class GeoDirectionMisMatch < StandardError; end; class String def to_rad parse_dms.to_rad end def trim strip end def geo_clean self.gsub(/^\(/, '').gsub(/\)$/, '').trim end def to_lat_lng a = geo_clean.split(',').map(&:strip) a = (a.last.is_a?(String) && a.last =~ /[N|S]$/) ? a.reverse : a a.to_lat_lng end def to_lng_lat a = geo_clean.split(',') a = (a.last.is_a?(String) && a.last =~ /[N|S]$/) ? a.reverse : a a.to_lng_lat end def to_lat raise "An empty String has no latitude" if self.empty? s = geo_clean raise GeoDirectionMisMatch, "Direction E and W signify longitude and thus can't be converted to latitude, was: #{self}" if s =~ /[W|E]$/ s = s.parse_dms if s.respond_to? :parse_dms rescue GeoUnits::Converter::Dms::ParseError ensure s.to_f.to_lat end def to_lng raise "An empty String has no latitude" if self.empty? s = geo_clean raise GeoDirectionMisMatch, "Direction N and S signify latitude and thus can't be converted to longitude, was: #{self}" if s =~ /[N|S]$/ s = s.parse_dms if s.respond_to? :parse_dms rescue GeoUnits::Converter::Dms::ParseError ensure s.to_f.to_lng end end