module Pwb class Prop < ApplicationRecord translates :title, :description globalize_accessors locales: [:en, :ca, :es, :fr, :ar, :de, :ru, :pt] # Use EUR as model level currency # register_currency :eur # monetize :precio_venta, with_model_currency: :currency, :as => "sales_price", :allow_nil => true monetize :price_sale_current_cents, with_model_currency: :currency, allow_nil: true monetize :price_sale_original_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_current_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_original_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_low_season_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_high_season_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_standard_season_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :price_rental_monthly_for_search_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :commission_cents, with_model_currency: :currency monetize :service_charge_yearly_cents, with_model_currency: :currency # monetize :price_in_a_range_cents, with_model_currency: :currency, :allow_nil => true, # :numericality => { # :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0, # :less_than_or_equal_to => 10000 # } # TODO: - Ensure admin client can warn of uniqueness errors # and enable below: # validates :reference, :uniqueness => { case_sensitive: false } has_many :prop_photos, -> { order 'sort_order asc' } has_many :features scope :for_rent, -> () { where('for_rent_short_term OR for_rent_long_term') } # couldn't do above if for_rent_short_term was a flatshihtzu boolean scope :for_sale, -> () { where for_sale: true } scope :visible, -> () { where visible: true } scope :in_zone, ->(key) { where zone_key: key } scope :in_locality, ->(key) { where locality_key: key } scope :property_type, ->(property_type) { where prop_type_key: property_type } scope :property_state, ->(property_state) { where prop_state_key: property_state } # scope :property_type, -> (property_type) { where property_type: property_type } # scope :property_state, -> (property_state) { where property_state: property_state } # below scopes used for searching scope :for_rent_price_from, ->(minimum_price) { where("price_rental_monthly_for_search_cents >= ?", minimum_price.to_s) } scope :for_rent_price_till, ->(maximum_price) { where("price_rental_monthly_for_search_cents <= ?", maximum_price.to_s) } scope :for_sale_price_from, ->(minimum_price) { where("price_sale_current_cents >= ?", minimum_price.to_s) } scope :for_sale_price_till, ->(maximum_price) { where("price_sale_current_cents <= ?", maximum_price.to_s) } scope :count_bathrooms, ->(min_count_bathrooms) { where("count_bathrooms >= ?", min_count_bathrooms.to_s) } scope :count_bedrooms, ->(min_count_bedrooms) { where("count_bedrooms >= ?", min_count_bedrooms.to_s) } # scope :starts_with, -> (name) { where("name like ?", "#{name}%")} # scope :pending, joins(:admin_request_status).where(' = ?','Pending Approval') def has_garage count_garages && (count_garages > 0) end def for_rent for_rent_short_term || for_rent_long_term end def show_map if latitude.present? && longitude.present? !hide_map else false end end # Getter def get_extras Hash[ { |key, _value| [key.feature_key, true] }] # # returns something like {"terraza"=>true, "alarma"=>true, "gotele"=>true, "sueloMarmol"=>true} # - much easier to use on the client side admin page end # Setter- called by update_extras in properties controller # expects a hash with keys like "cl.casafactory.fieldLabels.extras.alarma" # each with a value of true or false def set_extras=(extras_json) return unless extras_json.class == Hash extras_json.keys.each do |feature_key| # TODO - create feature_key if its missing if extras_json[feature_key] == "true" || extras_json[feature_key] == true features.find_or_create_by( feature_key: feature_key) else features.where( feature_key: feature_key).delete_all end end end # below will return a translated (and sorted acc to translation) # list of extras for property def extras_for_display merged_extras = [] get_extras.keys.each do |extra| # extras_field_key = "fieldLabels.extras.#{extra}" translated_option_key = I18n.t extra merged_extras.push translated_option_key # below check to ensure the field has not been deleted as # an available extra # quite an edge case - not entirely sure its worthwhile # if extras_field_configs[extras_field_key] # translated_option_key = I18n.t extras_field_key # merged_extras.push translated_option_key # end end merged_extras.sort{ |w1, w2| w1.casecmp(w2) } # above ensures sort is case insensitive # by default sort will add lowercased items to end of array # # return merged_extras.sort end def ordered_photo_url(number) # allows me to pick an individual image according to an order unless prop_photos.length >= number return "" end prop_photos[number - 1].image.url end def url_friendly_title # used in constructing seo friendly url if title && title.length > 2 title.parameterize else "show" end end def contextual_show_path(rent_or_sale) unless rent_or_sale # where I am displaying items searched by ref number, won't know if its for sale or rent beforehand rent_or_sale = for_rent ? "for_rent" : "for_sale" end if rent_or_sale == "for_rent" return Pwb::Engine.routes.url_helpers.prop_show_for_rent_path(locale: I18n.locale, id: id, url_friendly_title: url_friendly_title) else return Pwb::Engine.routes.url_helpers.prop_show_for_sale_path(locale: I18n.locale, id: id, url_friendly_title: url_friendly_title) end end def contextual_price(rent_or_sale) unless rent_or_sale # where I am displaying items searched by ref number, won't know if its for sale or rent beforehand rent_or_sale = for_rent ? "for_rent" : "for_sale" end if rent_or_sale == "for_rent" # || rent_or_sale == "forRent" contextual_price = price_rental_monthly_for_search # contextual_price = self.rental_price else contextual_price = price_sale_current end contextual_price # .zero? ? nil : contextual_price.format(:no_cents => true) end # will return nil if price is 0 def contextual_price_with_currency(rent_or_sale) contextual_price = self.contextual_price rent_or_sale if return nil else return contextual_price.format(no_cents: true) end # return ? nil : contextual_price.format(:no_cents => true) end def rental_price # deliberately checking short_term first # so that it overrides long_term price if both are set if for_rent_short_term rental_price = lowest_short_term_price || 0 end unless rental_price && rental_price > 0 rental_price = price_rental_monthly_current || 0 end unless rental_price && rental_price > 0 return nil end rental_price end def lowest_short_term_price prices_array = [price_rental_monthly_low_season, price_rental_monthly_standard_season, price_rental_monthly_high_season] # remove any prices that are 0: prices_array.reject! { |a| a.cents < 1 } prices_array.min end # def ano_constr=(ano_constr) # self.year_construction = ano_constr # end # TODO: - replace below with db col # def area_unit # return "sqft" # # "sqmt" # # "m2" # end # enum area_unit: [ :sqmt, :sqft ] # above method of declaring less flexible than below: enum area_unit: { sqmt: 0, sqft: 1 } before_save :set_rental_search_price after_create :set_defaults private def set_defaults # This is pretty ugly - need to create a service object # with DI as soon as I can: current_website = Website.unique_instance # default_currency = Website.last.present? ? Website.last.default_currency : nil if current_website.default_currency.present? self.currency = current_website.default_currency save end if current_website.default_area_unit.present? self.area_unit = current_website.default_area_unit save end end # called from before_save def set_rental_search_price # below for setting a value that I can use for searcing and ordering rental properties self.price_rental_monthly_for_search = rental_price end end end