# frozen_string_literal: true require "active_record/database_configurations" module ActiveRecord module Tasks # :nodoc: class DatabaseNotSupported < StandardError; end # :nodoc: # ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks is a utility class, which encapsulates # logic behind common tasks used to manage database and migrations. # # The tasks defined here are used with Rails commands provided by Active Record. # # In order to use DatabaseTasks, a few config values need to be set. All the needed # config values are set by Rails already, so it's necessary to do it only if you # want to change the defaults or when you want to use Active Record outside of Rails # (in such case after configuring the database tasks, you can also use the rake tasks # defined in Active Record). # # The possible config values are: # # * +env+: current environment (like Rails.env). # * +database_configuration+: configuration of your databases (as in +config/database.yml+). # * +db_dir+: your +db+ directory. # * +fixtures_path+: a path to fixtures directory. # * +migrations_paths+: a list of paths to directories with migrations. # * +seed_loader+: an object which will load seeds, it needs to respond to the +load_seed+ method. # * +root+: a path to the root of the application. # # Example usage of DatabaseTasks outside Rails could look as such: # # include ActiveRecord::Tasks # DatabaseTasks.database_configuration = YAML.load_file('my_database_config.yml') # DatabaseTasks.db_dir = 'db' # # other settings... # # DatabaseTasks.create_current('production') module DatabaseTasks ## # :singleton-method: # Extra flags passed to database CLI tool (mysqldump/pg_dump) when calling db:schema:dump # It can be used as a string/array (the typical case) or a hash (when you use multiple adapters) # Example: # ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.structure_dump_flags = { # mysql2: ['--no-defaults', '--skip-add-drop-table'], # postgres: '--no-tablespaces' # } mattr_accessor :structure_dump_flags, instance_accessor: false ## # :singleton-method: # Extra flags passed to database CLI tool when calling db:schema:load # It can be used as a string/array (the typical case) or a hash (when you use multiple adapters) mattr_accessor :structure_load_flags, instance_accessor: false extend self attr_writer :db_dir, :migrations_paths, :fixtures_path, :root, :env, :seed_loader attr_accessor :database_configuration LOCAL_HOSTS = ["", "localhost"] def check_protected_environments! unless ENV["DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK"] current = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.current_environment stored = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.last_stored_environment if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.protected_environment? raise ActiveRecord::ProtectedEnvironmentError.new(stored) end if stored && stored != current raise ActiveRecord::EnvironmentMismatchError.new(current: current, stored: stored) end end rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError end def register_task(pattern, task) @tasks ||= {} @tasks[pattern] = task end register_task(/mysql/, "ActiveRecord::Tasks::MySQLDatabaseTasks") register_task(/postgresql/, "ActiveRecord::Tasks::PostgreSQLDatabaseTasks") register_task(/sqlite/, "ActiveRecord::Tasks::SQLiteDatabaseTasks") def db_dir @db_dir ||= Rails.application.config.paths["db"].first end def migrations_paths @migrations_paths ||= Rails.application.paths["db/migrate"].to_a end def fixtures_path @fixtures_path ||= if ENV["FIXTURES_PATH"] File.join(root, ENV["FIXTURES_PATH"]) else File.join(root, "test", "fixtures") end end def root @root ||= Rails.root end def env @env ||= Rails.env end def name @name ||= "primary" end def seed_loader @seed_loader ||= Rails.application end def create(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).create $stdout.puts "Created database '#{db_config.database}'" if verbose? rescue DatabaseAlreadyExists $stderr.puts "Database '#{db_config.database}' already exists" if verbose? rescue Exception => error $stderr.puts error $stderr.puts "Couldn't create '#{db_config.database}' database. Please check your configuration." raise end def create_all old_pool = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.retrieve_connection_pool(ActiveRecord::Base.connection_specification_name) each_local_configuration { |db_config| create(db_config) } if old_pool ActiveRecord::Base.connection_handler.establish_connection(old_pool.db_config) end end def setup_initial_database_yaml return {} unless defined?(Rails) begin Rails.application.config.load_database_yaml rescue unless ActiveRecord.suppress_multiple_database_warning $stderr.puts "Rails couldn't infer whether you are using multiple databases from your database.yml and can't generate the tasks for the non-primary databases. If you'd like to use this feature, please simplify your ERB." end {} end end def for_each(databases) return {} unless defined?(Rails) database_configs = ActiveRecord::DatabaseConfigurations.new(databases).configs_for(env_name: Rails.env) # if this is a single database application we don't want tasks for each primary database return if database_configs.count == 1 database_configs.each do |db_config| next unless db_config.database_tasks? yield db_config.name end end def raise_for_multi_db(environment = env, command:) db_configs = configs_for(env_name: environment) if db_configs.count > 1 dbs_list = [] db_configs.each do |db| dbs_list << "#{command}:#{db.name}" end raise "You're using a multiple database application. To use `#{command}` you must run the namespaced task with a VERSION. Available tasks are #{dbs_list.to_sentence}." end end def create_current(environment = env, name = nil) each_current_configuration(environment, name) { |db_config| create(db_config) } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(environment.to_sym) end def prepare_all seed = false configs_for(env_name: env).each do |db_config| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) # Skipped when no database migrate if ActiveRecord.dump_schema_after_migration dump_schema(db_config, ActiveRecord.schema_format) end rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError create_current(db_config.env_name, db_config.name) if File.exist?(schema_dump_path(db_config)) load_schema( db_config, ActiveRecord.schema_format, nil ) else migrate end seed = true end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection load_seed if seed end def drop(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).drop $stdout.puts "Dropped database '#{db_config.database}'" if verbose? rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError $stderr.puts "Database '#{db_config.database}' does not exist" rescue Exception => error $stderr.puts error $stderr.puts "Couldn't drop database '#{db_config.database}'" raise end def drop_all each_local_configuration { |db_config| drop(db_config) } end def drop_current(environment = env) each_current_configuration(environment) { |db_config| drop(db_config) } end def truncate_tables(db_config) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection connection.truncate_tables(*connection.tables) end private :truncate_tables def truncate_all(environment = env) configs_for(env_name: environment).each do |db_config| truncate_tables(db_config) end end def migrate(version = nil) check_target_version scope = ENV["SCOPE"] verbose_was, Migration.verbose = Migration.verbose, verbose? Base.connection.migration_context.migrate(target_version) do |migration| if version.blank? scope.blank? || scope == migration.scope else migration.version == version end end.tap do |migrations_ran| Migration.write("No migrations ran. (using #{scope} scope)") if scope.present? && migrations_ran.empty? end ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache! ensure Migration.verbose = verbose_was end def db_configs_with_versions(db_configs) # :nodoc: db_configs_with_versions = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } db_configs.each do |db_config| ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) versions_to_run = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.pending_migration_versions target_version = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.target_version versions_to_run.each do |version| next if target_version && target_version != version db_configs_with_versions[version] << db_config end end db_configs_with_versions end def migrate_status unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_migration.table_exists? Kernel.abort "Schema migrations table does not exist yet." end # output puts "\ndatabase: #{ActiveRecord::Base.connection_db_config.database}\n\n" puts "#{'Status'.center(8)} #{'Migration ID'.ljust(14)} Migration Name" puts "-" * 50 ActiveRecord::Base.connection.migration_context.migrations_status.each do |status, version, name| puts "#{status.center(8)} #{version.ljust(14)} #{name}" end puts end def check_target_version if target_version && !(Migration::MigrationFilenameRegexp.match?(ENV["VERSION"]) || /\A\d+\z/.match?(ENV["VERSION"])) raise "Invalid format of target version: `VERSION=#{ENV['VERSION']}`" end end def target_version ENV["VERSION"].to_i if ENV["VERSION"] && !ENV["VERSION"].empty? end def charset_current(env_name = env, db_name = name) db_config = configs_for(env_name: env_name, name: db_name) charset(db_config) end def charset(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).charset end def collation_current(env_name = env, db_name = name) db_config = configs_for(env_name: env_name, name: db_name) collation(db_config) end def collation(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).collation end def purge(configuration) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) database_adapter_for(db_config).purge end def purge_all each_local_configuration { |db_config| purge(db_config) } end def purge_current(environment = env) each_current_configuration(environment) { |db_config| purge(db_config) } ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(environment.to_sym) end def structure_dump(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) filename = arguments.delete_at(0) flags = structure_dump_flags_for(db_config.adapter) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).structure_dump(filename, flags) end def structure_load(configuration, *arguments) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) filename = arguments.delete_at(0) flags = structure_load_flags_for(db_config.adapter) database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments).structure_load(filename, flags) end def load_schema(db_config, format = ActiveRecord.schema_format, file = nil) # :nodoc: file ||= schema_dump_path(db_config, format) verbose_was, Migration.verbose = Migration.verbose, verbose? && ENV["VERBOSE"] check_schema_file(file) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) case format when :ruby load(file) when :sql structure_load(db_config, file) else raise ArgumentError, "unknown format #{format.inspect}" end ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.create_table ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:environment] = db_config.env_name ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:schema_sha1] = schema_sha1(file) ensure Migration.verbose = verbose_was end def schema_up_to_date?(configuration, format = ActiveRecord.schema_format, file = nil) db_config = resolve_configuration(configuration) file ||= schema_dump_path(db_config) return true unless File.exist?(file) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) return false unless ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.enabled? return false unless ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.table_exists? ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:schema_sha1] == schema_sha1(file) end def reconstruct_from_schema(db_config, format = ActiveRecord.schema_format, file = nil) # :nodoc: file ||= schema_dump_path(db_config, format) check_schema_file(file) ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(db_config) if schema_up_to_date?(db_config, format, file) truncate_tables(db_config) else purge(db_config) load_schema(db_config, format, file) end rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError create(db_config) load_schema(db_config, format, file) end def dump_schema(db_config, format = ActiveRecord.schema_format) # :nodoc: require "active_record/schema_dumper" filename = schema_dump_path(db_config, format) connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection FileUtils.mkdir_p(db_dir) case format when :ruby File.open(filename, "w:utf-8") do |file| ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, file) end when :sql structure_dump(db_config, filename) if connection.schema_migration.table_exists? File.open(filename, "a") do |f| f.puts connection.dump_schema_information f.print "\n" end end end end def schema_file_type(format = ActiveRecord.schema_format) case format when :ruby "schema.rb" when :sql "structure.sql" end end deprecate :schema_file_type def schema_dump_path(db_config, format = ActiveRecord.schema_format) return ENV["SCHEMA"] if ENV["SCHEMA"] filename = db_config.schema_dump(format) return unless filename if File.dirname(filename) == ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.db_dir filename else File.join(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.db_dir, filename) end end def cache_dump_filename(db_config_name, schema_cache_path: nil) filename = if ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.primary?(db_config_name) "schema_cache.yml" else "#{db_config_name}_schema_cache.yml" end schema_cache_path || ENV["SCHEMA_CACHE"] || File.join(ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.db_dir, filename) end def load_schema_current(format = ActiveRecord.schema_format, file = nil, environment = env) each_current_configuration(environment) do |db_config| load_schema(db_config, format, file) end ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(environment.to_sym) end def check_schema_file(filename) unless File.exist?(filename) message = +%{#{filename} doesn't exist yet. Run `bin/rails db:migrate` to create it, then try again.} message << %{ If you do not intend to use a database, you should instead alter #{Rails.root}/config/application.rb to limit the frameworks that will be loaded.} if defined?(::Rails.root) Kernel.abort message end end def load_seed if seed_loader seed_loader.load_seed else raise "You tried to load seed data, but no seed loader is specified. Please specify seed " \ "loader with ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.seed_loader = your_seed_loader\n" \ "Seed loader should respond to load_seed method" end end # Dumps the schema cache in YAML format for the connection into the file # # ==== Examples: # ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.dump_schema_cache(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, "tmp/schema_dump.yaml") def dump_schema_cache(conn, filename) conn.schema_cache.dump_to(filename) end def clear_schema_cache(filename) FileUtils.rm_f filename, verbose: false end private def configs_for(**options) Base.configurations.configs_for(**options) end def resolve_configuration(configuration) Base.configurations.resolve(configuration) end def verbose? ENV["VERBOSE"] ? ENV["VERBOSE"] != "false" : true end # Create a new instance for the specified db configuration object # For classes that have been converted to use db_config objects, pass a # `DatabaseConfig`, otherwise pass a `Hash` def database_adapter_for(db_config, *arguments) klass = class_for_adapter(db_config.adapter) converted = klass.respond_to?(:using_database_configurations?) && klass.using_database_configurations? config = converted ? db_config : db_config.configuration_hash klass.new(config, *arguments) end def class_for_adapter(adapter) _key, task = @tasks.reverse_each.detect { |pattern, _task| adapter[pattern] } unless task raise DatabaseNotSupported, "Rake tasks not supported by '#{adapter}' adapter" end task.is_a?(String) ? task.constantize : task end def each_current_configuration(environment, name = nil) environments = [environment] environments << "test" if environment == "development" && !ENV["SKIP_TEST_DATABASE"] && !ENV["DATABASE_URL"] environments.each do |env| configs_for(env_name: env).each do |db_config| next if name && name != db_config.name yield db_config end end end def each_local_configuration configs_for.each do |db_config| next unless db_config.database if local_database?(db_config) yield db_config else $stderr.puts "This task only modifies local databases. #{db_config.database} is on a remote host." end end end def local_database?(db_config) host = db_config.host host.blank? || LOCAL_HOSTS.include?(host) end def schema_sha1(file) OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(File.read(file)) end def structure_dump_flags_for(adapter) if structure_dump_flags.is_a?(Hash) structure_dump_flags[adapter.to_sym] else structure_dump_flags end end def structure_load_flags_for(adapter) if structure_load_flags.is_a?(Hash) structure_load_flags[adapter.to_sym] else structure_load_flags end end end end end