# NOTE: Some translation keys make use of matches from regular expressions # to manipulate whitespace and order. Please consult the source code for # Stringex::Localization::ConversionExpressions to see what those # regular expressions look like if you need to manipulate the order # differently than the usage below. en: stringex: characters: and: and at: at divide: divided by degrees: degrees dot: \1 dot \2 ellipsis: dot dot dot equals: equals number: number percent: percent plus: plus slash: slash star: star currencies: generic: \1 pounds dollars: \1 dollars dollars_cents: \1 dollars \2 cents pounds: \1 pounds pounds_pence: \1 pounds \2 pence euros: \1 euros euros_cents: \1 euros \2 cents yen: \1 yen reais: \1 reais reais_cents: \1 reais \2 cents html_entities: amp: and cent: " cents" copy: (c) deg: " degrees " divide: " divided by " double_quote: '"' ellipsis: "..." en_dash: "-" em_dash: "--" frac14: one fourth frac12: half frac34: three fourths gt: ">" lt: < nbsp: " " pound: " pounds " reg: (r) single_quote: "'" times: x trade: (tm) yen: " yen " vulgar_fractions: half: half one_third: one third two_thirds: two thirds one_fourth: one fourth three_fourths: three fourths one_fifth: one fifth two_fifths: two fifths three_fifths: three fifths four_fifths: four fifths one_sixth: one sixth five_sixths: five sixths one_eighth: one eighth three_eighths: three eighths five_eighths: five eighths seven_eighths: seven eighths