en: riak: client_type: "invalid argument {{client}} is not a Riak::Client" string_type: "invalid_argument {{string}} is not a String" loading_bucket: "while loading bucket '{{name}}'" invalid_bucket: "the specified bucket is invalid" invalid_key: "the specified key is invalid or does not exist" siblings_disallowed: "the specified bucket does not allow siblings. Set allow_mult in props to do this." value_empty: "a value must be set in order to serialize into a protocol buffer" failed_request: "Expected message code {{expected}} from Riak but received {{actual}}. {{output}}" decode_error: "Riak reported a message length of {{expected}} but length was {{actual}}. {{output}}" save_resp_siblings: "The save operation has resulted in unresolved siblings. {{output}}" save_resp_err: "The attempted save operation resulted in an error response from riak." failed_rx: "You might have discovered a bug. {{failure}}" hash_type: "invalid argument {{hash}} is not a Hash" path_and_body_required: "You must supply both a resource path and a body." request_body_type: "Request body must be a string or IO." resource_path_short: "Resource path too short" missing_host_and_port: "You must specify a host and port, or use the defaults of" invalid_client_id: "Invalid client ID, must be a string or between 0 and {{max_id}}" hostname_invalid: "host must be a valid hostname" port_invalid: "port must be an integer between 0 and 65535" install_curb: "curb library not found! Please `gem install curb` for better performance." bucket_link_conversion: "Can't convert a bucket link to a walk spec" invalid_phase_type: "type must be :map, :reduce, or :link" module_function_pair_required: "function must have two elements when an array" stored_function_invalid: "function must have :bucket and :key when a hash" walk_spec_invalid_unless_link: "WalkSpec is only valid for a function when the type is :link" invalid_function_value: "invalid value for function: {{value}}" content_type_undefined: "content_type is not defined!" too_few_arguments: "too few arguments: {{params}}" wrong_argument_count_walk_spec: "wrong number of arguments (one Hash or bucket,tag,keep required)" boolean_type: "invalid_argument {{value}} is not true or false" fixnum_type: "invalid_argument {{value}} must be an integer" error_response: "the riak node responded with an error message code" unresolved_siblings: "this Key contains unresolved siblings, which must first be resolved" empty_content: "key instance cannot be serialized into a protobuf without a valid key name and content"