version: 2.1 # Use 2.1 to enable using orbs and other features. # Declare the orbs that we'll use in our config. orbs: ruby: circleci/ruby@1.0 jobs: rubocop: parallelism: 1 docker: - image: cimg/ruby:3.2-node steps: - checkout - ruby/install-deps - run: name: Run Rubocop command: bundle exec rubocop test: parameters: ruby-image: type: string parallelism: 1 docker: - image: << parameters.ruby-image >> steps: - checkout - ruby/install-deps - run: name: Run tests command: bundle exec rspec -fd workflows: version: 2 checks: jobs: - rubocop - test: matrix: parameters: ruby-image: - cimg/ruby:2.6-node - cimg/ruby:2.7-node - cimg/ruby:3.0-node - cimg/ruby:3.1-node - cimg/ruby:3.2-node - cimg/ruby:3.3-node