this.JS = this.JS || {}; JS.Package = function(loader) { var Set = JS.Package.OrderedSet; JS.Package._index(this); this._loader = loader; this._names = new Set(); this._deps = new Set(); this._uses = new Set(); this._observers = {}; this._events = {}; }; (function(klass) { //================================================================ // Ordered list of unique elements, for storing dependencies var Set = klass.OrderedSet = function(list, transform) { this._members = this.list = []; this._index = {}; if (!list) return; for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) this.push(transform ? transform(list[i]) : list[i]); }; Set.prototype.push = function(item) { var key = ( !== undefined) ? : item, index = this._index; if (index.hasOwnProperty(key)) return; index[key] = this._members.length; this._members.push(item); }; //================================================================ // Environment settings klass._env = this; if ((this.document || {}).getElementsByTagName) { var script = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; klass._isIE = (script.readyState !== undefined); } //================================================================ // Configuration methods, called by the DSL var instance = klass.prototype; instance.addDependency = function(pkg) { this._deps.push(pkg); }; instance.addSoftDependency = function(pkg) { this._uses.push(pkg); }; instance.addName = function(name) { this._names.push(name); klass.getFromCache(name).pkg = this; }; instance.onload = function(block) { this._onload = block; }; //================================================================ // Event dispatchers, for communication between packages instance.on = function(eventType, block, scope) { if (this._events[eventType]) return; var list = this._observers[eventType] = this._observers[eventType] || []; list.push([block, scope]); }; = function(eventType) { if (this._events[eventType]) return false; this._events[eventType] = true; var list = this._observers[eventType]; if (!list) return true; delete this._observers[eventType]; for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) list[i][0].call(list[i][1]); return true; }; //================================================================ // Loading frontend and other miscellany instance.isLoaded = function(withExceptions) { if (!withExceptions && this._isLoaded !== undefined) return this._isLoaded; var names = this._names.list, i = names.length, name, object; while (i--) { name = names[i]; object = klass.getObject(name); if (object !== undefined) continue; if (withExceptions) throw new Error('Expected package at ' + this._loader + ' to define ' + name); else return this._isLoaded = false; } return this._isLoaded = true; }; instance.load = function() { if (!'request')) return; var allDeps = this._deps.list.concat(this._uses.list), startEvent = 'load', // could potentially use 'download' event in listener = {}; // browsers that guarantee execution order listener[startEvent] = this._deps.list; klass.when(listener, function() { klass.when({complete: allDeps, load: [this]}, function() {'complete'); }, this); var self = this, fireOnLoad = function() { if (self._onload) self._onload(); self.isLoaded(true);'load'); }; if (this.isLoaded()) {'download'); return'load'); } if (this._loader === undefined) throw new Error('No load path found for ' + this._names.list[0]); typeof this._loader === 'function' ? this._loader(fireOnLoad) : klass.Loader.loadFile(this._loader, fireOnLoad);'download'); }, this); }; instance.toString = function() { return 'Package:' + this._names.list.join(','); }; //================================================================ // Class-level event API, handles group listeners klass.when = function(eventTable, block, scope) { var eventList = [], event, packages, i; for (event in eventTable) { if (!eventTable.hasOwnProperty(event)) continue; packages = new klass.OrderedSet(eventTable[event], function(name) { return klass.getByName(name) }); i = packages.list.length; while (i--) eventList.push([event, packages.list[i]]); } var waiting = i = eventList.length; if (waiting === 0) return block &&; while (i--) { eventList[i][1].on(eventList[i][0], function() { waiting -= 1; if (waiting === 0 && block); }); eventList[i][1].load(); } }; //================================================================ // Indexes for fast lookup by path and name, and assigning IDs klass._autoIncrement = 1; klass._indexByPath = {}; klass._indexByName = {}; klass._index = function(pkg) { = this._autoIncrement; this._autoIncrement += 1; }; klass.getByPath = function(loader) { var path = loader.toString(); return this._indexByPath[path] = this._indexByPath[path] || new this(loader); }; klass.getByName = function(name) { if (typeof name !== 'string') return name; var cached = this.getFromCache(name); if (cached.pkg) return cached.pkg; var placeholder = new this(); placeholder.addName(name); return placeholder; }; //================================================================ // Cache for named packages and runtime objects klass.getFromCache = function(name) { return this._indexByName[name] = this._indexByName[name] || {}; }; klass.getObject = function(name) { var cached = this.getFromCache(name); if (cached.obj !== undefined) return cached.obj; var object = this._env, parts = name.split('.'), part; while (part = parts.shift()) object = object && object[part]; return this.getFromCache(name).obj = object; }; })(JS.Package); JS.Package.DomLoader = { usable: function() { return !!JS.Package.getObject('window.document.getElementsByTagName'); }, __FILE__: function() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); return scripts[scripts.length - 1].src; }, loadFile: function(path, fireCallbacks) { var self = this, tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.type = 'text/javascript'; tag.src = path; tag.onload = tag.onreadystatechange = function() { var state = tag.readyState, status = tag.status; if ( !state || state === 'loaded' || state === 'complete' || (state === 4 && status === 200) ) { fireCallbacks(); tag.onload = tag.onreadystatechange = self._K; tag = null; } }; if (window.console &&'Loading ' + path); document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(tag); }, _K: function() {} }; JS.Package.ServerLoader = { usable: function() { return typeof JS.Package.getObject('load') === 'function' && typeof JS.Package.getObject('version') === 'function'; }, setup: function() { var self = this; load = (function(origLoad) { return function() { self._currentPath = arguments[0]; return origLoad.apply(JS.Package._env, arguments); }; })(load); }, __FILE__: function() { return this._currentPath; }, loadFile: function(path, fireCallbacks) { load(path); fireCallbacks(); } }; (function() { var candidates = [ JS.Package.DomLoader, JS.Package.ServerLoader ], n = candidates.length, i, candidate; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { candidate = candidates[i]; if (candidate.usable()) { JS.Package.Loader = candidate; if (candidate.setup) candidate.setup(); break; } } })(); JS.Package.DSL = { __FILE__: function() { return JS.Package.Loader.__FILE__(); }, pkg: function(name, path) { var pkg = path ? JS.Package.getByPath(path) : JS.Package.getByName(name); pkg.addName(name); return new JS.Package.Description(pkg); }, file: function(path) { var pkg = JS.Package.getByPath(path); return new JS.Package.Description(pkg); }, load: function(path, fireCallbacks) { JS.Package.Loader.loadFile(path, fireCallbacks); } }; JS.Package.Description = function(pkg) { this._pkg = pkg; }; (function(klass) { klass._batch = function(method, args) { var n = args.length, method = this._pkg[method], i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++), args[i]); return this; }; klass.provides = function() { return this._batch('addName', arguments); }; klass.requires = function() { return this._batch('addDependency', arguments); }; klass.uses = function() { return this._batch('addSoftDependency', arguments); }; klass.setup = function(block) { this._pkg.onload(block); return this; }; })(JS.Package.Description.prototype); JS.Package.DSL.loader = JS.Package.DSL.file; JS.Packages = function(declaration) {; }; JS.require = function() { var requirements = [], i = 0; while (typeof arguments[i] === 'string'){ requirements.push(arguments[i]); i += 1; } JS.Package.when({complete: requirements}, arguments[i], arguments[i+1]); }; require = JS.require; JS.Packages(function() { with(this) { var PATH = JS.Package._env.JSCLASS_PATH || __FILE__().replace(/[^\/]*$/g, ''); if (!/\/$/.test(PATH)) PATH = PATH + '/'; var module = function(name) { return file(PATH + name + '.js') }; module('core') .provides('JS.Module', 'JS.Class', 'JS.Kernel', 'JS.Singleton', 'JS.Interface'); module('comparable') .provides('JS.Comparable') .requires('JS.Module'); module('constant_scope').provides('JS.ConstantScope') .requires('JS.Module'); module('forwardable') .provides('JS.Forwardable') .requires('JS.Module'); module('enumerable') .provides('JS.Enumerable') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Class'); module('observable') .provides('JS.Observable') .requires('JS.Module'); module('hash') .provides('JS.Hash') .requires('JS.Class', 'JS.Enumerable', 'JS.Comparable'); module('set') .provides('JS.Set', 'JS.HashSet', 'JS.SortedSet') .requires('JS.Class', 'JS.Enumerable') .uses( 'JS.Hash'); module('linked_list') .provides('JS.LinkedList', 'JS.LinkedList.Doubly', 'JS.LinkedList.Doubly.Circular') .requires('JS.Class', 'JS.Enumerable'); module('command') .provides('JS.Command', 'JS.Command.Stack') .requires('JS.Class', 'JS.Enumerable', 'JS.Observable'); module('decorator') .provides('JS.Decorator') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Class'); module('method_chain') .provides('JS.MethodChain') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Kernel'); module('proxy') .provides('JS.Proxy', 'JS.Proxy.Virtual') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Class'); module('ruby') .provides('JS.Ruby') .requires('JS.Class'); module('stack_trace') .provides('JS.StackTrace') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Singleton'); module('state') .provides('JS.State') .requires('JS.Module', 'JS.Class'); }});