; var parent; if (range.parentElement) parent = range.parentElement(); else parent = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (parent) { while (parent.nodeType != 1) parent = parent.parentNode; if (parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "body") { el = parent; do { el = el.parentNode; candidates[candidates.length] = el; } while (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "body"); } children = parent.all || parent.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var j = 0; j < children.length; j++) candidates[candidates.length] = children[j]; nodes = [parent]; for (var ii = 0, r2; ii < candidates.length; ii++) { r2 = createRangeFromElement(this.document, candidates[ii]); if (r2 && compareRanges(range, r2)) nodes[nodes.length] = candidates[ii]; } } return nodes.first(); } function createRangeFromElement(document, node) { if (document.body.createTextRange) { var range = document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); } else if (document.createRange) { var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); } return range; } function compareRanges(r1, r2) { if (r1.compareEndPoints) { return !( r2.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', r1) == 1 && r2.compareEndPoints('EndToEnd', r1) == 1 && r2.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', r1) == 1 && r2.compareEndPoints('EndToStart', r1) == 1 || r2.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', r1) == -1 && r2.compareEndPoints('EndToEnd', r1) == -1 && r2.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', r1) == -1 && r2.compareEndPoints('EndToStart', r1) == -1 ); } else if (r1.compareBoundaryPoints) { return !( r2.compareBoundaryPoints(0, r1) == 1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(2, r1) == 1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(1, r1) == 1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(3, r1) == 1 || r2.compareBoundaryPoints(0, r1) == -1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(2, r1) == -1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(1, r1) == -1 && r2.compareBoundaryPoints(3, r1) == -1 ); } return null; }; function setBookmark() { var bookmark = this.document.getElementById('bookmark'); if (bookmark) bookmark.parentNode.removeChild(bookmark); bookmark = this.document.createElement('span'); bookmark.id = 'bookmark'; bookmark.innerHTML = ' '; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var range = this.document.selection.createRange(); var parent = this.document.createElement('div'); parent.appendChild(bookmark); range.collapse(); range.pasteHTML(parent.innerHTML); } else { var range = this.getRange(); range.insertNode(bookmark); } } function moveToBookmark() { var bookmark = this.document.getElementById('bookmark'); if (!bookmark) return; if (Prototype.Browser.IE) { var range = this.getRange(); range.moveToElementText(bookmark); range.collapse(); range.select(); } else if (Prototype.Browser.WebKit) { var selection = this.getSelection(); selection.setBaseAndExtent(bookmark, 0, bookmark, 0); } else { var range = this.getRange(); range.setStartBefore(bookmark); } bookmark.parentNode.removeChild(bookmark); } var savedRange = null; function saveRange() { savedRange = this.getRange(); } function restoreRange() { if (savedRange) savedRange.select(); } return { initialize: initialize, getSelection: getSelection, getRange: getRange, getNode: getNode, selectNode: selectNode, setBookmark: setBookmark, moveToBookmark: moveToBookmark, restore: restoreRange }; })()); WysiHat.Toolbar = Class.create((function() { function initialize(editor) { this.editor = editor; this.element = this.createToolbarElement(); } function createToolbarElement() { var toolbar = new Element('div', { 'class': 'editor_toolbar' }); this.editor.insert({before: toolbar}); return toolbar; } function addButtonSet(set) { var toolbar = this; $A(set).each(function(button){ toolbar.addButton(button); }); } function addButton(options, handler) { options = $H(options); if (!options.get('name')) options.set('name', options.get('label').toLowerCase()); var name = options.get('name'); var button = this.createButtonElement(this.element, options); var handler = this.buttonHandler(name, options); this.observeButtonClick(button, handler); var handler = this.buttonStateHandler(name, options); this.observeStateChanges(button, name, handler); } function createButtonElement(toolbar, options) { var button = new Element('a', { 'class': 'button', 'href': '#' }); button.update('' + options.get('label') + ''); button.addClassName(options.get('name')); toolbar.appendChild(button); return button; } function buttonHandler(name, options) { if (options.handler) return options.handler; else if (options.get('handler')) return options.get('handler'); else return function(editor) { editor.execCommand(name); }; } function observeButtonClick(element, handler) { var toolbar = this; element.observe('click', function(event) { handler(toolbar.editor); toolbar.editor.fire("wysihat:change"); toolbar.editor.fire("wysihat:cursormove"); Event.stop(event); }); } function buttonStateHandler(name, options) { if (options.query) return options.query; else if (options.get('query')) return options.get('query'); else return function(editor) { return editor.queryCommandState(name); }; } function observeStateChanges(element, name, handler) { var toolbar = this; var previousState = false; toolbar.editor.observe("wysihat:cursormove", function(event) { var state = handler(toolbar.editor); if (state != previousState) { previousState = state; toolbar.updateButtonState(element, name, state); } }); } function updateButtonState(element, name, state) { if (state) element.addClassName('selected'); else element.removeClassName('selected'); } return { initialize: initialize, createToolbarElement: createToolbarElement, addButtonSet: addButtonSet, addButton: addButton, createButtonElement: createButtonElement, buttonHandler: buttonHandler, observeButtonClick: observeButtonClick, buttonStateHandler: buttonStateHandler, observeStateChanges: observeStateChanges, updateButtonState: updateButtonState }; })()); WysiHat.Toolbar.ButtonSets = {}; WysiHat.Toolbar.ButtonSets.Basic = $A([ { label: "Bold" }, { label: "Underline" }, { label: "Italic" } ]);