module Netzke module Basepack # An extension for {Grid} that allows specifying (multiple) action columns. # Example: # # class Books < Netzke::Basepack::Grid # include Netzke::Basepack::ActionColumn # # def configure(c) # c.model = "Book" # super # end # # def columns # super + [:actions] # end # # column :actions do |c| # c.type = :action # c.actions = [ # # default handler will be on_delete_row # {name: :delete_row, tooltip: "Delete row", icon: :delete} # # # feel free to define more actions in this column # ] # end # # js_configure do |c| # # handler for column action 'delete_row' # c.on_delete_row = <<-JS # function(record){ # this.getSelectionModel().select(record); # this.onDel(); # } # JS # end # end module ActionColumn extend ActiveSupport::Concern def augment_column_config(c) if c[:type] == :action c.xtype = :actioncolumn c.items = {|a| build_action_config(a)}.netzke_jsonify end super end private def build_action_config(a) a = {name: a} if a.is_a?(Symbol) a[:handler] ||= a[:name] a.tap do |a| a[:tooltip] ||= a[:name].to_s.humanize a[:icon] ||= a[:name].to_sym a[:handler] = <<-JS function() { var cmp = Ext.getCmp('#{js_id}'), f = cmp.on#{a[:handler].to_s.camelize}; if (Ext.isFunction(f)) { f.apply(cmp, arguments); } else { Netzke.warning("Undefined handler for action '#{a[:name]}'"); } } JS a[:icon] = "#{Netzke::Core.icons_uri}/#{a[:icon]}.png" if a[:icon].is_a?(Symbol) end end end end end