require 'spec_helper' describe Chouette::StopArea, :type => :model do let!(:quay) { create :stop_area, :area_type => "Quay" } let!(:boarding_position) { create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" } let!(:commercial_stop_point) { create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" } let!(:stop_place) { create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" } let!(:itl) { create :stop_area, :area_type => "ITL" } describe '#objectid' do subject { super().objectid } it { be_kind_of(Chouette::ObjectId) } end it { validate_presence_of :name } it { validate_presence_of :area_type } it { validate_numericality_of :latitude } it { validate_numericality_of :longitude } describe ".latitude" do it "should accept -90 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.latitude = -90 expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject < -90 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.latitude = -90.0001 expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end it "should accept 90 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.latitude = 90 expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject > 90 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.latitude = 90.0001 expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end end describe ".longitude" do it "should accept -180 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = -180 expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject < -180 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = -180.0001 expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end it "should accept 180 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = 180 expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject > 180 value" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = 180.0001 expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end end describe ".long_lat" do it "should accept longitude and latitude both as nil" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = nil subject.latitude = nil expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should accept longitude and latitude both numerical" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = 10 subject.latitude = 10 expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject longitude nil with latitude numerical" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = nil subject.latitude = 10 expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end it "should reject longitude numerical with latitude nil" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.longitude = 10 subject.latitude = nil expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end end describe ".children_in_depth" do it "should return all the deepest children from stop area" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint", :parent => subject commercial_stop_point2 = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint", :parent => commercial_stop_point quay = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.children_in_depth).to match_array([commercial_stop_point, commercial_stop_point2, quay]) end it "should return only the deepest children from stop area" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint", :parent => subject commercial_stop_point2 = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint", :parent => commercial_stop_point quay = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.children_at_base).to match_array([quay]) end end describe ".stop_area_type" do it "should have area_type of BoardingPosition when stop_area_type is set to boarding_position" do subject = create :stop_area, :stop_area_type => "boarding_position" expect(subject.area_type).to eq("BoardingPosition") end it "should have area_type of Quay when stop_area_type is set to quay" do subject = create :stop_area, :stop_area_type => "quay" expect(subject.area_type).to eq("Quay") end it "should have area_type of CommercialStopPoint when stop_area_type is set to commercial_stop_point" do subject = create :stop_area, :stop_area_type => "commercial_stop_point" expect(subject.area_type).to eq("CommercialStopPoint") end it "should have area_type of StopPlace when stop_area_type is set to stop_place" do subject = create :stop_area, :stop_area_type => "stop_place" expect(subject.area_type).to eq("StopPlace") end it "should have area_type of ITL when stop_area_type is set to itl" do subject = create :stop_area, :stop_area_type => "itl" expect(subject.area_type).to eq("ITL") end end describe ".parent" do it "should check if parent method exists" do subject = create :stop_area, :parent_id => expect(subject.parent).to eq(commercial_stop_point) end end describe ".possible_children" do it "should find no possible descendant for stop area type quay" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.possible_children).to eq([]) end it "should find no possible descendant for stop area type boarding position" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" expect(subject.possible_children).to eq([]) end it "should find descendant of type quay or boarding position for stop area type commercial stop point" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" expect(subject.possible_children).to match_array([quay, boarding_position]) end it "should find no children of type stop place or commercial stop point for stop area type stop place" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" expect(subject.possible_children).to match_array([stop_place, commercial_stop_point]) end it "should find no children of type ITL for stop area type ITL" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "ITL" expect(subject.possible_children).to match_array([stop_place, commercial_stop_point, quay, boarding_position]) end end describe ".possible_parents" do it "should find parent type commercial stop point for stop area type boarding position" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" expect(subject.possible_parents).to eq([commercial_stop_point]) end it "should find parent type commercial stop point for stop area type quay" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.possible_parents).to eq([commercial_stop_point]) end it "should find parent type stop place for stop area type commercial stop point" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" expect(subject.possible_parents).to eq([stop_place]) end it "should find parent type stop place for stop area type stop place" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" expect(subject.possible_parents).to eq([stop_place]) end end describe ".near" do let(:stop_area) { create :stop_area, :latitude => 1, :longitude => 1 } let(:stop_area2) { create :stop_area, :latitude => 1, :longitude => 1 } it "should find a StopArea at 300m from given origin" do expect(Chouette::StopArea.near(stop_area.to_lat_lng.endpoint(0, 0.250, :units => :kms))).to eq([stop_area]) end it "should not find a StopArea at more than 300m from given origin" do expect(Chouette::StopArea.near(stop_area2.to_lat_lng.endpoint(0, 0.350, :units => :kms))).to be_empty end end describe "#to_lat_lng" do it "should return nil if latitude is nil" do subject.latitude = nil expect(subject.to_lat_lng).to be_nil end it "should return nil if longitude is nil" do subject.longitude = nil expect(subject.to_lat_lng).to be_nil end end describe "#geometry" do it "should be nil when to_lat_lng is nil" do allow(subject).to receive_messages :to_lat_lng => nil expect(subject.geometry).to be_nil end end describe ".bounds" do it "should return transform coordinates in floats" do allow(Chouette::StopArea.connection).to receive_messages :select_rows => [["113.5292500000000000", "22.1127580000000000", "113.5819330000000000", "22.2157050000000000"]] expect(GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Envelope).to receive(:from_coordinates).with([[113.5292500000000000, 22.1127580000000000], [113.5819330000000000, 22.2157050000000000]]) Chouette::StopArea.bounds end end describe "#default_position" do it "should return nil when StopArea.bounds is nil" do allow(Chouette::StopArea).to receive_messages :bounds => nil expect(subject.default_position).to be_nil end it "should return StopArea.bounds center" do allow(Chouette::StopArea).to receive_messages :bounds => double(:center => "center") expect(subject.default_position).to eq( end end describe "#children_at_base" do it "should have 2 children_at_base" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => subject quay1 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" quay2 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.children_at_base.size).to eq(2) end end describe "#generic_access_link_matrix" do it "should have no access_links in matrix with no access_point" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => subject expect(subject.generic_access_link_matrix.size).to eq(0) end it "should have 4 generic_access_links in matrix with 2 access_points" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => subject access_point1 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject access_point2 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject expect(subject.generic_access_link_matrix.size).to eq(4) end end describe "#detail_access_link_matrix" do it "should have no access_links in matrix with no access_point" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => subject quay1 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" quay2 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.detail_access_link_matrix.size).to eq(0) end it "should have 8 detail_access_links in matrix with 2 children_at_base and 2 access_points" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => subject quay1 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" quay2 = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" access_point1 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject access_point2 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject expect(subject.detail_access_link_matrix.size).to eq(8) end end describe "#parents" do it "should return parent hireachy list" do stop_place = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => stop_place subject = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.parents.size).to eq(2) end it "should return empty parent hireachy list" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "Quay" expect(subject.parents.size).to eq(0) end end describe "#clean_invalid_access_links" do it "should remove invalid access links" do # subject is a CSP with a SP as parent, a quay as child # 2 access_points of SP have access_link, one on subject, one on subject child # when detaching subject from SP, both access_links must be deleted stop_place = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => stop_place access_point1 = create :access_point, :stop_area => stop_place access_point2 = create :access_point, :stop_area => stop_place quay = create :stop_area, :parent => subject, :area_type => "Quay" access_link1 = create :access_link, :stop_area => subject, :access_point => access_point1 access_link2 = create :access_link, :stop_area => quay, :access_point => access_point2 expect(subject.access_links.size).to eq(1) expect(quay.access_links.size).to eq(1) subject.parent=nil subject.reload expect(subject.access_links.size).to eq(0) expect(quay.access_links.size).to eq(0) end it "should not remove still valid access links" do # subject is a Q of CSP with a SP as parent # 2 access_points, one of SP, one of CSP have access_link on subject # when changing subject CSP to another CSP of same SP # one access_links must be kept stop_place = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" commercial_stop_point1 = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => stop_place commercial_stop_point2 = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => stop_place access_point1 = create :access_point, :stop_area => stop_place access_point2 = create :access_point, :stop_area => commercial_stop_point1 subject = create :stop_area, :parent => commercial_stop_point1, :area_type => "Quay" access_link1 = create :access_link, :stop_area => subject, :access_point => access_point1 access_link2 = create :access_link, :stop_area => subject, :access_point => access_point2 expect(subject.access_links.size).to eq(2) subject.parent=commercial_stop_point2 subject.reload expect(subject.access_links.size).to eq(1) end end describe "#coordinates" do it "should convert coordinates into latitude/longitude" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :coordinates => "45.123,120.456" expect(subject.longitude).to be_within(0.001).of(120.456) expect(subject.latitude).to be_within(0.001).of(45.123) end it "should set empty coordinates into nil latitude/longitude" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :coordinates => "45.123,120.456" expect(subject.longitude).to be_within(0.001).of(120.456) expect(subject.latitude).to be_within(0.001).of(45.123) subject.coordinates = "" expect(subject.longitude).to be_nil expect(subject.latitude).to be_nil end it "should convert latitude/longitude into coordinates" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :longitude => 120.456, :latitude => 45.123 expect(subject.coordinates).to eq("45.123,120.456") end it "should convert nil latitude/longitude into empty coordinates" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :longitude => nil, :latitude => nil expect(subject.coordinates).to eq("") end it "should accept valid coordinates" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :coordinates => "45.123,120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "45.123, 120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy expect(subject.longitude).to be_within(0.001).of(120.456) expect(subject.latitude).to be_within(0.001).of(45.123) subject.coordinates = "45.123, -120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "45.123 ,120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "45.123 , 120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = " 45.123,120.456" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "45.123,120.456 " expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should accept valid coordinates on limits" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition", :coordinates => "90,180" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "-90,-180" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "-90.,180." expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy subject.coordinates = "-90.0,180.00" expect(subject.valid?).to be_truthy end it "should reject invalid coordinates" do subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "BoardingPosition" subject.coordinates = ",12" expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey subject.coordinates = "-90" expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey subject.coordinates = "-90.1,180." expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey subject.coordinates = "-90.0,180.1" expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey subject.coordinates = "-91.0,18.1" expect(subject.valid?).to be_falsey end end describe "#duplicate" do it "should be a copy of" do stop_place = create :stop_area, :area_type => "StopPlace" subject = create :stop_area, :area_type => "CommercialStopPoint" ,:parent => stop_place, :coordinates => "45.123,120.456" access_point1 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject access_point2 = create :access_point, :stop_area => subject quay1 = create :stop_area, :parent => subject, :area_type => "Quay" target=subject.duplicate expect( be_nil expect( eq("Copy of " expect(target.objectid).to eq(subject.objectid+"_1") expect(target.area_type).to eq(subject.area_type) expect(target.parent).to be_nil expect(target.children.size).to eq(0) expect(target.access_points.size).to eq(0) expect(target.coordinates).to eq("45.123,120.456") end end end