/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ sap.ui.define([ './library', './NotificationListBase', 'sap/ui/core/InvisibleText', 'sap/ui/core/IconPool', 'sap/ui/core/ResizeHandler', 'sap/m/Button', './NotificationListItemRenderer' ], function( library, NotificationListBase, InvisibleText, IconPool, ResizeHandler, Button, NotificationListItemRenderer ) { 'use strict'; // shortcut for sap.m.ButtonType var ButtonType = library.ButtonType; /** * Constructor for a new NotificationListItem. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * The NotificationListItem control shows notifications to the user. *


* The notification item holds properties for the following elements: * * For each item you can set some additional status information about the item processing by adding a {@link sap.m.MessageStrip} to the processingMessage aggregation. * @extends sap.m.NotificationListBase * * @author SAP SE * @version 1.60.23 * * @constructor * @public * @since 1.34 * @alias sap.m.NotificationListItem * @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel */ var NotificationListItem = NotificationListBase.extend('sap.m.NotificationListItem', /** @lends sap.m.NotificationListItem.prototype */ { metadata: { library: 'sap.m', properties: { /** * Determines the description of the NotificationListItem. */ description: {type: 'string', group: 'Appearance', defaultValue: ''}, /** * Determines if the text in the title and the description of the notification are truncated to the first two lines. */ truncate: {type: 'boolean', group: 'Appearance', defaultValue: true}, /** * Determines if the "Show More" button should be hidden. */ hideShowMoreButton: {type: 'boolean', group: 'Appearance', defaultValue: false} }, aggregations: { /** * The sap.m.MessageStrip control that holds the information about any error that may occur when pressing the notification buttons */ processingMessage: {type: 'sap.m.MessageStrip', multiple: false}, /** * The text control that holds the description text of the NotificationListItem. * @private */ _bodyText: {type: 'sap.m.Text', multiple: false, visibility: "hidden"} } } }); /** * Sets initial values for the control. * * @public */ NotificationListItem.prototype.init = function () { NotificationListBase.prototype.init.call(this); var resourceBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle('sap.m'); this._expandText = resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_MORE'); this._collapseText = resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_LESS'); this._closeText = resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_BASE_CLOSE'); //set it to an active ListItemBase to the press and tap events are fired this.setType('Active'); /** * @type {sap.m.Button} * @private */ var _closeButton = new Button(this.getId() + '-closeButton', { type: ButtonType.Transparent, icon: IconPool.getIconURI('decline'), tooltip: this._closeText, press: function () { this.close(); }.bind(this) }); this.setAggregation("_closeButton", _closeButton, true); /** * @type {sap.m.Button} * @private */ var _collapseButton = new Button({ type: ButtonType.Transparent, text: this.getTruncate() ? this._expandText : this._collapseText, id: this.getId() + '-expandCollapseButton', press: function () { this._deregisterResize(); this.setProperty("truncate", !this.getTruncate(), true); _collapseButton.setText(this.getTruncate() ? this._expandText : this._collapseText); this.$().find('.sapMNLI-Header').toggleClass('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--is-expanded'); this.$().find('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').toggleClass('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--is-expanded', !!this.getDescription()); this._registerResize(); }.bind(this) }); this.setAggregation("_collapseButton", _collapseButton, true); /** * InvisibleText used to implement the ARIA specification. * @private */ this._ariaDetailsText = new InvisibleText({ id: this.getId() + '-info' }).toStatic(); }; //================================================================================ // Overwritten setters and getters //================================================================================ /** * Sets the description. * * @public * @param {string} description Description. * @returns {sap.m.NotificationListItem} NotificationListItem reference for chaining. */ NotificationListItem.prototype.setDescription = function (description) { var result = this.setProperty('description', description); this._getDescriptionText().setText(description); return result; }; /** * Sets the DateTime. * * @public * @param {object} dateTime DateTime. * @returns {sap.m.NotificationListBase} NotificationListBase reference for chaining. */ NotificationListItem.prototype.setDatetime = function (dateTime) { var result = NotificationListBase.prototype.setDatetime.call(this, dateTime); this._updateAriaAdditionalInfo(); return result; }; /** * Sets the unread text. * * @public * @param {boolean} unread Indication of unread list item. * @returns {sap.m.NotificationListItem} NotificationListItem reference for chaining. */ NotificationListItem.prototype.setUnread = function (unread) { /* @type {sap.m.NotificationListItem} Reference to this to allow method chaining */ var result = this.setProperty('unread', unread, true); /* @type {sap.m.Title} */ var title = this.getAggregation('_headerTitle'); if (title) { title.toggleStyleClass('sapMNLI-Unread', this.getUnread()); } return result; }; /** * Sets the priority of the list item. * * @public * @param {string} priority Priority of the list item. * @param {boolean} suppressInvalidation Indication for suppressing invalidation. * @returns {sap.m.NotificationListItem} NotificationListItem reference for chaining. */ NotificationListItem.prototype.setPriority = function (priority, suppressInvalidation) { var result = this.setProperty('priority', priority, suppressInvalidation); this._updateAriaAdditionalInfo(); return result; }; /** * Sets the author picture for list item. * * @public * @param {string} authorPicture Picture url in string format. * @param {boolean} suppressInvalidation Indication for suppressing invalidation. * @returns {sap.m.NotificationListItem} NotificationListItem reference for chaining. */ NotificationListItem.prototype.setAuthorPicture = function (authorPicture, suppressInvalidation) { var result = this.setProperty('authorPicture', authorPicture, suppressInvalidation); this._getAuthorImage().setSrc(authorPicture); return result; }; //================================================================================ // Control methods //================================================================================ /** * Overwrites onBeforeRendering * * @public */ NotificationListItem.prototype.onBeforeRendering = function () { this._updateAriaAdditionalInfo(); this._deregisterResize(); }; /** * Overwrites onAfterRendering * * @public */ NotificationListItem.prototype.onAfterRendering = function () { this._registerResize(); }; /** * Called when the control is destroyed. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype.exit = function () { this._deregisterResize(); if (this._ariaDetailsText) { this._ariaDetailsText.destroy(); this._ariaDetailsText = null; } }; //================================================================================ // Private getters and setters //================================================================================ /** * Returns the sap.m.Text control used in the NotificationListItem's description. * * @private * @returns {sap.m.Text} The notification description text */ NotificationListItem.prototype._getDescriptionText = function () { var bodyText = this.getAggregation('_bodyText'); if (!bodyText) { bodyText = new sap.m.Text({ id: this.getId() + '-body', text: this.getDescription(), maxLines: 2 }).addStyleClass('sapMNLI-Text'); this.setAggregation("_bodyText", bodyText, true); } return bodyText; }; //================================================================================ // Private and protected internal methods //================================================================================ /** * Overrides the ListItemBase class toggling. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype._activeHandling = function () { this.$().toggleClass("sapMNLIActive", this._active); }; /** * Updates the hidden text, used for the ARIA support. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype._updateAriaAdditionalInfo = function () { var resourceBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle('sap.m'); var readUnreadText = this.getUnread() ? resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_UNREAD') : resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_READ'); var dueAndPriorityString = resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_DATETIME_PRIORITY', [this.getDatetime(), this.getPriority()]); var authorName = this.getAuthorName(); var ariaText = readUnreadText + ' '; if (authorName) { ariaText += resourceBundle.getText('NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CREATED_BY') + ' ' + this.getAuthorName() + ' '; } ariaText += dueAndPriorityString; this._ariaDetailsText.setText(ariaText); }; /** * Returns true if the text in the title or the text in the description is longer than two lines. * * @private * @returns {boolean} Whether the control should be truncated. */ NotificationListItem.prototype._canTruncate = function () { var iTitleHeight = this.getDomRef('title-inner').scrollHeight, iTitleWrapperHeight = this.$('title').parent().height(); if (iTitleHeight > iTitleWrapperHeight) { return true; } if (this.getDomRef('body-inner')) { var iBodyHeight = this.getDomRef('body-inner').scrollHeight, iBodyWrapperHeight = this.$('body').parent().height(); if (iBodyHeight > iBodyWrapperHeight) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Shows and hides truncate button. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype._showHideTruncateButton = function () { var notificationDomRef = this.getDomRef(), oCore = sap.ui.getCore(); if (!notificationDomRef) { return; } if (this._canTruncate() && (!this.getHideShowMoreButton())) { // if the Notification has long text // show the truncate button this.getDomRef('expandCollapseButton').classList.remove('sapMNLI-CollapseButtonHide'); // set the truncate button text && toggle 'collapse' class if (this.getTruncate()) { this.getAggregation('_collapseButton').setText(this._expandText); notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-Header').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--is-expanded'); if (this.getDescription()) { notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--is-expanded'); } } else { this.getAggregation('_collapseButton').setText(this._collapseText); this.$().find('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').toggleClass('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--is-expanded', !!this.getDescription()); notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-Header').classList.add('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--is-expanded'); } } else { // hide the truncate button this.getDomRef('expandCollapseButton').classList.add('sapMNLI-CollapseButtonHide'); } // remove classes used only to calculate text size if (this.getDescription()) { notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--initial-overwrite'); } if (this.getTitle()) { notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-Header').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--initial-overwrite'); } oCore.detachThemeChanged(this._showHideTruncateButton, this); }; /** * Deregisters resize handler. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype._deregisterResize = function () { if (this._sNotificationResizeHandler) { ResizeHandler.deregister(this._sNotificationResizeHandler); this._sNotificationResizeHandler = null; } }; /** * Registers resize handler. * * @public */ NotificationListItem.prototype._registerResize = function () { var that = this; var notificationDomRef = this.getDomRef(); if (!notificationDomRef) { //exit for invisible items return; } that._resizeNotification(); this._sNotificationResizeHandler = ResizeHandler.register(notificationDomRef, function () { that._resizeNotification(); }); }; /** * Resize handler for the NotificationListItem. * * @private */ NotificationListItem.prototype._resizeNotification = function () { var notificationDomRef = this.getDomRef(); var core = sap.ui.getCore(); if (notificationDomRef.offsetWidth >= 640) { notificationDomRef.classList.add('sapMNLI-LSize'); } else { notificationDomRef.classList.remove('sapMNLI-LSize'); } if (this._getDescriptionText().getText()) { notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--is-expanded'); notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-TextWrapper').classList.add('sapMNLI-TextWrapper--initial-overwrite'); } notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-Header').classList.remove('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--is-expanded'); notificationDomRef.querySelector('.sapMNLI-Header').classList.add('sapMNLI-TitleWrapper--initial-overwrite'); if (core.isThemeApplied()) { this._showHideTruncateButton(); } else { core.attachThemeChanged(this._showHideTruncateButton, this); } }; return NotificationListItem; });