require 'spec_helper' describe Doorkeeper::TokensController do describe 'when authorization has succeeded' do let(:token) { double(:token, authorize: true) } it 'returns the authorization' do skip 'verify need of these specs' expect(token).to receive(:authorization) post :create end end describe 'when authorization has failed' do it 'returns the error response' do token = double(:token, authorize: false) allow(controller).to receive(:token) { token } post :create expect(response.status).to eq 400 expect(response.headers['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/Bearer/) end end describe 'when there is a failure due to a custom error' do it 'returns the error response with a custom message' do # I18n looks for `doorkeeper.errors.messages.custom_message` in locale files custom_message = 'my_message' allow(I18n).to receive(:translate) .with( custom_message, hash_including(scope: %i[doorkeeper errors messages]) ) .and_return('Authorization custom message') doorkeeper_error = strategy = double(:strategy) request = double(token_request: strategy) allow(strategy).to receive(:authorize).and_raise(doorkeeper_error) allow(controller).to receive(:server).and_return(request) post :create expected_response_body = { "error" => custom_message, "error_description" => "Authorization custom message" } expect(response.status).to eq 400 expect(response.headers['WWW-Authenticate']).to match(/Bearer/) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq expected_response_body end end # describe 'revoking tokens' do let(:client) { FactoryBot.create(:application) } let(:access_token) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client) } context 'when associated app is public' do let(:client) { FactoryBot.create(:application, confidential: false) } it 'returns 200' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(response.status).to eq 200 end it 'revokes the access token' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(access_token.reload).to have_attributes(revoked?: true) end end context 'when associated app is confidential' do let(:client) { FactoryBot.create(:application, confidential: true) } let(:oauth_client) { } before(:each) do allow_any_instance_of(Doorkeeper::Server).to receive(:client) { oauth_client } end it 'returns 200' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(response.status).to eq 200 end it 'revokes the access token' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(access_token.reload).to have_attributes(revoked?: true) end context 'when authorization fails' do let(:some_other_client) { FactoryBot.create(:application, confidential: true) } let(:oauth_client) { } it 'returns 200' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(response.status).to eq 200 end it 'does not revoke the access token' do post :revoke, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(access_token.reload).to have_attributes(revoked?: false) end end end end describe 'authorize response memoization' do it "memoizes the result of the authorization" do strategy = double(:strategy, authorize: true) expect(strategy).to receive(:authorize).once allow(controller).to receive(:strategy) { strategy } allow(controller).to receive(:create) do 2.times { controller.send :authorize_response } controller.render json: {}, status: :ok end post :create end end describe 'when requested token introspection' do let(:client) { FactoryBot.create(:application) } let(:access_token) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client) } let(:token_for_introspection) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client) } context 'authorized using valid Bearer token' do it 'responds with full token introspection' do request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{access_token.token}" post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } should_have_json 'active', true expect(json_response).to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') end end context 'authorized using valid Client Authentication' do it 'responds with full token introspection' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } should_have_json 'active', true expect(json_response).to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') should_have_json 'client_id', client.uid end end context 'using custom introspection response' do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM custom_introspection_response do |_token, _context| { sub: 'Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis', aud: '' } end end end it 'responds with full token introspection' do request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{access_token.token}" post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } expect(json_response).to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat', 'sub', 'aud') should_have_json 'sub', 'Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis' should_have_json 'aud', '' end end context 'public access token' do let(:token_for_introspection) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: nil) } it 'responds with full token introspection' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } should_have_json 'active', true expect(json_response).to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') should_have_json 'client_id', nil end end context 'token was issued to a different client than is making this request' do let(:different_client) { FactoryBot.create(:application) } it 'responds with only active state' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(different_client) post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } expect(response).to be_successful should_have_json 'active', false expect(json_response).not_to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') end end context 'authorized using invalid Bearer token' do let(:token_for_introspection) do FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client, revoked_at: end it 'responds with invalid token error' do request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{token_for_introspection.token}" post :introspect, params: { token: access_token.token } response_status_should_be 401 should_not_have_json 'active' should_have_json 'error', 'invalid_token' end end context 'authorized using the Bearer token that need to be introspected' do it 'responds with invalid token error' do request.headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer #{access_token.token}" post :introspect, params: { token: access_token.token } response_status_should_be 401 should_not_have_json 'active' should_have_json 'error', 'invalid_token' end end context 'using invalid credentials to authorize' do let(:client) { double(uid: '123123', secret: '666999') } let(:access_token) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token) } it 'responds with invalid_client error' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: access_token.token } expect(response).not_to be_successful response_status_should_be 401 should_not_have_json 'active' should_have_json 'error', 'invalid_client' end end context 'using wrong token value' do it 'responds with only active state' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: SecureRandom.hex(16) } should_have_json 'active', false expect(json_response).not_to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') end end context 'when requested access token expired' do let(:token_for_introspection) do FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client, created_at: 1.year.ago) end it 'responds with only active state' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } should_have_json 'active', false expect(json_response).not_to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') end end context 'when requested Access Token revoked' do let(:token_for_introspection) do FactoryBot.create(:access_token, application: client, revoked_at: 1.year.ago) end it 'responds with only active state' do request.headers['Authorization'] = basic_auth_header_for_client(client) post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } should_have_json 'active', false expect(json_response).not_to include('client_id', 'token_type', 'exp', 'iat') end end context 'unauthorized (no bearer token or client credentials)' do let(:token_for_introspection) { FactoryBot.create(:access_token) } it 'responds with invalid_request error' do post :introspect, params: { token: token_for_introspection.token } expect(response).not_to be_successful response_status_should_be 400 should_not_have_json 'active' should_have_json 'error', 'invalid_request' end end end end