--- en: activemodel: attributes: agenda: description: Description duration: Duration title: Title close_meeting: attendees_count: Number of attendees attending_organizations: List of organizations that attended audio_url: Audio URL closing_report: Minutes closing_visible: Is visible contributions_count: Number of contributions proposal_ids: Proposals created in the meeting video_url: Video URL meeting: address: Address available_slots: Available slots for this meeting customize_registration_email: Customize registration email decidim_category_id: Category decidim_scope_id: Scope decidim_user_group_id: User group description: Description end_time: End Time id: ID location: Location location_hints: Location hints online_meeting_url: Online meeting URL organizer_gid: Create as organizer_id: Organizer private_meeting: Private meeting registration_email_custom_content: Registration email custom content registration_form_enabled: Registration form enabled registration_terms: Registration terms registration_url: Registration URL registrations_enabled: Registrations enabled show_embedded_iframe: Show embedded iframe for this URL start_time: Start Time title: Title transparent: Transparent type_of_meeting: Type errors: models: meeting: attributes: iframe_embed_type: not_embeddable: This URL can't be embedded in meeting or live event page meeting_agenda: attributes: base: too_many_minutes: The duration of the items exceed the meeting duration by %{count} minutes too_many_minutes_child: The duration of the item childs exceed the agenda item "%{parent_title}" parent duration by %{count} minutes meeting_registration_invite: attributes: email: already_invited: This email account has already been invited models: decidim/meetings/close_meeting_event: Meeting closed decidim/meetings/create_meeting_event: Meeting decidim/meetings/meeting_registrations_enabled_event: Registrations enabled decidim/meetings/meeting_registrations_over_percentage_event: Registrations over limit decidim/meetings/upcoming_meeting_event: Upcoming meeting decidim/meetings/update_meeting_event: Meeting updated activerecord: models: decidim/meetings/meeting: one: Meeting other: Meetings decidim/meetings/minutes: one: Minutes other: Minutes decidim/meetings/registration: one: Registration other: Registrations decidim: admin: filters: meetings: category_id_eq: label: Category closed_at_present: label: State values: 'false': Open 'true': Closed is_upcoming_true: label: Date values: 'false': Past 'true': Upcoming origin_eq: label: Origin values: citizen: Citizen official: Official user_group: User Groups scope_id_eq: label: Scope type_eq: label: Type of meeting values: hybrid: Both in_person: In Person online: Online meeting_copies: create: error: There was a problem duplicating this meeting. success: Meeting successfully duplicated. new: copy: Copy select: Select which data you would like to duplicate title: Duplicate meeting components: meetings: actions: comment: Comment join: Join name: Meetings settings: global: announcement: Announcement comments_enabled: Comments enabled comments_max_length: Comments max length (Leave 0 for default value) creation_enabled_for_participants: Participants can create meetings default_registration_terms: Default registration terms enable_pads_creation: Enable pads creation maps_enabled: Maps enabled registration_code_enabled: Registration code enabled resources_permissions_enabled: Actions permissions can be set for each meeting scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled terms_and_conditions_url_for_meeting_creators: Terms and conditions URL for meeting creators step: announcement: Announcement comments_blocked: Comments blocked creation_enabled_for_participants: Meeting creation by participants enabled creation_enabled_for_user_groups: Meeting creation by user groups enabled events: meetings: meeting_closed: affected_user: email_intro: 'Your meeting "%{resource_title}" was closed. You can read the conclusions from its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you organized the "%{resource_title}" meeting. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" meeting was closed notification_title: The %{resource_title} meeting was closed. follower: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" meeting was closed. You can read the conclusions from its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" meeting. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" meeting was closed notification_title: The %{resource_title} meeting was closed. meeting_created: button_text: Register to the meeting email_intro: The meeting "%{resource_title}" has been added to "%{participatory_space_title}" that you are following. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following "%{participatory_space_title}". You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: New meeting added to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The meeting %{resource_title} has been added to %{participatory_space_title} meeting_registration_confirmed: notification_title: Your registration for the meeting %{resource_title} has been confirmed. Your registration code is %{registration_code}. meeting_registrations_over_percentage: email_intro: The allocated slots for the "%{resource_title}" meeting are over %{percentage}%. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are an admin of the meeting's participatory space. email_subject: The allocated slots for the "%{resource_title}" meeting are over %{percentage}% notification_title: The allocated slots for the %{resource_title} meeting are over %{percentage}%. meeting_updated: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" meeting was updated. You can read the new version from its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" meeting. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" meeting was updated notification_title: The %{resource_title} meeting was updated. registration_code_validated: email_intro: Your registration code "%{registration_code}" for the "%{resource_title}" meeting has been validated. email_outro: You have received this notification because your registration code for the "%{resource_title}" meeting has been validated. email_subject: Your registration code "%{registration_code}" for the "%{resource_title}" meeting has been validated notification_title: Your registration code "%{registration_code}" for the %{resource_title} meeting has been validated. registrations_enabled: email_intro: 'The "%{resource_title}" meeting has enabled registrations. You can register yourself on its page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" meeting. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" meeting has enabled registrations. notification_title: The %{resource_title} meeting has enabled registrations. upcoming_meeting: email_intro: The "%{resource_title}" meeting will start in less than 48h. email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following the "%{resource_title}" meeting. You can unfollow it from the previous link. email_subject: The "%{resource_title}" meeting will start in less than 48h. notification_title: The %{resource_title} meeting will start in less than 48h. forms: meetings: attendees_count_help_text: Don’t forget to include the total number of participants at your event. Whether in person, hybrid, or online, it’s important that we know how many people are involved. gamification: badges: attended_meetings: conditions: - Register for the meetings you want to attend description: This badge is granted when you attend several face-to-face meetings. description_another: This participant has attended %{score} meetings. description_own: You have attended %{score} meetings. name: Attended meetings next_level_in: Attend %{score} more meetings to reach the next level! unearned_another: This participant hasn't attended any meeting yet. unearned_own: You haven't attended any meeting yet. meetings: actions: agenda: Agenda attachment_collections: Folders attachments: Attachments close: Close confirm_destroy: Are you sure you want to delete this meeting? destroy: Delete edit: Edit invalid_destroy: proposals_count: one: 'The meeting cannot be destroyed because it has %{count} proposal associated to it:' other: 'The meeting cannot be destroyed because it has %{count} proposals associated to it:' manage_poll: Manage poll new: New meeting preview: Preview registrations: Registrations title: Actions admin: agenda: agenda_item: add_agenda_item_child: Add agenda sub-item agenda_item: Agenda Item agenda_item_children: Agenda sub-items down: Down remove: Remove up: Up agenda_item_child: agenda_item_child: Agenda sub-item down: Down remove: Remove up: Up create: invalid: There was a problem creating this agenda success: Agenda successfully created edit: title: Edit agenda update: Update form: add_agenda_item: Add agenda item agenda_items: Agenda items end_date: End date start_date: Start date new: create: Create title: New agenda update: invalid: There was a problem updating this agenda success: Agenda successfully updated exports: answers: Answers meeting_comments: Comments meetings: Meetings registrations: Registrations invite_join_meeting_mailer: invite: decline: Decline invitation invited_you_to_join_a_meeting: "%{invited_by} has invited you to join a meeting at %{application}. You can decline or accept it through the links below." join: Join meeting '%{meeting_title}' invites: create: error: There was a problem inviting the participant to join the meeting. success: Participant successfully invited to join the meeting. form: attendee_type: Attendee type existing_user: Existing participant invite: Invite invite_explanation: The participant will be invited to join the meeting and to the organization as well. non_user: Non existing participant select_user: Select participant index: filter: accepted: Accepted all: All rejected: Rejected sent: Sent filter_by: Filter by invite_attendee: Invite attendee invites: Invites registrations_disabled: You can't invite an attendee because the registrations are disabled. search: Search meeting_closes: edit: close: Close title: Close meeting meeting_copies: form: select_a_meeting_type: Please select a meeting type meetings: close: invalid: There was a problem closing this meeting success: Meeting successfully closed create: invalid: There was a problem creating this meeting success: Meeting successfully created. Notice this is unpublished yet, you need to manually publish it. destroy: invalid: proposals_count: one: The meeting cannot be destroyed because it has %{count} proposal associated to it other: The meeting cannot be destroyed because it has %{count} proposals associated to it success: Meeting successfully deleted edit: title: Edit meeting update: Update form: address_help: 'Address: used by Geocoder to find the location' available_slots_help: Leave it to 0 if you have unlimited slots available disclaimer: 'Disclaimer: By using an external registration system, you''re aware that the organizers of %{organization} are not responsible for the data provided by the users to the external service.' location_help: 'Location: message directed to the users implying the spot to meet at' location_hints_help: 'Location hints: additional info. Example: the floor of the building if it is an in-person meeting, or the meeting password if it is an online meeting with restricted access.' online_meeting_url_help: 'Link: allow participants to connect directly to your meeting' registration_email_help: This text will appear in the middle of the registration confirmation email. Just after the registration code. registration_url_help: 'Link: allow participants to go on the external service you are using for registrations' select_a_meeting_type: Please select a meeting type select_a_registration_type: Please select a registration type select_an_iframe_access_level: Please select an iframe access level show_embedded_iframe_help: Only a few services allow embedding in meeting or live event (YouTube, Twitch and Jitsi) index: title: Meetings new: create: Create title: Create meeting publish: invalid: There was a problem publishing this meeting success: Meeting successfully published service: description: Description down: Down remove: Remove service: Service title: Title up: Up services: add_service: Add service services: Services unpublish: invalid: There was a problem unpublishing this meeting success: Meeting successfully unpublished update: invalid: There was a problem updating this meeting success: Meeting successfully updated meetings_poll: form: title: Edit poll questionnaire for %{questionnaire_for} update: invalid: There was a problem updating this meeting poll success: Meeting poll successfully updated models: meeting: name: Meeting registrations: edit: save: Save validate: Validate validate_registration_code: Validate registration code form: available_slots_help: Leave it to 0 if you have unlimited slots available. invites: Invitations recommendation_message: For privacy reasons we recommend that you delete this inscription form when you no longer need it. By default this is 3 months after the meeting has ended. registration_form: Registration form registrations_count: one: There has been %{count} registration. other: There has been %{count} registrations. reserved_slots_help: Leave it to 0 if you don't have reserved slots reserved_slots_less_than: Must be less than or equal to %{count} title: Registrations update: invalid: There was a problem saving the registration settings. success: Meeting registrations settings successfully saved. validate_registration_code: invalid: This registration code is invalid. success: Registration code successfully validated. admin_log: invite: create: "%{user_name} invited %{attendee_name} to join %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" deleted: "%{user_name} uninvited %{attendee_name} from joining %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} invited %{attendee_name} to join %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" meeting: close: "%{user_name} closed the %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" export_registrations: "%{user_name} exported the registrations of the %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} meeting on the %{space_name} space" value_types: organizer_presenter: not_found: 'The organizer was not found on the database (ID: %{id})' application_helper: filter_category_values: all: All filter_meeting_space_values: all: All filter_scope_values: all: All calendar_modal: calendar_url: Calendar URL close_window: Close window export_calendar: Export calendar conference_venues: Conference Venues content_blocks: upcoming_meetings: name: Upcoming meetings upcoming_meetings: Upcoming meetings view_all_meetings: View all directory: meetings: index: meetings: Meetings space_type: Participatory space iframe_access_level: all: All visitors registered: Registered participants to this meeting signed_in: Only signed-in participants iframe_embed_type: embed_in_meeting_page: Embed in meeting page none: None open_in_live_event_page: Open in live event page (with optional polls) open_in_new_tab: Open URL in a new tab last_activity: meeting_updated_at_html: "Meeting updated at %{link}" new_meeting_at_html: "New meeting at %{link}" layouts: live_event: administrate: Administrate close: close questions: Questions mailer: invite_join_meeting_mailer: invite: subject: Invitation to join a meeting registration_mailer: confirmation: subject: Your meeting's registration has been confirmed meeting: not_allowed: You are not allowed to view this meeting meeting_closes: edit: back: Back close: Close meeting title: Close meeting meetings: calendar_modal: add_to_calendar: Add to calendar apple: Add to Apple calendar close_window: Close window full_details_html: For full details go to %{link} google: Add to Google calendar outlook: Add to Outlook calendar count: meetings_count: one: "%{count} meeting" other: "%{count} meetings" create: invalid: There was a problem creating this meeting. success: You have created the meeting successfully. edit: back: Back title: Edit Your Meeting update: Update filters: activity: My activity all: All category: Category date: Date date_values: all: All past: Past upcoming: Upcoming my_meetings: My meetings origin: Origin origin_values: all: All citizens: Citizens official: Official user_groups: Groups scope: Scope search: Search type: Type type_values: all: All hybrid: Both in_person: In-person online: Online filters_small_view: close_modal: Close modal filter: Filter filter_by: Filter by unfold: Unfold form: address_help: 'Address: used by Geocoder to find the location' available_slots_help: Leave it to 0 if you have unlimited slots available create_as: Create meeting as disclaimer: 'Disclaimer: By using an external registration system, you''re aware that the organizers of %{organization} are not responsible for the data provided by the users to the external service.' location_help: 'Location: message directed to the users implying the spot to meet at' location_hints_help: 'Location hints: additional info. Example: the floor of the building if it is an in-person meeting, or the meeting password if it is an online meeting with restricted access.' online_meeting_url_help: 'Link: allow participants to connect directly to your meeting' registration_url_help: 'Link: allow participants to go on the external service you are using for registrations' select_a_category: Please select a category select_a_meeting_type: Please select a meeting type select_a_registration_type: Please select a registration type select_an_iframe_access_level: Please select an iframe access level show_embedded_iframe_help: Only a few services allow embedding in meeting or live event (YouTube, Twitch and Jitsi) index: click_here: See all meetings new_meeting: New meeting see_all: See all meetings see_all_withdrawn: See all withdrawn meetings text_banner: You are viewing the list of meetings withdrawn by their authors. %{go_back_link}. meeting_minutes: related_information: Related Information meetings: no_meetings_warning: No meetings match your search criteria or there isn't any meeting scheduled. upcoming_meetings_warning: Currently, there are no scheduled meetings, but here you can find all the past meetings listed. new: back: Back create: Create title: Create Your Meeting registration_confirm: cancel: Cancel confirm: Confirm show: attendees: Attendees count back: Back to list close_meeting: Close meeting contributions: Contributions count date: Date edit_close_meeting: Edit meeting report edit_meeting: Edit meeting going: You have signed up for this meeting join: Join meeting leave: Cancel your registration leave_confirmation: Are you sure you want to cancel your registration for this meeting? link_available_soon: Link available soon link_closed: The link to join the meeting will be available a few minutes before it starts live_event: This meeting is happening right now meeting_minutes: Meeting Minutes micro_camera_permissions_warning: When you click on the button below, you will be asked for microphone and/or camera permissions, and you will join the videoconference no_slots_available: No slots available organizations: Attending organizations registration_code_help_text: Your registration code registration_state: validated: VALIDATED validation_pending: VALIDATION PENDING remaining_slots: one: "%{count} slot remaining" other: "%{count} slots remaining" view: View visit_finished: View past meeting withdraw_btn_hint: You can withdraw your meeting if you change your mind. The meeting is not deleted, it will appear in the list of withdrawn meetings. withdraw_confirmation_html: Are you sure you want to withdraw this meeting?

This action cannot be cancelled! withdraw_meeting: Withdraw meeting update: invalid: There was a problem updating the meeting. success: You have updated the meeting successfully. meetings_map: view_meeting: View meeting models: invite: fields: email: Email name: Name sent_at: Sent at status: Status status: accepted: Accepted (%{at}) rejected: Rejected (%{at}) sent: Sent meeting: fields: closed: Closed end_time: End date id: Id map: Map official_meeting: Official meeting start_time: Start date title: Title polls: questions: closed_question: question_results: Question results index: empty_questions: Throughout this meeting, some questions will be sent and you will be able to answer them. They will be displayed here. index_admin: admin_dashboard: Administrator dashboard edit: Edit in the admin question: Question received_answer: received answer received_answers: received answers results: Results send: Send sent: Sent published_question: max_choices_alert: There are too many choices selected question: Question question_replied: Question replied reply_question: Reply question public_participants_list: attending_participants: Attending participants hidden_participants_count: one: and %{count} more person other: and %{count} more people read_more: "(read more)" registration_mailer: confirmation: confirmed_html: Your registration for the meeting %{title} has been confirmed. details: You will find the meeting's details in the attachment. registration_code: Your registration code is %{code}. registration_type: on_different_platform: On a different platform on_this_platform: On this platform registration_disabled: Registration disabled registrations: create: invalid: There was a problem joining this meeting. success: You have joined the meeting successfully. Because you have registered for this meeting, you'll be notified if there are updates on it. decline_invitation: invalid: There was a problem declining the invitation. success: You have declined the invitation successfully. destroy: invalid: There was a problem leaving this meeting. success: You have left the meeting successfully. type_of_meeting: hybrid: Both in_person: In person online: Online types: private_meeting: Private meeting transparent: Transparent withdraw: Withdrawn versions: back_to_resource: Go back to meeting withdraw: error: An error ocurred while withdrawing the meeting success: The meeting has been withdrawn successfully metrics: meetings: description: Number of meetings created object: meetings title: Meetings participatory_spaces: highlighted_meetings: past_meetings: Past meetings see_all: See all meetings (%{count}) upcoming_meetings: Upcoming meetings upcoming_meeting_for_card: upcoming_meeting: Upcoming meeting resource_links: meetings_through_proposals: meeting_result: 'Related results:' result_meeting: 'Related meetings:' proposals_from_meeting: meeting_proposal: 'Related proposals:' proposal_meeting: 'Related meetings:' statistics: meetings_count: Meetings devise: mailer: join_meeting: subject: Invitation to join a meeting