require 'test/unit' module TestCentricity class ScreenSection < BaseScreenSectionObject include Test::Unit::Assertions attr_reader :context, :name attr_accessor :locator attr_accessor :parent attr_accessor :parent_list attr_accessor :list_index def initialize(name, parent, locator, context) @name = name @parent = parent @locator = locator @context = context @parent_list = nil @list_index = nil end def get_locator if && defined?(section_locator) my_locator = section_locator else my_locator = @locator end locators = [] if @context == :section && !@parent.nil? locators.push(@parent.get_locator) end if @parent_list.nil? locators.push(my_locator) else locators.push(@parent_list.get_locator) if @list_index.nil? locators.push(my_locator) else item_objects = @parent_list.item_refs if item_objects.nil? list_key = my_locator.keys[0] list_value = "#{my_locator.values[0]}[#{@list_index}]" else list_key = :object list_value = item_objects[@list_index - 1] end locators.push( { list_key => list_value } ) end end locators end def set_list_index(list, index = 1) @parent_list = list unless list.nil? @list_index = index end def get_item_count raise 'No parent list defined' if @parent_list.nil? @parent_list.get_item_count end def get_list_items items = [] (1..get_item_count).each do |item| set_list_index(nil, item) begin items.push(get_value) rescue scroll_into_view(@parent_list.scroll_mode) items.push(get_value) end end items end def get_object_type :section end def get_name @name end def set_parent(parent) @parent = parent end # Declare and instantiate a single generic UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of UI object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # The locator_strategy (a Symbol) specifies the selector strategy that Appium will use to find the UI element. Valid # selectors are accessibility_id:, id:, name:, class:, xpath:, predicate: (iOS only), class_chain: (iOS only), and # css: (WebViews in hybrid apps only). # * The locator_identifier (a String) is the value or attribute that uniquely and unambiguously identifies the UI element. # # @example # element :video_player, { accessibility_id: 'YouTube Video Player' } # def self.element(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppUIElement, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of generic UI Elements for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of UI objects (as a Symbol) and locator Hash # @example # elements drop_down_field: { accessibility_id: 'drop_trigger' }, # settings_item: { accessibility_id: 'settings' }, # log_out_item: { accessibility_id: 'logout' } # def self.elements(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| element(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single button UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of button object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # button :video_play, { accessibility_id: 'video icon play' } # def self.button(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppButton, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of buttons for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of buttons (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # buttons video_back: { accessibility_id: 'video icon backward' }, # video_play: { accessibility_id: 'video icon play' }, # video_pause: { accessibility_id: 'video icon stop' }, # video_forward: { accessibility_id: 'video icon forward' } # def self.buttons(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| button(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single textfield UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of textfield object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # textfield :payee_name_field, { xpath: '//android.widget.EditText[@content-desc="Full Name* input field"]' } # textfield :payee_name_field, { xpath: '//XCUIElementTypeTextField[@name="Full Name* input field"]' } # def self.textfield(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppTextField, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of textfields for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of textfields (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # textfields username_field: { accessibility_id: 'Username input field' }, # password_field: { accessibility_id: 'Password input field' } # def self.textfields(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| textfield(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single switch UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of switch object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # switch :debug_mode_switch, { accessibility_id: 'debug mode' } # def self.switch(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppSwitch, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of switches for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of switches (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # switches debug_mode_switch: { accessibility_id: 'debug mode' }, # metrics_switch: { accessibility_id: 'metrics' } # def self.switches(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| switch(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single checkbox UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of checkbox object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # checkbox :bill_address_check, { xpath: '//XCUIElementTypeOther[contains(@name, "billing checkbox")]'} # def self.checkbox(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppCheckBox, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of checkboxes for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of checkboxes (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # checkboxes bill_address_check: { xpath: '//XCUIElementTypeOther[contains(@name, "billing checkbox")]'}, # is_gift_check: { accessibility_id: 'is a gift' } # def self.checkboxes(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| checkbox(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single label UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of label object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # label :header_label, { accessibility_id: 'container header' } # def self.label(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppLabel, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of labels for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of labels (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # labels total_qty_value: { accessibility_id: 'total number' }, # total_price_value: { accessibility_id: 'total price' } # def self.labels(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| label(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single list UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of list object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # list :carousel_list, { accessibility_id: 'Carousel' } # def self.list(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppList, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of lists for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of lists (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # lists product_grid: { xpath: '//android.widget.ScrollView/android.view.ViewGroup' }, # cart_list: { xpath: '//android.widget.ScrollView[@content-desc="cart screen"]' } # def self.lists(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| list(element_name, locator) } end # Declare and instantiate a single image UI Element for this screen section object. # # @param element_name [Symbol] name of image object (as a symbol) # @param locator [Hash] { locator_strategy: locator_identifier } # @example # image :product_image, { xpath: '//XCUIElementTypeImage' } # def self.image(element_name, locator) define_section_element(element_name, TestCentricity::AppElements::AppImage, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of images for this screen section object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of images (as symbol) and locator Hash # @example # images empty_cart_image: { accessibility_id: 'empty_cart' }, # logo_image: { accessibility_id: 'WebdriverIO logo' } # def self.images(element_hash) element_hash.each_pair { |element_name, locator| image(element_name, locator) } end # Instantiate a single ScreenSection object within this ScreenSection object. # # @param section_name [Symbol] name of ScreenSection object (as a symbol) # @param class_name [Class] Class name of ScreenSection object # @example # section :nav_menu, NavMenu # def self.section(section_name, obj, locator = 0) define_section_element(section_name, obj, locator) end # Declare and instantiate a collection of ScreenSection objects for this ScreenSection object. # # @param element_hash [Hash] names of ScreenSections (as symbol) and class name # @example # sections product_grid_item: ProductGridItem, # sort_by_menu: SortByMenu # def self.sections(section_hash) section_hash.each_pair { |section_name, class_name| section(section_name, class_name) } end # Click on a screen Section object # # @example # # def click section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) end # Tap on a screen Section object # # @example # bar_chart_section.tap # def tap section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) driver.action .click_and_hold(section) .release .perform end # Double-tap on a screen Section object # # @example # bar_chart_section.double_tap # def double_tap section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) driver.action .click_and_hold(section) .release .pause(duration: 0.2) .click_and_hold(section) .release .perform end # Long press on a screen Section object # # @param duration [Float] duration of long press in seconds # @example # header_image.long_press(1.5) # def long_press(duration = 1) section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) driver.action .click_and_hold(section) .pause(duration: duration) .release .perform end # Scroll the screen Section object until it is visible. If scroll_mode is not specified, then vertical scrolling will # be used. # # @param scroll_mode [Symbol] :vertical (default) or :horizontal # @example # carousel_item.scroll_into_view(scroll_mode = :horizontal) # def scroll_into_view(scroll_mode = :vertical) return if visible? obj = element object_not_found_exception(obj) driver.action.move_to(obj).perform case scroll_mode when :vertical start_direction = :down end_direction = :up when :horizontal start_direction = :right end_direction = :left else raise "#{scroll_mode} is not a valid selector" end try_count = 8 direction = start_direction while hidden? swipe_gesture(direction, distance = 0.2) try_count -= 1 if if direction == end_direction break else direction = end_direction try_count = 8 end end end end # Does screen Section object exists? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.exists? # def exists? section = find_section section != nil end # Is screen Section object enabled? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # bar_chart_section.enabled? # def enabled? section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.enabled? end # Is screen Section object disabled (not enabled)? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # bar_chart_section.disabled? # def disabled? section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.enabled? end # Is screen Section object visible? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.visible? # def visible? section = find_section return false if section.nil? section.displayed? end # Is screen Section object hidden (not visible)? # # @return [Boolean] # @example # navigation_toolbar.hidden? # def hidden? !visible? end # Wait until the screen Section object exists, or until the specified wait time has expired. If the wait time is nil, # then the wait time will be Environ.default_max_wait_time. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_exists(1.5) # def wait_until_exists(seconds = nil, post_exception = true) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Environ.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { exists? } rescue if post_exception raise "Could not find Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) after #{timeout} seconds" unless exists? else exists? end end # Wait until the screen Section object no longer exists, or until the specified wait time has expired. If the wait # time is nil, then the wait time will be Environ.default_max_wait_time. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_gone(5) # def wait_until_gone(seconds = nil, post_exception = true) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Environ.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { !exists? } rescue if post_exception raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) remained visible after #{timeout} seconds" if exists? else exists? end end # Wait until the screen Section object is visible, or until the specified wait time has expired. If the wait time is nil, # then the wait time will be Environ.default_max_wait_time. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_visible(1.5) # def wait_until_visible(seconds = nil, post_exception = true) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Environ.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { visible? } rescue if post_exception raise "Could not find Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) after #{timeout} seconds" unless visible? else visible? end end # Wait until the screen Section object is hidden, or until the specified wait time has expired. If the wait time is nil, # then the wait time will be Environ.default_max_wait_time. # # @param seconds [Integer or Float] wait time in seconds # @example # navigation_toolbar.wait_until_hidden(2) # def wait_until_hidden(seconds = nil, post_exception = true) timeout = seconds.nil? ? Environ.default_max_wait_time : seconds wait = timeout) wait.until { hidden? } rescue if post_exception raise "Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) remained visible after #{timeout} seconds" if visible? else visible? end end # Return width of screen Section object. # # @return [Integer] # @example # button_width = my_button.width # def width section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.size.width end # Return height of screen Section object. # # @return [Integer] # @example # button_height = my_button.height # def height section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.size.height end # Return x coordinate of screen Section object's location. # # @return [Integer] # @example # button_x = my_button.x_loc # def x_loc section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.location.x end # Return y coordinate of screen Section object's location. # # @return [Integer] # @example # button_x = my_button.x_loc # def y_loc section = find_section section_not_found_exception(section) section.location.y end private def find_section obj = nil locators = get_locator locators.each do |loc| if obj.nil? obj = find_element(loc.keys[0], loc.values[0]) puts "Found object #{loc}" if ENV['DEBUG'] else obj = obj.find_element(loc.keys[0], loc.values[0]) puts "Found object #{loc}" if ENV['DEBUG'] end end obj rescue nil end def section_not_found_exception(obj) raise"Section object '#{get_name}' (#{get_locator}) not found") unless obj end def self.define_section_element(element_name, obj, locator) define_method(element_name) do ivar_name = "@#{element_name}" ivar = instance_variable_get(ivar_name) return ivar if ivar instance_variable_set(ivar_name,, self, locator, :section)) end end end end