Given /^a known RTSP server$/ do @server_url = "rtsp://" @client = do |connection| connection.socket = @fake_server connection.timeout = 3 end end When /^I make a "([^"]*)" request$/ do |method| =begin @response = RTSP::Request.execute({ :method => method.to_sym, :resource_url => @server_url } ) =end @response = @client.send(method.to_sym) end When /^I make a "([^"]*)" request with headers:$/ do |method, headers_table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table headers = {} headers_table.hashes.each do |hash| header_type = hash["header"].to_sym headers[header_type] = hash["value"] end =begin @response = RTSP::Request.execute({ :method => method.to_sym, :headers => headers, :resource_url => @server_url } ) =end @response = @client.send(method.to_sym, headers) end Then /^I should receive an RTSP response to that OPTIONS request$/ do @response.is_a?(RTSP::Response).should be_true @response.code.should == 200 @response.message.should == "OK" @response.cseq.should == 1 @response.public.should == "DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE" @response.body.should be_empty end Then /^I should receive an RTSP response to that DESCRIBE request$/ do @response.is_a?(RTSP::Response).should be_true @response.code.should == 200 @response.message.should == "OK" @response.server.should == "DSS/5.5 (Build/489.7; Platform/Linux; Release/Darwin; )" @response.cseq.should == 1 @response.body.is_a?(SDP::Description).should be_true @response.body.protocol_version.should == "0" @response.body.username.should == "-" end Then /^I should receive an RTSP response to that ANNOUNCE request$/ do @response.is_a?(RTSP::Response).should be_true @response.code.should == 200 @response.message.should == "OK" @response.server.should == "DSS/5.5 (Build/489.7; Platform/Linux; Release/Darwin; )" @response.cseq.should == 1 end Then /^I should receive an RTSP response to that SETUP request$/ do @response.is_a?(RTSP::Response).should be_true @response.code.should == 200 @response.message.should == "OK" @response.server.should == "DSS/5.5 (Build/489.7; Platform/Linux; Release/Darwin; )" @response.cseq.should == 1 @response.transport.should == "" end