# CHANGELOG ## 0.4.0 - Refactored EVERYTHING to support encryption directly on columns. See README for upgrade instructions. ## 0.3.5 - Fixed ActiveRecord dependency issue (now handles any version of ActiveRecord from 3.2 to current) ## 0.3.4 - Rewrote specs and found a bug in password-protected keys; fixed now! Thanks again to Brett for helping me find the problem. ## 0.3.3 - Solved a mass-assignment issue thanks to Brett Levine ## 0.3.2 - Upgrade big_spoon dependency to solve annoying generator bug. ## 0.3.1 - Finally solved a large bug with a very simple fix. Looks like we're approaching stability, folks! ## 0.3.0 - Finally solved a large bug with a very simple fix. Looks like we're approaching stability, folks! ## 0.2.7 - So, about that library I arrogantly included? Turns out we should require it in code before expecting anything of it. ## 0.2.6 - We now use the BigSpoon library to hook into reload, because it's SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN THE GARBAGE MOST PEOPLE USE. Welp. It's been nice coding with y'all. ## 0.2.5 - PGCrypto now hooks into ActiveRecord::Base#reload in order to reset encrypted column values as expected when calling reload. ## 0.2.2 - Don't try to load columns on new records; should further reduce unnecessary database calls! ## 0.2.1 - Added ActiveModel::Dirty support, so you can now call *_changed? on your models tracking pgcrypto columns. ## 0.2.0 - Overhauled key system. Unfortunately, for performance reasons and due to the insanely hacked nature of PGCrypto, multiple keys are NO LONGER SUPPORTED. I'm working to bring them back, but this was the only solution to get fully performant and functional without any disasters. ## 0.1.2 - Added automatic installation of the pgcrypto extension if'n it doesn't already exist. Helpful, but doesn't fully make the `rake db:test:prepare` cut yet. Still working on that bit... ## 0.1.1 - Rebuilt the WHERE clause stuff to make sure finders AND setters both worked. It's fragile and hackish at this time, but we'll get there, folks! ## 0.1.0 - Overhauled the underpinnings to rely on a separate column. Adds on-demand loading of encrypted attributes from a central table which provides dramatic speed improvements when a record's encrypted attributes aren't needed most of the time. ## 0.0.4 - Compatibility fix between ActiveRecord ## 3.2.1 and ## 3.2.2 ## 0.0.3 - Fixed a join bug on SELECT statements ## 0.0.2 - Fixed a number of key-related bugs discovered in testing with our second production app with encrypted columns. Also duck-typed AREL statement types in a few places. ## 0.0.1 - INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE statements are working. But I wrote this while testing with a production app, and thus haven't written specific tests, so don't get your panties in a twist.