Editing Book Properties You can use &app; to edit and update your book information:
Editing basic information To edit a book, simply double-click on the book image in the main window, or choose LibraryProperties. The following window will appear, where you can change the books' Title, ISBN, Authors, Publisher, Binding and Rating.
Editing a book with &app; Shows &app; editing a book.
To add a author, click on the + next to the author list, then type the new name. To remove an author, select the name and click -. To edit a name, click twice on the name. You can rate a book by clicking on the stars. To clear the rating, click on the space immediately to the left of the first star. Your favourite books - those with five stars - will have a small heart icon in the Icon view of the main window.
Editing from the List View You can change the properties for Read, Own and Want from the List View by clicking on the check box for the given property. As in the book properties dialog, however, clicking on Want will have no effect if Own is selected. A book's Rating is not editable directly from the List View simply by clicking on the rating stars. However, right-clicking from either the List or Icon View will bring up a popup menu, from which you can change the Rating of a book.
Changing cover images To supply a book cover image, click on the existing cover image (or the image of a book if no cover is available). A standard file selection dialog will open. Navigate to the cover image file on your system - which can be in JPEG, PNG or GIF format - and click Open. The image will be scaled to fit into the Edit Book dialog.
Loaning books To mark a book as loaned, firstly open the Edit Book dialog as in . Then click on the Loaning tab. Click on the This book is loaned checkbox to mark the book as loaned. You can fill in the To field to specify who the book is loaned to. And click on the Since drop-down menu to specify the date the book was loaned on.
Loaning a book in &app; Shows &app; loaning a book.
Adding and editing notes &app; allows you to store addition notes about your books - maybe a personal review, or useful page references. To add or edit a note, firstly open the Edit Book dialogue as in . Then click on the Notes tab. You can type your plain-text notes in this field.