# Specta A light-weight TDD / BDD framework for Objective-C & Cocoa. ### FEATURES * RSpec-like BDD DSL * Super quick and easy to set up * Runs on top of XCTest * Excellent Xcode integration ### SCREENSHOT ![Specta Screenshot](http://github.com/petejkim/stuff/raw/master/images/specta-screenshot.png) ### SETUP Use [CocoaPods](http://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods) ```ruby target :MyApp do # your app dependencies end target :MyAppTests do pod 'Specta', '~> 0.2.1' # pod 'Expecta', '~> 0.2.3' # expecta matchers # pod 'OCMock', '~> 2.2.1' # OCMock # pod 'OCHamcrest', '~> 3.0.0' # hamcrest matchers # pod 'OCMockito', '~> 1.0.0' # OCMock # pod 'LRMocky', '~> 0.9.1' # LRMocky end ``` or 1. Clone from Github. 2. Run `rake` in project root to build. 3. Add a "Cocoa/Cocoa Touch Unit Testing Bundle" target if you don't already have one. 4. Copy and add all header files in `products` folder to the Test target in your Xcode project. 5. For **OS X projects**, copy and add `libSpecta-macosx.a` in `products` folder to the Test target in your Xcode project. For **iOS projects**, copy and add `libSpecta-ios-universal.a` in `products` folder to the Test target in your Xcode project. 6. Add `-ObjC` and `-all_load` to the "Other Linker Flags" build setting for the Spec/Test target in your Xcode project. 7. Add the following to your test code. ```objective-c #import "Specta.h" ``` Standard XCTest matchers such as `XCTAssertEqualObjects` and `XCTAssertNil` work, but you probably want to add a nicer matcher framework - [Expecta](http://github.com/petejkim/expecta/) to your setup. Or if you really prefer, [OCHamcrest](https://github.com/jonreid/OCHamcrest) works fine too. Also, add a mocking framework: [OCMock](http://ocmock.org/). ## WRITING SPECS ```objective-c #import "Specta.h" SharedExamplesBegin(MySharedExamples) // Global shared examples are shared across all spec files. sharedExamplesFor(@"a shared behavior", ^(NSDictionary *data) { it(@"should do some stuff", ^{ id obj = data[@"key"]; // ... }); }); SharedExamplesEnd SpecBegin(Thing) describe(@"Thing", ^{ sharedExamplesFor(@"another shared behavior", ^(NSDictionary *data) { // Locally defined shared examples can override global shared examples within its scope. }); beforeAll(^{ // This is run once and only once before all of the examples // in this group and before any beforeEach blocks. }); beforeEach(^{ // This is run before each example. }); it(@"should do stuff", ^{ // This is an example block. Place your assertions here. }); it(@"should do some stuff asynchronously", ^AsyncBlock { // Async example blocks need to invoke done() callback. done(); }); itShouldBehaveLike(@"a shared behavior", @{@"key" : @"obj"}); itShouldBehaveLike(@"another shared behavior", ^{ // Use a block that returns a dictionary if you need the context to be evaluated lazily, // e.g. to use an object prepared in a beforeEach block. return @{@"key" : @"obj"}; }); describe(@"Nested examples", ^{ it(@"should do even more stuff", ^{ // ... }); }); pending(@"pending example"); pending(@"another pending example", ^{ // ... }); afterEach(^{ // This is run after each example. }); afterAll(^{ // This is run once and only once after all of the examples // in this group and after any afterEach blocks. }); }); SpecEnd ``` * `beforeEach` and `afterEach` are also aliased as `before` and `after` respectively. * `describe` is also aliased as `context`. * `it` is also aliased as `example` and `specify`. * `itShouldBehaveLike` is also aliased as `itBehavesLike`. * Use `pending` or prepend `x` to `describe`, `context`, `example`, `it`, and `specify` to mark examples or groups as pending. * Use `^AsyncBlock` as shown in the example above to make examples wait for completion. `done()` callback needs to be invoked to let Specta know that your test is complete. The default timeout is 10.0 seconds but this can be changed by calling the function `setAsyncSpecTimeout(NSTimeInterval timeout)`. * `(before|after)(Each/All)` also accept `^AsyncBlock`s. * Do `#define SPT_CEDAR_SYNTAX` before importing Specta if you prefer to write `SPEC_BEGIN` and `SPEC_END` instead of `SpecBegin` and `SpecEnd`. * Prepend `f` to your `describe`, `context`, `example`, `it`, and `specify` to set focus on examples or groups. When specs are focused, all unfocused specs are skipped. * To use original XCTest reporter, set an environment variable named `SPECTA_REPORTER_CLASS` to `SPTXCTestReporter` in your test scheme. ### CONTRIBUTION GUIDELINES * Please use only spaces and indent 2 spaces at a time. * Please prefix instance variable names with a single underscore (`_`). * Please prefix custom classes and functions defined in the global scope with `SPT`. ## LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012-2013 [Specta Team](https://github.com/specta?tab=members). This software is licensed under the [MIT License](http://github.com/petejkim/specta/raw/master/LICENSE).