.texture-examples .texture-examples-container %h3 Legend :javascript for (i = 1; i < 89; i++) { document.write('
') document.write('

' + i + '

') document.write('
') document.write('
') document.write('
') document.write('
') document.write('
') } .instructions %b Instructions %p Each texture has two versions, shown in each box in the pattern; a normal version and an inverted one. Some versions work better on dark backgrounds, some on light. Switch between the two by changing between 0 and 1 for the final argument passed in the @include. %p The mixin can change background color – or gradient colors – for the texture, along with gradient angle. %p The two squares below is what will be rendered if you copy-paste the code. Use the numbers in the legend above to switch textures in the code. This is done by changing the texture number in the @include for .texture-normal or .texture-inverted. The default selection is texture number 67. Most of these textures are from %a{href: "http://subtlepatterns.com/"} subtlepatterns.com