#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'TestSetup' require 'date' # Much of Select is tested in the "roundtrip" test. class SelectTest < Test include SqlPostgres include TestUtil def test makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} order by i") assertEquals(select.exec, []) connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i' => 1}]) connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i' => 1}, {'i' => 2}]) end end def testDefaultConnection makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") setDefaultConnection(connection) do select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1}]) end end end def testGiveConnectionToExec makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") setDefaultConnection(connection) do select = Select.new select.select('i') select.from(table1) assertEquals(select.exec(connection), [{'i'=>1}]) end end end def testOrderBy makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int, j int, k int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 1)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.select("j") select.select("k") select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') select.order_by('j', 'asc') select.order_by('k', 'desc') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i, j, k from #{table1} order by i, j asc, k desc") assertEquals(select.exec, [ {'i'=>0, 'j'=>0, 'k'=>1}, {'i'=>0, 'j'=>0, 'k'=>0}, {'i'=>0, 'j'=>1, 'k'=>1}, {'i'=>0, 'j'=>1, 'k'=>0}, {'i'=>1, 'j'=>0, 'k'=>1}, {'i'=>1, 'j'=>0, 'k'=>0}, {'i'=>1, 'j'=>1, 'k'=>1}, {'i'=>1, 'j'=>1, 'k'=>0}, ]) end end def testOrderBy_ArbitraryExpression makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (t text)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('aaa')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('bb')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('c')") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('t') select.from(table1) select.order_by('char_length(t)') assertEquals(select.statement, "select t from #{table1} order by char_length(t)") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'t'=>'c'}, {'t'=>'bb'}, {'t'=>'aaa'}]) end end def testOrderBy_ExpressionWithSubstitution makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (t text)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('a')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('b')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('c')") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('t') select.from(table1) select.order_by(['case when t = %s then %s else t end', 'b', '0']) assertEquals(select.statement, "select t from #{table1} order by "\ "case when t = E'b' then E'0' else t end") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'t'=>'b'}, {'t'=>'a'}, {'t'=>'c'}]) end end def testSelectInteger_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["%s * 2", 2], 'double') assertEquals(select.statement, "select 2 * 2 as double") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'double'=>4}]) end end def testSelectFloat_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["%s * 2", 1.414], 'double') assertEquals(select.statement, "select 1.414 * 2 as double") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'double'=>2.828}]) end end def testSelectString_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["%s || %s", "Fred's", " Place"], 'title') assertEquals(select.statement, %q"select E'Fred\\047s' || E' Place' as title") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'title'=>"Fred's Place"}]) end end def testSelectTime_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| now = Time.local(2001, 1, 1) select = Select.new(connection) select.select( [ "%s + %s", PgTime.new(12, 0, 0), PgInterval.new('hours'=>1) ], 'later') assertEquals(select.exec, [{'later'=>PgTime.new(13, 0, 0)}]) end end def testSelectBoolean_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["not %s", false], 'opposite') assertEquals(select.statement, "select not false as opposite") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'opposite'=>true}]) end end def test_select_literal values = [ "Fool's errand", 1, -9223372036854775808, +9223372036854775807, 1.414, 1e290, true, false, PgTime.new(23, 59, 59), nil, PgInterval.new('days'=>1), PgTime.new(12, 0, 0), PgTimeWithTimeZone.new(12, 0, 0, -8, 0), PgTimestamp.new(2001, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0), PgPoint.new(1, 2), PgLineSegment.new(0, 1, 2, 3), PgBox.new(3, 4, 1, 2), PgPath.new(true, PgPoint.new(1, 2), PgPoint.new(3, 4)), PgPolygon.new(PgPoint.new(1, 2), PgPoint.new(3, 4)), PgCircle.new(1, 2, 3), PgBit.new("010101"), PgInet.new(""), PgCidr.new(""), PgMacAddr.new("08:00:2b:01:02:03"), ] makeTestConnection do |connection| for value in values assertInfo("For value #{value.inspect}") do select = Select.new(connection) select.select_literal(value) assertEquals(select.statement, "select #{Translate.escape_sql(value)}") select = Select.new(connection) select.select_literal(value, 'v') assertEquals(select.exec, [{'v'=>value}]) end end end end def testSelectExpression makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["%s || %s || %s", "Cat", " ", "Dog"], 'animal') assertEquals(select.statement, "select E'Cat' || E' ' || E'Dog' as animal") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'animal'=>'Cat Dog'}]) end end def testUserConversion makeTestConnection do |connection| select = Select.new(connection) select.select(["%s", "abc"], 'letters') do |s| s.scan(/./) end assertEquals(select.exec, [{'letters'=>['a', 'b', 'c']}]) end end def testWhere makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.where("i = 1") assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} where i = 1") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1}]) end end def testWhere_Multiple makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.where("i > 1") select.where("i < 3") assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} where i > 1 and i < 3") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}]) end end def testWhere_WithValues makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (t text)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('bar')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('baz')") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('t') select.from(table1) select.where(["t = %s", 'bar']) assertEquals(select.statement, "select t from #{table1} where t = E'bar'") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'t'=>'bar'}]) end end def testSelectSubselect makeTestConnection do |connection| time = PgTime.new(12, 0, 0) select1 = Select.new select1.select_literal(1) select2 = Select.new select2.select_literal(time) select3 = Select.new(connection) select3.select(select1, 'i') select3.select(select2, 't') assertEquals(select3.exec, [{'i'=>1, 't'=>time}]) end end def testFromAlias select = Select.new select.select('i') select.from('foo', 'bar') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from foo as bar") end def testFromSubselect makeTestConnection do |connection| time = Time.now select1 = Select.new select1.select_literal(1, 'i') select2 = Select.new(connection) select2.select('i') select2.from(select1, 'foo') assertEquals(select2.statement, "select i from (select 1 as i) as foo") assertEquals(select2.exec, [{'i'=>1}]) end end def testNoConnection select = Select.new assertException(NoConnection) do select.exec end end def testGroupBy makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int, j int)") 1.times do connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0)") end 2.times do connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1)") end 3.times do connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0)") end 4.times do connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1)") end select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.select('j') select.select('count(*)', 'count') select.from(table1) select.group_by('i') select.group_by('j') select.order_by('i') select.order_by('j') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i, j, count(*) as count from #{table1} "\ "group by i, j order by i, j") assertEquals(select.exec, [ {"i"=>0, "j"=>0, "count"=>1}, {"i"=>0, "j"=>1, "count"=>2}, {"i"=>1, "j"=>0, "count"=>3}, {"i"=>1, "j"=>1, "count"=>4} ]) end end def testGroupBy_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (t text)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('alpha')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('beta')") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values ('gamma')") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('count(*)', 'count') select.from(table1) select.group_by(['case t when %s then 0 else 1 end', 'alpha']) select.order_by('count') assertEquals(select.exec, [{'count'=>1}, {'count'=>2}]) end end def testHaving makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('count(*)', 'count') select.from(table1) select.group_by('i') select.having('count(*) > 1') select.having('count(*) < 3') assertEquals(select.exec, [{'count'=>2}]) end end def testHaving_Expression makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('count(*)', 'count') select.from(table1) select.group_by('i') select.having(['count(*) > %s', 1]) assertEquals(select.exec, [{'count'=>2}]) end end def testCrossJoin makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (4)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("#{table1}.i", "i1") select.select("#{table2}.i", "i2") select.from(table1) select.cross_join(table2) select.order_by('i1') select.order_by('i2') assertEquals(select.statement, "select #{table1}.i as i1, #{table2}.i as i2 "\ "from #{table1} cross join #{table2} "\ "order by i1, i2") assertEquals(select.exec, [ {"i1"=>1, "i2"=>3}, {"i1"=>1, "i2"=>4}, {"i1"=>2, "i2"=>3}, {"i1"=>2, "i2"=>4} ]) end end def testNaturalJoin makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.from(table1) select.natural_join(table2) assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} natural join #{table2}") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}]) end end def testNaturalJoin_ThreeTables makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table3} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table3} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table3} (i) values (2)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.from(table1) select.natural_join(table2) select.natural_join(table3) assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} natural join #{table2} "\ "natural join #{table3}") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}]) end end def testJoinUsing testCases = [ [ "inner", [ {'i1'=>2, 'i2'=>2}, ] ], [ "left outer", [ {'i1'=>1, 'i2'=>nil}, {'i1'=>2, 'i2'=>2}, ] ], [ "right outer", [ {'i1'=>2, 'i2'=>2}, {'i1'=>nil, 'i2'=>3}, ] ], [ "full outer", [ {'i1'=>1, 'i2'=>nil}, {'i1'=>2, 'i2'=>2}, {'i1'=>nil, 'i2'=>3}, ] ], ] for joinType, result in testCases assertInfo("For joinType=#{joinType.inspect}") do makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i) values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("#{table1}.i", 'i1') select.select("#{table2}.i", 'i2') select.from(table1) select.join_using(joinType, table2, 'i') select.order_by('i1') select.order_by('i2') assertEquals(select.statement, "select #{table1}.i as i1, #{table2}.i as i2 "\ "from #{table1} #{joinType} join #{table2} "\ "using (i) order by i1, i2") assertEquals(select.exec, result) end end end end def testJoinUsing_MultipleColumns makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int, j int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int, j int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i, j) values (1, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i, j) values (1, 2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i, j) values (1, 2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (i, j) values (2, 2)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.select("j") select.from(table1) select.join_using('inner', table2, 'i', 'j') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i, j from #{table1} inner join #{table2} "\ "using (i, j)") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1, 'j'=>2}]) end end def testJoinOn testCases = [ [ "inner", [ {"i"=>2, "j"=>2} ] ], [ "left outer", [ {"i"=>1, "j"=>nil}, {"i"=>2, 'j'=>2} ] ], [ "right outer", [ {"i"=>2, "j"=>2}, {"i"=>nil, 'j'=>3} ] ], [ "full outer", [ {"i"=>1, "j"=>nil}, {"i"=>2, "j"=>2}, {"i"=>nil, 'j'=>3} ] ], ] makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (j int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (j) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (j) values (3)") for joinType, result in testCases assertInfo("for joinType=#{joinType.inspect}") do select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.select("j") select.from(table1) select.join_on(joinType, table2, 'i = j') select.order_by('i') select.order_by('j') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i, j from #{table1} "\ "#{joinType} join #{table2} on (i = j) "\ "order by i, j") assertEquals(select.exec, result) end end end end def testJoinOn_SubstituteValues makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (j int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (j) values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (j) values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} (j) values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select("i") select.select("j") select.from(table1) select.join_on('inner', table2, ['i = j and i > %s', 1]) assertEquals(select.statement, "select i, j from #{table1} "\ "inner join #{table2} on (i = j and i > 1)") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2, 'j'=>2}]) end end def testLimit makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') select.limit(2) assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} order by i limit 2") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1}, {'i'=>2}]) end end def testOffset makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') select.limit(1) select.offset(1) assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} order by i limit 1 offset 1") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}]) end end def testDistinct makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") select = Select.new(connection) select.distinct select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') assertEquals(select.statement, "select distinct i from #{table1} order by i") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1}, {'i'=>2}]) end end def testDistinctOn makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int, j int, k int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 1)") select = Select.new(connection) select.distinct_on('i') select.select('i') select.select('j') select.select('k') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') select.order_by('j') select.order_by('k') assertEquals(select.statement, "select distinct on (i) i, j, k from #{table1} "\ "order by i, j, k") assertEquals(select.exec, [ {"i"=>0, "j"=>0, "k"=>0}, {"i"=>1, "j"=>0, "k"=>0} ]) end end def testDistinctOn_TwoColumns makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int, j int, k int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (0, 1, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 0, 1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 0)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1, 1, 1)") select = Select.new(connection) select.distinct_on('i') select.distinct_on('j') select.select('i') select.select('j') select.select('k') select.from(table1) select.order_by('i') select.order_by('j') select.order_by('k') assertEquals(select.statement, "select distinct on (i, j) i, j, k from #{table1} "\ "order by i, j, k") assertEquals(select.exec, [ {"i"=>0, "j"=>0, "k"=>0}, {"i"=>0, "j"=>1, "k"=>0}, {"i"=>1, "j"=>0, "k"=>0}, {"i"=>1, "j"=>1, "k"=>0}, ]) end end def testSetOps testCases = [ [:union, 'union', [1, 2, 3, 4]], [:union_all, 'union all', [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4]], [:intersect, 'intersect', [2, 3]], [:intersect_all, 'intersect all', [2, 3, 3]], [:except, 'except', [1]], [:except_all, 'except all', [1, 1]], ] makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (3)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (4)") subselect = Select.new subselect.select('i') subselect.from(table2) for function, op, expectedValues in testCases assertInfo("For function #{function}:") do select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.send(function, subselect) select.order_by('i') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} "\ "#{op} (select i from #{table2}) order by i") expectedResult = expectedValues.collect do |i| {'i'=>i} end assertEquals(select.exec, expectedResult) end end end end def testMultipleSetOps makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table3} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table3} values (1)") subselect2 = Select.new subselect2.select('i') subselect2.from(table2) subselect3 = Select.new subselect3.select('i') subselect3.from(table3) select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.except(subselect2) select.union(subselect3) select.order_by('i') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} "\ "except (select i from #{table2}) "\ "union (select i from #{table3}) order by i") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>1}, {'i'=>2}]) end end def testUnionWithWhereClause makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") 10.downto(1) do |i| connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (#{i})") end sql1 = Select.new sql1.select('i') sql1.from(table1) sql1.where('i % 2 = 0') sql2 = Select.new(connection) sql2.select('i') sql2.from(table1) sql2.where('i % 1 = 0') sql2.union(sql1) sql3 = Select.new(connection) sql3.select('i') sql3.from(sql2, 'foo') sql3.order_by('i') values = sql3.exec.collect do |row| row['i'] end assertEquals(values, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) end end def testMultipleSetOps_Nested makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table2} (i int)") connection.exec("create temporary table #{table3} (i int)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table1} values (2)") connection.exec("insert into #{table2} values (1)") connection.exec("insert into #{table3} values (1)") subselect3 = Select.new subselect3.select('i') subselect3.from(table3) subselect2 = Select.new subselect2.select('i') subselect2.union(subselect3) subselect2.from(table2) select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.except(subselect2) select.order_by('i') assertEquals(select.statement, "select i from #{table1} "\ "except (select i from #{table2} "\ "union (select i from #{table3})) order by i") assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}]) end end def testWhereIn makeTestConnection do |connection| connection.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") for i in (0..9) insert = Insert.new(table1, connection) insert.insert('i', i) insert.exec end select = Select.new(connection) select.select('i') select.from(table1) select.where(['i in %s', [:in, 2, 4]]) assertEquals(select.exec, [{'i'=>2}, {'i'=>4}]) end end def testForUpdate makeTestConnection do |db1| db1.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (i int)") db1.exec("insert into #{table1} (i) values (1)") db1.exec("begin") sql = Select.new(db1) sql.select('i') sql.from(table1) sql.where(['i = %s', 1]) sql.for_update assertEquals(sql.exec, [{'i'=>1}]) end end def testStatemenIdempotentWithRandomOrder sql = Select.new sql.select('i') sql.from('foo') setenv('RANDOM_SQL_ORDER', '1') do assertEquals(sql.statement, "select i from foo order by random()") assertEquals(sql.statement, "select i from foo order by random()") end end def test_enum enum_name = "foo" makeTestConnection do |db1| db1.exec("begin") db1.exec("create type #{enum_name} as enum ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')") db1.exec("create temporary table #{table1} (e #{enum_name})") db1.exec("insert into #{table1} (e) values ('foo')") sql = Select.new(db1) sql.select('e') sql.from(table1) assertEquals(sql.exec, [{'e' => 'foo'}]) end end end SelectTest.new.run if $0 == __FILE__ # Local Variables: # tab-width: 2 # ruby-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: