module ClosureTree class Support attr_reader :model_class attr_reader :options def initialize(model_class, options) @model_class = model_class @options = { :base_class => model_class, :parent_column_name => 'parent_id', :dependent => :nullify, # or :destroy or :delete_all -- see the README :name_column => 'name', :with_advisory_lock => true }.merge(options) raise IllegalArgumentException, "name_column can't be 'path'" if options[:name_column] == 'path' end def connection model_class.connection end def hierarchy_class_for_model hierarchy_class = model_class.parent.const_set(short_hierarchy_class_name, hierarchy_class.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 belongs_to :ancestor, :class_name => "#{model_class}" belongs_to :descendant, :class_name => "#{model_class}" attr_accessible :ancestor, :descendant, :generations def ==(other) self.class == other.class && ancestor_id == other.ancestor_id && descendant_id == other.descendant_id end alias :eql? :== def hash ancestor_id.hash << 31 ^ descendant_id.hash end RUBY hierarchy_class.table_name = hierarchy_table_name hierarchy_class end def parent_column_name options[:parent_column_name] end def parent_column_sym parent_column_name.to_sym end def has_name? options[:name_column] end def name_column options[:name_column] end def name_sym name_column.to_sym end def hierarchy_table_name # We need to use the table_name, not something like ct_class.to_s.demodulize + "_hierarchies", # because they may have overridden the table name, which is what we want to be consistent with # in order for the schema to make sense. tablename = options[:hierarchy_table_name] || remove_prefix_and_suffix(table_name).singularize + "_hierarchies" ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix + tablename + ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix end def hierarchy_class_name options[:hierarchy_class_name] || model_class.to_s + "Hierarchy" end # Returns the constant name of the hierarchy_class # # @return [String] the constant name # # @example # Namespace::Model.hierarchy_class_name # => "Namespace::ModelHierarchy" # Namespace::Model.short_hierarchy_class_name # => "ModelHierarchy" def short_hierarchy_class_name hierarchy_class_name.split('::').last end def quoted_hierarchy_table_name connection.quote_table_name hierarchy_table_name end def quoted_parent_column_name connection.quote_column_name parent_column_name end def quoted_name_column connection.quote_column_name name_column end def quote(field) connection.quote(field) end def order_option? !options[:order].nil? end def order_option options[:order].to_s end def with_order_option(options) order_option? ? options.merge(:order => order_option) : options end def scope_with_order(scope, additional_order_by = nil) order_option? ? scope.order(*([additional_order_by, order_option].compact)) : scope end def with_order_option(options) if order_option? options[:order] = [options[:order], order_option].compact.join(",") end options end def order_is_numeric? # The table might not exist yet (in the case of ActiveRecord::Observer use, see issue 32) return false if !order_option? || !model_class.table_exists? c = model_class.columns_hash[order_option] c && c.type == :integer end def order_column order_option.split(' ', 2).first if order_option? end def require_order_column raise ":order value, '#{order_option}', isn't a column" if order_column.nil? end def order_column_sym require_order_column order_column.to_sym end def quoted_order_column(include_table_name = true) require_order_column prefix = include_table_name ? "#{quoted_table_name}." : "" "#{prefix}#{connection.quote_column_name(order_column)}" end # This is the "topmost" class. This will only potentially not be ct_class if you are using STI. def base_class options[:base_class] end def subclass? model_class != model_class.base_class end def attribute_names @attribute_names ||= - model_class.protected_attributes.to_a end def has_type? attribute_names.include? 'type' end def table_name model_class.table_name end def quoted_table_name connection.quote_table_name table_name end def remove_prefix_and_suffix(table_name) prefix = Regexp.escape(ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix) suffix = Regexp.escape(ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix) table_name.gsub(/^#{prefix}(.+)#{suffix}$/, "\\1") end def ids_from(scope) if scope.respond_to? :pluck scope.pluck(:id) else end end end end