module Noodall class Node include MongoMapper::Document include MongoMapper::Acts::Tree include Canable::Ables plugin MongoMapper::Plugins::MultiParameterAttributes plugin Indexer plugin Search plugin Tagging plugin Noodall::GlobalUpdateTime key :title, String, :required => true key :name, String key :description, String key :body, String key :position, Integer, :default => nil key :_type, String key :published_at, Time key :published_to, Time key :updatable_groups, Array key :destroyable_groups, Array key :publishable_groups, Array key :permalink, Permalink, :required => true, :index => true timestamps! userstamps! alias_method :keywords, :tag_list alias_method :keywords=, :tag_list= attr_accessor :publish, :hide #for publishing acts_as_tree :order => "position", :search_class => Noodall::Node validates_true_for :template, :message => "cannot be changed as sub content is not allowed in this template", :logic => lambda { children.reject{|c| self._type.constantize.template_classes.include?(c.class)}.empty? } scope :published, lambda { where(:published_at => { :$lte => current_time }, :published_to => { :$gte => current_time }) } def published_children{|c| c.published? } end # Allow parent to be set to none using a string. Allows us to set the parent to nil easily via forms def parent=(var) self[parent_id_field] = nil var == "none" ? super(nil) : super end def template end def template=(template_name) self._type = template_name.gsub(' ','') unless template_name.blank? end def published? !published_at.nil? and published_at <= current_time and (published_to.nil? or published_to >= current_time) end def pending? published_at.nil? or published_at >= current_time end def expired? !published_to.nil? and published_to <= current_time end def first? position == 0 end def last? position == search_class.count(:_id => {"$ne" => self._id}, parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field]) end def move_lower sibling = search_class.first(:position => {"$gt" => self.position}, parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field], :order => 'position ASC') tmp = sibling.position sibling.position = self.position self.position = tmp search_class.collection.update({:_id => self._id}, self.to_mongo) search_class.collection.update({:_id => sibling._id}, sibling.to_mongo) global_updated! end def move_higher sibling = search_class.first(:position => {"$lt" => self.position}, parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field], :order => 'position DESC') tmp = sibling.position sibling.position = self.position self.position = tmp search_class.collection.update({:_id => self._id}, self.to_mongo) search_class.collection.update({:_id => sibling._id}, sibling.to_mongo) global_updated! end def run_callbacks(kind, options = {}, &block) self.class.send("#{kind}_callback_chain").run(self, options, &block) self.embedded_associations.each do |association| self.send( do |document| document.run_callbacks(kind, options, &block) end end self.embedded_keys.each do |key| self.send(, options, &block) unless self.send( end end def slots slots = [] for slot_type in self.class.send("#{slot_type}_slots_count").to_i.times do |i| slots << self.send("#{slot_type}_slot_#{i}") end end slots.compact end ## CANS def all_groups updatable_groups | destroyable_groups | publishable_groups end %w( updatable destroyable publishable ).each do |permission| define_method("#{permission}_by?") do |user| user.admin? or send("#{permission}_groups").empty? or user.groups.any?{ |g| send("#{permission}_groups").include?(g) } end define_method("#{permission}_groups_list") do send("#{permission}_groups").join(', ') end define_method("#{permission}_groups_list=") do |groups_string| send("#{permission}_groups=", groups_string.split(',').map{|g| g.blank? ? nil : g.strip }.compact.uniq) end end def creatable_by?(user) parent.nil? or parent.updatable_by?(user) end def siblings search_class.where(:_id => {:$ne => self._id}, parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field]).order(tree_order) end def self_and_siblings search_class.where(parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field]).order(tree_order) end def children search_class.where(parent_id_field => self._id).order(tree_order) end private def current_time self.class.current_time end before_validation :set_permalink def set_permalink if permalink.blank? # inherit the parents permalink and append the current node's .name or .title attribute # this code takes name over title for the current node's slug # this way enables children to inherit the parent's custom (user defined) permalink also permalink_args = self.parent.nil? ? [] : self.parent.permalink self_slug = ( ? self.title : permalink_args << self_slug unless self_slug.blank? self.permalink =*permalink_args) end end before_save :set_position def set_position write_attribute :position, siblings.size if position.nil? end before_save :clean_slots # This method removes any uneeded modules from the object # modules that would otherwise remain hidden # if the objects class was changed def clean_slots # TODO: spec this slot_types = # collect all of the slot attributes # (so we don't have to loop through the whole object each time) slots ={|k,v| k =~ /^(#{slot_types.join('|')})_slot_\d+$/ } # for each type of slot for slot_type in slot_types # get the number of slots of this type in the (possibly new) class slot_count = self._type.constantize.send("#{slot_type}_slots_count").to_i # loop through all of the slot attributes for this type{|k,v| k =~ /^#{slot_type}_slot_\d+$/ }.each do |key, slot| index = key[/#{slot_type}_slot_(\d+)$/, 1].to_i logger.debug "Deleting #{key} #{self.send(key).inspect}" if index >= slot_count # set the slot to nil write_attribute(key.to_sym, nil) if index >= slot_count end end end before_save :set_path def set_path write_attribute :path, parent.path + [parent._id] unless parent.nil? end before_create :inherit_permisions def inherit_permisions unless parent.nil? self.updatable_groups = parent.updatable_groups self.destroyable_groups = parent.destroyable_groups self.publishable_groups = parent.publishable_groups end end after_save :order_siblings def order_siblings if position_changed? search_class.collection.update({:_id => {"$ne" => self._id}, :position => {"$gte" => self.position}, parent_id_field => self[parent_id_field]}, { "$inc" => { :position => 1 }}, { :multi => true }) self_and_siblings.each_with_index do |sibling, index| unless sibling.position == index sibling.position = index, :safe => true) end end end end before_save :set_published def set_published if publish write_attribute :published_at, current_time if published_at.nil? write_attribute :published_to, 10.years.from_now if published_to.nil? end if hide write_attribute :published_at, nil write_attribute :published_to, 10.years.from_now end end before_save :set_name def set_name = self.title if end module ClassMethods @@slots = [] # Set the names of the slots that will be avaiable to fill with components # For each name new methods will be created; # # _slots(count) # This allow you to set the number of slots available in a template # _slots_count(count) # Reads back the count you set def slots(*args) @@slots = @@slots.each do |slot| puts "Noodall::Node Defined slot: #{slot}" define_singleton_method("#{slot}_slots") do |count| instance_variable_set("@#{slot}_slots_count", count) count.times do |i| key "#{slot}_slot_#{i}", Noodall::Component validates_each "#{slot}_slot_#{i}", :logic => lambda { errors.add("#{slot}_slot_#{i}", "is not allowed in a #{slot} slot") unless send("#{slot}_slot_#{i}").nil? or Noodall::Component.positions_classes(slot).include?(send("#{slot}_slot_#{i}").class) } # TODO: Nicer message please validates_associated "#{slot}_slot_#{i}" end end define_singleton_method("#{slot}_slots_count") { instance_variable_get("@#{slot}_slots_count") } end end def slots_count @@slots.inject(0) { |total, slot| total + send("#{slot}_slots_count").to_i } end def possible_slots @@slots end def roots(options = {}) self.where(parent_id_field => nil).order(tree_order) end def find_by_permalink(permalink) node = find_one(:permalink => permalink.to_s, :published_at => { :$lte => current_time }) raise MongoMapper::DocumentNotFound if node.nil? or node.expired? node end def template_classes return @template_classes if @template_classes classes = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |c| next unless c.ancestors.include?(Noodall::Node) and (c != Noodall::Node) and c.root_template? classes << c end @template_classes = classes end def template_names template_classes.collect{|c|}.sort end def all_template_classes templates = [] template_classes.each do |template| templates << template templates = templates + template.template_classes end templates.uniq.collect{ |c| }.sort end def sub_templates(*arr) @template_classes = arr end def root_template! @root_template = true end def root_template? @root_template end # Returns a list of classes that can have this model as a child def parent_classes classes = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |c| next unless c.ancestors.include?(Noodall::Node) and (c != Noodall::Node) and c.template_classes.include?(self) classes << c end classes end # If rails style time zones are unavaiable fallback to standard now def current_time ? : end end extend ClassMethods end end