module Nanoc::CLI class CompileCommand < Cri::Command # :nodoc: def name 'compile' end def aliases [] end def short_desc 'compile pages and assets of this site' end def long_desc 'Compile all pages and all assets of the current site. If a path is ' + 'given, only the page or asset with the given path will be compiled. ' + 'Additionally, only pages and assets that are outdated will be ' + 'compiled, unless specified otherwise with the -a option.' end def usage "nanoc compile [options] [path]" end def option_definitions [ # --all { :long => 'all', :short => 'a', :argument => :forbidden, :desc => 'compile all pages and assets, even those that aren\'t outdated' }, # --pages { :long => 'pages', :short => 'P', :argument => :forbidden, :desc => 'only compile pages (no assets)' }, # --assets { :long => 'assets', :short => 'A', :argument => :forbidden, :desc => 'only compile assets (no pages)' }, # --only-outdated { :long => 'only-outdated', :short => 'o', :argument => :forbidden, :desc => 'only compile outdated pages and assets' }, ] end def run(options, arguments) # Make sure we are in a nanoc site directory @base.require_site # Find object with given path if arguments.size == 0 # Find all pages and/or assets if options.has_key?(:pages) objs = elsif options.has_key?(:assets) objs = else objs = nil end else objs = do |path| # Find object path = path.cleaned_path obj = { |page| page.path == path } obj = { |asset| asset.path == path } if obj.nil? # Ensure object if obj.nil? $stderr.puts "Unknown page or asset: #{path}" exit 1 end obj end end # Compile site begin # Give feedback puts "Compiling #{objs.nil? ? 'site' : 'objects'}..." # Initialize profiling stuff time_before = @filter_times ||= {} @times_stack ||= [] setup_notifications # Parse all/only-outdated options if options.has_key?(:all) warn "WARNING: The --all option is no longer necessary as nanoc " + "2.2 compiles all pages and assets by default. To change this " + "behaviour, use the --only-outdated option." end compile_all = options.has_key?(:'only-outdated') ? false : true # Compile objs, :even_when_not_outdated => compile_all ) # Find reps page_reps = { |p| p.reps }.flatten asset_reps = { |a| a.reps }.flatten reps = page_reps + asset_reps # Show skipped reps { |r| !r.compiled? }.each do |rep| duration = @rep_times[rep.disk_path] Nanoc::CLI::Logger.instance.file(:low, :skip, rep.disk_path, duration) end # Show non-written reps { |r| r.compiled? && r.attribute_named(:skip_output) }.each do |rep| duration = @rep_times[rep.disk_path] Nanoc::CLI::Logger.instance.file(:low, :'not written', rep.disk_path, duration) end # Give general feedback puts puts "No objects were modified." unless reps.any? { |r| r.modified? } puts "#{objs.nil? ? 'Site' : 'Object'} compiled in #{format('%.2f', - time_before)}s." if options.has_key?(:verbose) print_state_feedback(reps) print_profiling_feedback(reps) end rescue Interrupt => e exit rescue Exception => e print_error(e) end end private def setup_notifications Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:compilation_started) do |rep| rep_compilation_started(rep) end Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:compilation_ended) do |rep| rep_compilation_ended(rep) end Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:filtering_started) do |rep, filter_name| rep_filtering_started(rep, filter_name) end Nanoc::NotificationCenter.on(:filtering_ended) do |rep, filter_name| rep_filtering_ended(rep, filter_name) end end def print_state_feedback(reps) # Categorise reps rest = reps created, rest = *rest.partition { |r| r.created? } modified, rest = *rest.partition { |r| r.modified? } skipped, rest = *rest.partition { |r| !r.compiled? } not_written, rest = *rest.partition { |r| r.compiled? && r.attribute_named(:skip_output) } identical = rest # Print puts puts format(' %4d created', created.size) puts format(' %4d modified', modified.size) puts format(' %4d skipped', skipped.size) puts format(' %4d not written', not_written.size) puts format(' %4d identical', identical.size) end def print_profiling_feedback(reps) # Get max filter length max_filter_name_length = { |k| k.to_s.size }.max return if max_filter_name_length.nil? # Print warning if necessary if reps.any? { |r| !r.compiled? } $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "Warning: profiling information may not be accurate because " + "some objects were not compiled." end # Print header puts puts ' ' * max_filter_name_length + ' | count min avg max tot' puts '-' * max_filter_name_length + '-+-----------------------------------' @filter_times.to_a.sort_by { |r| r[1] }.each do |row| # Extract data filter_name, samples = *row # Calculate stats count = samples.size min = samples.min tot = samples.inject { |memo, i| memo + i} avg = tot/count max = samples.max # Format stats count = format('%4d', count) min = format('%4.2f', min) avg = format('%4.2f', avg) max = format('%4.2f', max) tot = format('%5.2f', tot) # Output stats filter_name = format("%#{max_filter_name_length}s", filter_name) puts "#{filter_name} | #{count} #{min}s #{avg}s #{max}s #{tot}s" end end def print_error(error) # Get rep rep = { |i| i.is_a?(Nanoc::PageRep) || i.is_a?(Nanoc::AssetRep) }[-1] rep_name = rep.nil? ? 'the site' : "#{rep.is_a?(Nanoc::PageRep) ? : rep.asset.path} (rep #{})" # Build message case error when Nanoc::Errors::UnknownLayoutError message = "Unknown layout: #{error.message}" when Nanoc::Errors::UnknownFilterError message = "Unknown filter: #{error.message}" when Nanoc::Errors::CannotDetermineFilterError message = "Cannot determine filter for layout: #{error.message}" when Nanoc::Errors::RecursiveCompilationError message = "Recursive call to page content." when Nanoc::Errors::NoLongerSupportedError message = "No longer supported: #{error.message}" else message = "Error: #{error.message}" end # Print message $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "ERROR: An exception occured while compiling #{rep_name}." $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "If you think this is a bug in nanoc, please do report it at " + " -- thanks!" $stderr.puts $stderr.puts 'Message:' $stderr.puts ' ' + message $stderr.puts $stderr.puts 'Compilation stack:' do |item| if item.is_a?(Nanoc::PageRep) # page rep $stderr.puts " - [page] #{} (rep #{})" elsif item.is_a?(Nanoc::AssetRep) # asset rep $stderr.puts " - [asset] #{item.asset.path} (rep #{})" else # layout $stderr.puts " - [layout] #{item.path}" end end $stderr.puts $stderr.puts 'Backtrace:' $stderr.puts { |t| ' - ' + t }.join("\n") end def rep_compilation_started(rep) # Profile compilation @rep_times ||= {} @rep_times[rep.disk_path] = end def rep_compilation_ended(rep) # Profile compilation @rep_times ||= {} @rep_times[rep.disk_path] = - @rep_times[rep.disk_path] # Skip if not outputted return if rep.attribute_named(:skip_output) # Get action and level action, level = *if rep.created? [ :create, :high ] elsif rep.modified? [ :update, :high ] elsif !rep.compiled? [ nil, nil ] else [ :identical, :low ] end # Log unless action.nil? duration = @rep_times[rep.disk_path] Nanoc::CLI::Logger.instance.file(level, action, rep.disk_path, duration) end end def rep_filtering_started(rep, filter_name) @times_stack.push( end def rep_filtering_ended(rep, filter_name) # Get last time time_start = @times_stack.pop # Update times @filter_times[filter_name.to_sym] ||= [] @filter_times[filter_name.to_sym] << - time_start end end end