require "securerandom" # Generic class for all RPC Consumers. Use as a base class to build other RPC Consumers for related functionality. # Let's define a naming convention here for subclasses becuase I don't want to write a Confluence doc. # All subclasses should have the following naming convention: RpcConsumer ex: PostRpcConsumer class CarrotRpc::RpcClient using CarrotRpc::HashExtensions attr_reader :channel, :server_queue, :logger extend CarrotRpc::ClientServer # Use defaults for application level connection to RabbitMQ # All RPC data goes over the same queue. I think that's ok.... def initialize(config: nil) config ||= CarrotRpc.configuration @channel = config.bunny.create_channel @logger = config.logger # auto_delete => false keeps the queue around until RabbitMQ restarts or explicitly deleted @server_queue = @channel.queue(self.class.queue_name, auto_delete: false) # Setup a direct exchange. @exchange = @channel.default_exchange end # Starts the connection to listen for messages. def start # Empty queue name ends up creating a randomly named queue by RabbitMQ # Exclusive => queue will be deleted when connection closes. Allows for automatic "cleanup". @reply_queue = @channel.queue("", exclusive: true) # setup a hash for results with a Queue object as a value @results = { |h, k| h[k] = } # setup subscribe block to Service # block => false is a non blocking IO option. @reply_queue.subscribe(block: false) do |_delivery_info, properties, payload| result = JSON.parse(payload).rename_keys("-", "_").with_indifferent_access @results[properties[:correlation_id]].push(result[:result]) end end # params is an array of method argument values # programmer implementing this class must know about the remote service # the remote service must have documented the methods and arguments in order for this pattern to work. # TODO: change to a hash to account for keyword arguments??? # # @param remote_method [String, Symbol] the method to be called on current receiver # @param params [Hash] the arguments for the method being called. # @return [Object] the result of the method call. def remote_call(remote_method, params) correlation_id = SecureRandom.uuid publish(correlation_id: correlation_id, method: remote_method, params: params.rename_keys("_", "-")) wait_for_result(correlation_id) end def wait_for_result(correlation_id) # `pop` is `Queue#pop`, so it is blocking on the receiving thread and this must happend before the `Hash.delete` or # the receiving thread won't be able to find the correlation_id in @results result = @results[correlation_id].pop @results.delete correlation_id # remove item from hash. prevents memory leak. result end def publish(correlation_id:, method:, params:) message = message( correlation_id: correlation_id, params: params, method: method ) # Reply To => make sure the service knows where to send it's response. # Correlation ID => identify the results that belong to the unique call made @exchange.publish(message.to_json, routing_key:, correlation_id: correlation_id, reply_to: end def message(correlation_id:, method:, params:) { id: correlation_id, jsonrpc: "2.0", method: method, params: params.except(:controller, :action) } end # Convience method as a resource alias for index action. # To customize, override the method in your class. # # @param params [Hash] the arguments for the method being called. def index(params) remote_call("index", params) end # Convience method as a resource alias for show action. # To customize, override the method in your class. # # @param params [Hash] the arguments for the method being called. def show(params) remote_call("show", params) end # Convience method as a resource alias for create action. # To customize, override the method in your class. # # @param params [Hash] the arguments for the method being called. def create(params) remote_call("create", params) end # Convience method as a resource alias for update action. # To customize, override the method in your class. # # @param params [Hash] the arguments for the method being called. def update(params) remote_call("update", params) end end