dojo.provide("dojox.charting.axis2d.Default"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.scaler.linear"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.axis2d.common"); dojo.require("dojox.charting.axis2d.Base"); dojo.require("dojo.colors"); dojo.require("dojo.string"); dojo.require("dojox.gfx"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.functional"); dojo.require("dojox.lang.utils"); (function(){ var dc = dojox.charting, df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils, g = dojox.gfx, lin = dc.scaler.linear, labelGap = 4; // in pixels dojo.declare("dojox.charting.axis2d.Default", dojox.charting.axis2d.Base, { defaultParams: { vertical: false, // true for vertical axis fixUpper: "none", // align the upper on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none" fixLower: "none", // align the lower on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none" natural: false, // all tick marks should be made on natural numbers leftBottom: true, // position of the axis, used with "vertical" includeZero: false, // 0 should be included fixed: true, // all labels are fixed numbers majorLabels: true, // draw major labels minorTicks: true, // draw minor ticks minorLabels: true, // draw minor labels microTicks: false, // draw micro ticks htmlLabels: true // use HTML to draw labels }, optionalParams: { min: 0, // minimal value on this axis max: 1, // maximal value on this axis from: 0, // visible from this value to: 1, // visible to this value majorTickStep: 4, // major tick step minorTickStep: 2, // minor tick step microTickStep: 1, // micro tick step labels: [], // array of labels for major ticks // with corresponding numeric values // ordered by values // theme components stroke: {}, // stroke for an axis majorTick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick minorTick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick font: "", // font for labels fontColor: "" // color for labels as a string }, constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){ this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams); du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs); du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams); }, dependOnData: function(){ return !("min" in this.opt) || !("max" in this.opt); }, clear: function(){ delete this.scaler; delete this.ticks; this.dirty = true; return this; }, initialized: function(){ return "scaler" in this && !(this.dirty && this.dependOnData()); }, setWindow: function(scale, offset){ this.scale = scale; this.offset = offset; return this.clear(); }, getWindowScale: function(){ return "scale" in this ? this.scale : 1; }, getWindowOffset: function(){ return "offset" in this ? this.offset : 0; }, calculate: function(min, max, span, labels){ if(this.initialized()){ return this; } this.labels = "labels" in this.opt ? this.opt.labels : labels; this.scaler = lin.buildScaler(min, max, span, this.opt); if("scale" in this){ // calculate new range this.opt.from = this.scaler.bounds.lower + this.offset; = (this.scaler.bounds.upper - this.scaler.bounds.lower) / this.scale + this.opt.from; // make sure that bounds are correct if(!isFinite(this.opt.from) || isNaN(this.opt.from) || !isFinite( || isNaN( || - this.opt.from >= this.scaler.bounds.upper - this.scaler.bounds.lower){ // any error --- remove from/to bounds delete this.opt.from; delete; delete this.scale; delete this.offset; }else{ // shift the window, if we are out of bounds if(this.opt.from < this.scaler.bounds.lower){ += this.scaler.bounds.lower - this.opt.from; this.opt.from = this.scaler.bounds.lower; }else if( > this.scaler.bounds.upper){ this.opt.from += this.scaler.bounds.upper -; = this.scaler.bounds.upper; } // update the offset this.offset = this.opt.from - this.scaler.bounds.lower; } // re-calculate the scaler this.scaler = lin.buildScaler(min, max, span, this.opt); // cleanup if(this.scale == 1 && this.offset == 0){ delete this.scale; delete this.offset; } } var minMinorStep = 0, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, taFont = "font" in this.opt ? this.opt.font : ta.font, size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0; if(this.vertical){ if(size){ minMinorStep = size + labelGap; } }else{ if(size){ var labelWidth, i; if(this.labels){ labelWidth = df.foldl(, function(label){ return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(label.text, {font: taFont}).w; }), "Math.max(a, b)", 0); }else{ var labelLength = Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.max(Math.abs(this.scaler.bounds.from), Math.abs( / Math.LN10), t = []; if(this.scaler.bounds.from < 0 || < 0){ t.push("-"); } t.push(dojo.string.rep("9", labelLength)); var precision = Math.floor(Math.log( - this.scaler.bounds.from) / Math.LN10); if(precision > 0){ t.push("."); for(i = 0; i < precision; ++i){ t.push("9"); } } labelWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(t.join(""), {font: taFont}).w; } minMinorStep = labelWidth + labelGap; } } this.scaler.minMinorStep = minMinorStep; this.ticks = lin.buildTicks(this.scaler, this.opt); return this; }, getScaler: function(){ return this.scaler; }, getTicks: function(){ return this.ticks; }, getOffsets: function(){ var offsets = {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0}, labelWidth, a, b, c, d, gtb = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox, gl = dc.scaler.common.getNumericLabel, offset = 0, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, taFont = "font" in this.opt ? this.opt.font : ta.font, taMajorTick = "majorTick" in this.opt ? this.opt.majorTick : ta.majorTick, taMinorTick = "minorTick" in this.opt ? this.opt.minorTick : ta.minorTick, size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0, s = this.scaler; if(!s){ return offsets; } if(this.vertical){ if(size){ if(this.labels){ labelWidth = df.foldl(, function(label){ return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(label.text, {font: taFont}).w; }), "Math.max(a, b)", 0); }else{ a = gtb(gl(s.major.start, s.major.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; b = gtb(gl(s.major.start + s.major.count * s.major.tick, s.major.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; c = gtb(gl(s.minor.start, s.minor.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; d = gtb(gl(s.minor.start + s.minor.count * s.minor.tick, s.minor.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; labelWidth = Math.max(a, b, c, d); } offset = labelWidth + labelGap; } offset += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length); offsets[this.opt.leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = offset; offsets.t = offsets.b = size / 2; }else{ if(size){ offset = size + labelGap; } offset += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length); offsets[this.opt.leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = offset; if(size){ if(this.labels){ labelWidth = df.foldl(, function(label){ return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(label.text, {font: taFont}).w; }), "Math.max(a, b)", 0); }else{ a = gtb(gl(s.major.start, s.major.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; b = gtb(gl(s.major.start + s.major.count * s.major.tick, s.major.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; c = gtb(gl(s.minor.start, s.minor.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; d = gtb(gl(s.minor.start + s.minor.count * s.minor.tick, s.minor.prec, this.opt), {font: taFont}).w; labelWidth = Math.max(a, b, c, d); } offsets.l = offsets.r = labelWidth / 2; } } return offsets; }, render: function(dim, offsets){ if(!this.dirty){ return this; } // prepare variable var start, stop, axisVector, tickVector, labelOffset, labelAlign, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, taStroke = "stroke" in this.opt ? this.opt.stroke : ta.stroke, taMajorTick = "majorTick" in this.opt ? this.opt.majorTick : ta.majorTick, taMinorTick = "minorTick" in this.opt ? this.opt.minorTick : ta.minorTick, taFont = "font" in this.opt ? this.opt.font : ta.font, taFontColor = "fontColor" in this.opt ? this.opt.fontColor : ta.fontColor, tickSize = Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length), size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0; if(this.vertical){ start = {y: dim.height - offsets.b}; stop = {y: offsets.t}; axisVector = {x: 0, y: -1}; if(this.opt.leftBottom){ start.x = stop.x = offsets.l; tickVector = {x: -1, y: 0}; labelAlign = "end"; }else{ start.x = stop.x = dim.width - offsets.r; tickVector = {x: 1, y: 0}; labelAlign = "start"; } labelOffset = {x: tickVector.x * (tickSize + labelGap), y: size * 0.4}; }else{ start = {x: offsets.l}; stop = {x: dim.width - offsets.r}; axisVector = {x: 1, y: 0}; labelAlign = "middle"; if(this.opt.leftBottom){ start.y = stop.y = dim.height - offsets.b; tickVector = {x: 0, y: 1}; labelOffset = {y: tickSize + labelGap + size}; }else{ start.y = stop.y = offsets.t; tickVector = {x: 0, y: -1}; labelOffset = {y: -tickSize - labelGap}; } labelOffset.x = 0; } // render shapes this.cleanGroup(); try{ var s =, c = this.scaler, t = this.ticks, canLabel, f = lin.getTransformerFromModel(this.scaler), forceHtmlLabels = dojox.gfx.renderer == "canvas", labelType = forceHtmlLabels || this.opt.htmlLabels && !dojo.isIE && !dojo.isOpera ? "html" : "gfx", dx = tickVector.x * taMajorTick.length, dy = tickVector.y * taMajorTick.length; s.createLine({x1: start.x, y1: start.y, x2: stop.x, y2: stop.y}).setStroke(taStroke); dojo.forEach(t.major, function(tick){ var offset = f(tick.value), elem, x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset, y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset; s.createLine({ x1: x, y1: y, x2: x + dx, y2: y + dy }).setStroke(taMajorTick); if(tick.label){ elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType] (this.chart, s, x + labelOffset.x, y + labelOffset.y, labelAlign, tick.label, taFont, taFontColor); if(labelType == "html"){ this.htmlElements.push(elem); } } }, this); dx = tickVector.x * taMinorTick.length; dy = tickVector.y * taMinorTick.length; canLabel = c.minMinorStep <= c.minor.tick * c.bounds.scale; dojo.forEach(t.minor, function(tick){ var offset = f(tick.value), elem, x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset, y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset; s.createLine({ x1: x, y1: y, x2: x + dx, y2: y + dy }).setStroke(taMinorTick); if(canLabel && tick.label){ elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType] (this.chart, s, x + labelOffset.x, y + labelOffset.y, labelAlign, tick.label, taFont, taFontColor); if(labelType == "html"){ this.htmlElements.push(elem); } } }, this); // use minor ticks for now //dx = tickVector.x * taMicroTick.length; //dy = tickVector.y * taMicroTick.length; dojo.forEach(t.micro, function(tick){ var offset = f(tick.value), elem, x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset, y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset; s.createLine({ x1: x, y1: y, x2: x + dx, y2: y + dy }).setStroke(taMinorTick); // use minor tick for now }, this); }catch(e){ // squelch } this.dirty = false; return this; } }); })();