# # = Random Number Distributions # This chapter describes functions for generating random variates and computing # their probability distributions. Samples from the distributions described # in this chapter can be obtained using any of the random number generators # in the library as an underlying source of randomness. # # In the simplest cases a non-uniform distribution can be obtained analytically # from the uniform distribution of a random number generator by applying an # appropriate transformation. This method uses one call to the random number # generator. More complicated distributions are created by the # acceptance-rejection method, which compares the desired distribution against # a distribution which is similar and known analytically. This usually requires # several samples from the generator. # # The library also provides cumulative distribution functions and inverse # cumulative distribution functions, sometimes referred to as quantile # functions. The cumulative distribution functions and their inverses are # computed separately for the upper and lower tails of the distribution, # allowing full accuracy to be retained for small results. # # Contents: # 1. {Introduction}[link:files/rdoc/randist_rdoc.html#1] # 1. {The Gaussian Distribution}[link:files/rdoc/randist_rdoc.html#2] # 1. {The Gaussian Tail Distribution}[link:files/rdoc/randist_rdoc.html#3] # ... # and more, see {the GSL reference}[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/"target="_top] # 1. {Shuffling and Sampling}[link:files/rdoc/randist_rdoc.html#7] # # == {}[link:index.html"name="1] Introduction # Continuous random number distributions are defined by a probability density # function, p(x), such that the probability of x occurring in the # infinitesimal range x to x+dx is p dx. # # The cumulative distribution function for the lower tail P(x) is defined by the # integral, and gives the probability of a variate taking a value less than x. # # The cumulative distribution function for the upper tail Q(x) is defined by the # integral, and gives the probability of a variate taking a value greater than # x. # # The upper and lower cumulative distribution functions are related # by P(x) + Q(x) = 1 and satisfy 0 <= P(x) <= 1, 0 <= Q(x) <= 1. # # The inverse cumulative distributions, x=P^{-1}(P) and x=Q^{-1}(Q) give the # values of x which correspond to a specific value of P or Q. They can be used # to find confidence limits from probability values. # # For discrete distributions the probability of sampling the integer value k is # given by p(k), where \sum_k p(k) = 1. The cumulative distribution for the # lower tail P(k) of a discrete distribution is defined as, where the sum is # over the allowed range of the distribution less than or equal to k. # # The cumulative distribution for the upper tail of a discrete distribution Q(k) # is defined as giving the sum of probabilities for all values greater than k. # These two definitions satisfy the identity P(k)+Q(k)=1. # # If the range of the distribution is 1 to n inclusive then P(n)=1, Q(n)=0 # while P(1) = p(1), Q(1)=1-p(1). # # # # == {}[link:index.html"name="2] The Gaussian Distribution # --- # * GSL::Rng#gaussian(sigma = 1) # * GSL::Ran::gaussian(rng, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Rng#ugaussian # * GSL::Ran::ugaussian # # These return a Gaussian random variate, with mean zero and standard # deviation sigma. # # --- # * GSL::Ran::gaussian_pdf(x, sigma = 1) # # Computes the probability density p(x) at x for a Gaussian distribution # with standard deviation sigma. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#gaussian_ratio_method(sigma = 1) # * GSL::Ran::gaussian_ratio_method(rng, sigma = 1) # # Use Kinderman-Monahan ratio method. # # --- # * GSL::Cdf::gaussian_P(x, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Cdf::gaussian_Q(x, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Cdf::gaussian_Pinv(P, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Cdf::gaussian_Qinv(Q, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Cdf::ugaussian_P(x) # * GSL::Cdf::ugaussian_Q(x) # * GSL::Cdf::ugaussian_Pinv(P) # * GSL::Cdf::ugaussian_Qinv(Q) # # These methods compute the cumulative distribution functions P(x), Q(x) # and their inverses for the Gaussian distribution with standard # deviation sigma. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="3] The Gaussian Tail Distribution # --- # * GSL::Rng#gaussian_tail(a, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Ran#gaussian_tail(rng, a, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Rng#ugaussian_tail(a) # * GSL::Ran#ugaussian_tail(rng) # # These methods provide random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian # distribution with standard deviation sigma. # The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. # # --- # * GSL::Ran::gaussian_tail_pdf(x, a, sigma = 1) # * GSL::Ran::ugaussian_tail_pdf(x, a) # # These methods compute the probability density p(x) at x for a Gaussian # tail distribution with standard deviation sigma # and lower limit a. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="4] The Bivariate Gaussian Distribution # --- # * GSL::Rng#bivariate_gaussian(sigma_x, sigma_y, rho) # * GSL::Ran::bivariate_gaussian(rng, sigma_x, sigma_y, rho) # # These methods generate a pair of correlated gaussian variates, # with mean zero, correlation coefficient rho and standard deviations # sigma_x and sigma_y in the x and y directions. # # --- # * GSL::Ran::bivariate_gaussian_pdf(x, y, sigma_x, sigma_y, rho) # # This method computes the probability density p(x,y) at (x,y) # for a bivariate gaussian distribution with standard deviations # sigma_x, sigma_y and correlation coefficient rho. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="5] The Exponential Distribution # --- # * GSL::Rng#exponential(mu) # * GSL::Ran::exponential(rng, mu) # # These methods return a random variate from the exponential # distribution with mean mu. # # --- # * GSL::Ran::exponential_pdf(x, mu) # # This method computes the probability density p(x) at x # for an exponential distribution with mean mu. # # --- # * GSL::Cdf::exponential_P(x, mu) # * GSL::Cdf::exponential_Q(x, mu) # * GSL::Cdf::exponential_Pinv(P, mu) # * GSL::Cdf::exponential_Qinv(Q, mu) # # These methods compute the cumulative distribution functions P(x), Q(x) # and their inverses for the exponential distribution with mean mu. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="6] The Laplace Distribution # --- # * GSL::Rng#laplace(a) # * GSL::Ran::laplace(rng, a) # # These methods return a random variate from the Laplace distribution # with width a. # # --- # * GSL::Ran::laplace_pdf(x, a) # # This method computes the probability density p(x) at x # for a Laplace distribution with width a. # # --- # * GSL::Cdf::laplace_P(x, a) # * GSL::Cdf::laplace_Q(x, a) # * GSL::Cdf::laplace_Pinv(P, a) # * GSL::Cdf::laplace_Qinv(Q, a) # # These methods compute the cumulative distribution functions P(x), Q(x) # and their inverses for the Laplace distribution with width a. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#exppow(a, b) # * GSL::Rng#cauchy(a) # * GSL::Rng#rayleigh(sigma) # * GSL::Rng#rayleigh_tail(a, sigma) # * GSL::Rng#landau() # * GSL::Rng#levy(c, alpha) # * GSL::Rng#levy_skew(c, alpha, beta) # * GSL::Rng#gamma(a, b) # * GSL::Rng#flat(a, b) # * GSL::Rng#lognormal(zeta, sigma) # * GSL::Rng#chisq(nu) # * GSL::Rng#fdist(nu1, nu2) # * GSL::Rng#tdist(nu) # * GSL::Rng#beta(a, b) # * GSL::Rng#logistic(a) # * GSL::Rng#pareto(a, b) # # # ... # # and more, see {the GSL reference}[http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref_19.html#SEC286"target="_top]. # # == {}[link:index.html"name="7] Shuffling and Sampling # --- # * GSL::Rng#shuffle(v, n) # # This randomly shuffles the order of n objects, # stored in the {GSL::Vector}[link:files/rdoc/vector_rdoc.html] object v. # --- # * GSL::Rng#choose(v, k) # # This returns a {GSL::Vector}[link:files/rdoc/vector_rdoc.html] object with k objects # taken randomly from the {GSL::Vector}[link:files/rdoc/vector_rdoc.html] object v. # # The objects are sampled without replacement, thus each object can only # appear once in the returned vector. It is required that k be less # than or equal to the length of the vector v. # # --- # * GSL::Rng#sample(v, k) # # This method is like the method choose but samples k items # from the original vector v with replacement, so the same object # can appear more than once in the output sequence. There is no requirement # that k be less than the length of v. # # {prev}[link:files/rdoc/qrng_rdoc.html] # {next}[link:files/rdoc/stats_rdoc.html] # # {Reference index}[link:files/rdoc/ref_rdoc.html] # {top}[link:files/rdoc/index_rdoc.html] # #