# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'acceptance/webmock_shared' require 'ostruct' unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/ require 'acceptance/em_http_request/em_http_request_spec_helper' describe "EM::HttpRequest" do include EMHttpRequestSpecHelper include_context "with WebMock", :no_status_message #functionality only supported for em-http-request 1.x if defined?(EventMachine::HttpConnection) context 'when a real request is made and redirects are followed', net_connect: true do before { WebMock.allow_net_connect! } # This url redirects to the https URL. let(:http_url) { "http://raw.github.com:80/gist/fb555cb593f3349d53af/6921dd638337d3f6a51b0e02e7f30e3c414f70d6/vcr_gist" } let(:https_url) { http_url.gsub('http', 'https').gsub('80', '443') } def make_request EM.run do request = EM::HttpRequest.new(http_url).get(redirects: 1) request.callback { EM.stop } end end it "invokes the globally_stub_request hook with both requests" do urls = [] WebMock.globally_stub_request { |r| urls << r.uri.to_s; nil } make_request expect(urls).to eq([http_url, https_url]) end it 'invokes the after_request hook with both requests' do urls = [] WebMock.after_request { |req, res| urls << req.uri.to_s } make_request expect(urls).to eq([http_url, https_url]) end end describe "with middleware" do it "should work with request middleware" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").with(body: 'bar') middleware = Class.new do def request(client, head, body) [{}, 'bar'] end end EM.run do conn = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://www.example.com/') conn.use middleware http = conn.get(body: 'foo') http.callback do expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, "www.example.com").with(body: 'bar') EM.stop end end end it "only calls request middleware once" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com") middleware = Class.new do def self.called! @called = called + 1 end def self.called @called || 0 end def request(client, head, body) self.class.called! [head, body] end end EM.run do conn = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://www.example.com/') conn.use middleware http = conn.get http.callback do expect(middleware.called).to eq(1) EM.stop end end end let(:response_middleware) do Class.new do def response(resp) resp.response = 'bar' end end end it "should work with response middleware" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").to_return(body: 'foo') EM.run do conn = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://www.example.com/') conn.use response_middleware http = conn.get http.callback do expect(http.response).to eq('bar') EM.stop end end end let(:webmock_server_url) { "http://#{WebMockServer.instance.host_with_port}/" } shared_examples_for "em-http-request middleware/after_request hook integration" do it 'yields the original raw body to the after_request hook even if a response middleware modifies the body' do yielded_response_body = nil ::WebMock.after_request do |request, response| yielded_response_body = response.body end EM::HttpRequest.use response_middleware EM.run do http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new(webmock_server_url).get http.callback { EM.stop } end expect(yielded_response_body).to eq("hello world") end end context 'making a real request', net_connect: true do before { WebMock.allow_net_connect! } include_examples "em-http-request middleware/after_request hook integration" it "only calls request middleware once" do middleware = Class.new do def self.called! @called = called + 1 end def self.called @called || 0 end def request(client, head, body) self.class.called! [head, body] end end EM.run do conn = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new(webmock_server_url) conn.use middleware http = conn.get http.callback do expect(middleware.called).to eq(1) EM.stop end end end end context 'when the request is stubbed' do before { stub_request(:get, webmock_server_url).to_return(body: 'hello world') } include_examples "em-http-request middleware/after_request hook integration" end end it 'should trigger error callbacks asynchronously' do stub_request(:get, 'www.example.com').to_timeout called = false EM.run do conn = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://www.example.com/') http = conn.get http.errback do called = true EM.stop end expect(called).to eq(false) end expect(called).to eq(true) end # not pretty, but it works if defined?(EventMachine::Synchrony) describe "with synchrony" do let(:webmock_em_http) { File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/em_http_request/em_http_request_1_x.rb")) } before(:each) do # need to reload the webmock em-http adapter after we require synchrony WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::EmHttpRequestAdapter.disable! $".delete webmock_em_http $".delete File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/em_http_request_adapter.rb")) require 'em-synchrony' require 'em-synchrony/em-http' require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/em_http_request_adapter.rb")) end it "should work" do stub_request(:post, /.*.testserver.com*/).to_return(status: 200, body: 'ok') expect { EM.run do fiber = Fiber.new do EM::HttpRequest.new("http://www.testserver.com").post body: "foo=bar&baz=bang", timeout: 60 EM.stop end fiber.resume end }.not_to raise_error end after(:each) do EM.send(:remove_const, :Synchrony) EM.send(:remove_const, :HTTPMethods) WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::EmHttpRequestAdapter.disable! $".reject! {|path| path.include? "em-http-request"} $".delete webmock_em_http $".delete File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/em_http_request_adapter.rb")) require 'em-http-request' require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../../../lib/webmock/http_lib_adapters/em_http_request_adapter.rb")) end end end end it "should work with streaming" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").to_return(body: "abc") response = "" EM.run { http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://www.example.com/').get http.stream { |chunk| response = chunk; EM.stop } } expect(response).to eq("abc") end it "should work with responses that use chunked transfer encoding" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com").to_return(body: "abc", headers: { 'Transfer-Encoding' => 'chunked' }) expect(http_request(:get, "http://www.example.com").body).to eq("abc") end it "should work with optional query params" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com/?x=3&a[]=b&a[]=c").to_return(body: "abc") expect(http_request(:get, "http://www.example.com/?x=3", query: {"a" => ["b", "c"]}).body).to eq("abc") end it "should work with optional query params declared as string" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com/?x=3&a[]=b&a[]=c").to_return(body: "abc") expect(http_request(:get, "http://www.example.com/?x=3", query: "a[]=b&a[]=c").body).to eq("abc") end it "should work when the body is passed as a Hash" do stub_request(:post, "www.example.com").with(body: {a: "1", b: "2"}).to_return(body: "ok") expect(http_request(:post, "http://www.example.com", body: {a: "1", b: "2"}).body).to eq("ok") end if defined?(EventMachine::HttpConnection) it "should work when a file is passed as body" do stub_request(:post, "www.example.com").with(body: File.read(__FILE__)).to_return(body: "ok") expect(http_request(:post, "http://www.example.com", file: __FILE__).body).to eq("ok") end end it "should work with UTF-8 strings" do body = "Привет, Мир!" stub_request(:post, "www.example.com").to_return(body: body) expect(http_request(:post, "http://www.example.com").body.bytesize).to eq(body.bytesize) end it "should work with multiple requests to the same connection" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com/foo").to_return(body: "bar") stub_request(:get, "www.example.com/baz").to_return(body: "wombat") err1 = nil err2 = nil body1 = nil body2 = nil i = 0 EM.run do conn = EM::HttpRequest.new("http://www.example.com") conn.get(path: "/foo").callback do |resp| body1 = resp.response i += 1; EM.stop if i == 2 end.errback do |resp| err1 = resp.error i += 1; EM.stop if i == 2 end conn.get(path: "/baz").callback do |resp| body2 = resp.response i += 1; EM.stop if i == 2 end.errback do |resp| err2 = resp.error i += 1; EM.stop if i == 2 end end expect(err1).to be(nil) expect(err2).to be(nil) expect(body1).to eq("bar") expect(body2).to eq("wombat") end it "should work with multiple requests to the same connection when the first request times out" do stub_request(:get, "www.example.com/foo").to_timeout.then.to_return(status: 200, body: "wombat") err = nil body = nil EM.run do conn = EM::HttpRequest.new("http://www.example.com") conn.get(path: "/foo").callback do |resp| err = :success_from_timeout EM.stop end.errback do |resp| conn.get(path: "/foo").callback do |retry_resp| expect(retry_resp.response_header.status).to eq(200) body = retry_resp.response EM.stop end.errback do |retry_resp| err = retry_resp.error EM.stop end end end expect(err).to be(nil) expect(body).to eq("wombat") end describe "mocking EM::HttpClient API" do let(:uri) { "http://www.example.com/" } before do stub_request(:get, uri) WebMock::HttpLibAdapters::EmHttpRequestAdapter.enable! end def client(uri, options = {}) client = nil EM.run do client = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new(uri).get(options) client.callback { EM.stop } client.errback { failed } end client end subject { client(uri) } it 'should support #uri' do expect(subject.uri).to eq(Addressable::URI.parse(uri)) end it 'should support #last_effective_url' do expect(subject.last_effective_url).to eq(Addressable::URI.parse(uri)) end context "with a query" do let(:uri) { "http://www.example.com/?a=1&b=2" } subject { client("http://www.example.com/?a=1", query: { 'b' => 2 }) } it "#request_signature doesn't mutate the original uri" do expect(subject.uri).to eq(Addressable::URI.parse("http://www.example.com/?a=1")) signature = WebMock::RequestRegistry.instance.requested_signatures.hash.keys.first expect(signature.uri).to eq(Addressable::URI.parse(uri)) end end describe 'get_response_cookie' do before(:each) do stub_request(:get, "http://example.org/"). to_return( status: 200, body: "", headers: { 'Set-Cookie' => cookie_string } ) end describe 'success' do context 'with only one cookie' do let(:cookie_name) { 'name_of_the_cookie' } let(:cookie_value) { 'value_of_the_cookie' } let(:cookie_string) { "#{cookie_name}=#{cookie_value}" } it 'successfully gets the cookie' do EM.run { http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://example.org').get http.errback { fail(http.error) } http.callback { expect(http.get_response_cookie(cookie_name)).to eq(cookie_value) EM.stop } } end end context 'with several cookies' do let(:cookie_name) { 'name_of_the_cookie' } let(:cookie_value) { 'value_of_the_cookie' } let(:cookie_2_name) { 'name_of_the_2nd_cookie' } let(:cookie_2_value) { 'value_of_the_2nd_cookie' } let(:cookie_string) { %W(#{cookie_name}=#{cookie_value} #{cookie_2_name}=#{cookie_2_value}) } it 'successfully gets both cookies' do EM.run { http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://example.org').get http.errback { fail(http.error) } http.callback { expect(http.get_response_cookie(cookie_name)).to eq(cookie_value) expect(http.get_response_cookie(cookie_2_name)).to eq(cookie_2_value) EM.stop } } end end end describe 'failure' do let(:cookie_string) { 'a=b' } it 'returns nil when no cookie is found' do EM.run { http = EventMachine::HttpRequest.new('http://example.org').get http.errback { fail(http.error) } http.callback { expect(http.get_response_cookie('not_found_cookie')).to eq(nil) EM.stop } } end end end end end end