/* * Activiti Modeler component part of the Activiti project * Copyright 2005-2014 Alfresco Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ 'use strict'; var KISBPM = KISBPM || {}; KISBPM.TOOLBAR = { ACTIONS: { saveModel: function (services) { var modal = services.$modal({ backdrop: true, keyboard: true, template: 'editor-app/popups/save-model.html?version=' + Date.now(), scope: services.$scope }); }, undo: function (services) { // Get the last commands var lastCommands = services.$scope.undoStack.pop(); if (lastCommands) { // Add the commands to the redo stack services.$scope.redoStack.push(lastCommands); // Force refresh of selection, might be that the undo command // impacts properties in the selected item if (services.$rootScope && services.$rootScope.forceSelectionRefresh) { services.$rootScope.forceSelectionRefresh = true; } // Rollback every command for (var i = lastCommands.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { lastCommands[i].rollback(); } // Update and refresh the canvas services.$scope.editor.handleEvents({ type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_UNDO_ROLLBACK, commands: lastCommands }); // Update services.$scope.editor.getCanvas().update(); services.$scope.editor.updateSelection(); } var toggleUndo = false; if (services.$scope.undoStack.length == 0) { toggleUndo = true; } var toggleRedo = false; if (services.$scope.redoStack.length > 0) { toggleRedo = true; } if (toggleUndo || toggleRedo) { for (var i = 0; i < services.$scope.items.length; i++) { var item = services.$scope.items[i]; if (toggleUndo && item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = false; }); } else if (toggleRedo && item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = true; }); } } } }, redo: function (services) { // Get the last commands from the redo stack var lastCommands = services.$scope.redoStack.pop(); if (lastCommands) { // Add this commands to the undo stack services.$scope.undoStack.push(lastCommands); // Force refresh of selection, might be that the redo command // impacts properties in the selected item if (services.$rootScope && services.$rootScope.forceSelectionRefresh) { services.$rootScope.forceSelectionRefresh = true; } // Execute those commands lastCommands.each(function (command) { command.execute(); }); // Update and refresh the canvas services.$scope.editor.handleEvents({ type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_UNDO_EXECUTE, commands: lastCommands }); // Update services.$scope.editor.getCanvas().update(); services.$scope.editor.updateSelection(); } var toggleUndo = false; if (services.$scope.undoStack.length > 0) { toggleUndo = true; } var toggleRedo = false; if (services.$scope.redoStack.length == 0) { toggleRedo = true; } if (toggleUndo || toggleRedo) { for (var i = 0; i < services.$scope.items.length; i++) { var item = services.$scope.items[i]; if (toggleUndo && item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = true; }); } else if (toggleRedo && item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = false; }); } } } }, cut: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxEditPlugin(services.$scope).editCut(); for (var i = 0; i < services.$scope.items.length; i++) { var item = services.$scope.items[i]; if (item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.paste') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = true; }); } } }, copy: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxEditPlugin(services.$scope).editCopy(); for (var i = 0; i < services.$scope.items.length; i++) { var item = services.$scope.items[i]; if (item.action === 'KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.paste') { services.$scope.safeApply(function () { item.enabled = true; }); } } }, paste: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxEditPlugin(services.$scope).editPaste(); }, deleteItem: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxEditPlugin(services.$scope).editDelete(); }, addBendPoint: function (services) { var dockerPlugin = KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxDockerPlugin(services.$scope); var enableAdd = !dockerPlugin.enabledAdd(); dockerPlugin.setEnableAdd(enableAdd); if (enableAdd) { dockerPlugin.setEnableRemove(false); document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } else { document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; } }, removeBendPoint: function (services) { var dockerPlugin = KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxDockerPlugin(services.$scope); var enableRemove = !dockerPlugin.enabledRemove(); dockerPlugin.setEnableRemove(enableRemove); if (enableRemove) { dockerPlugin.setEnableAdd(false); document.body.style.cursor = 'pointer'; } else { document.body.style.cursor = 'default'; } }, /** * Helper method: fetches the Oryx Edit plugin from the provided scope, * if not on the scope, it is created and put on the scope for further use. * * It's important to reuse the same EditPlugin while the same scope is active, * as the clipboard is stored for the whole lifetime of the scope. */ _getOryxEditPlugin: function ($scope) { if ($scope.oryxEditPlugin === undefined || $scope.oryxEditPlugin === null) { $scope.oryxEditPlugin = new ORYX.Plugins.Edit($scope.editor); } return $scope.oryxEditPlugin; }, zoomIn: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxViewPlugin(services.$scope).zoom([1.0 + ORYX.CONFIG.ZOOM_OFFSET]); }, zoomOut: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxViewPlugin(services.$scope).zoom([1.0 - ORYX.CONFIG.ZOOM_OFFSET]); }, zoomActual: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxViewPlugin(services.$scope).setAFixZoomLevel(1); }, zoomFit: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxViewPlugin(services.$scope).zoomFitToModel(); }, alignVertical: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxArrangmentPlugin(services.$scope).alignShapes([ORYX.CONFIG.EDITOR_ALIGN_MIDDLE]); }, alignHorizontal: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxArrangmentPlugin(services.$scope).alignShapes([ORYX.CONFIG.EDITOR_ALIGN_CENTER]); }, sameSize: function (services) { KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS._getOryxArrangmentPlugin(services.$scope).alignShapes([ORYX.CONFIG.EDITOR_ALIGN_SIZE]); }, closeEditor: function(services) { window.location.href = "./"; }, /** * Helper method: fetches the Oryx View plugin from the provided scope, * if not on the scope, it is created and put on the scope for further use. */ _getOryxViewPlugin: function ($scope) { if ($scope.oryxViewPlugin === undefined || $scope.oryxViewPlugin === null) { $scope.oryxViewPlugin = new ORYX.Plugins.View($scope.editor); } return $scope.oryxViewPlugin; }, _getOryxArrangmentPlugin: function ($scope) { if ($scope.oryxArrangmentPlugin === undefined || $scope.oryxArrangmentPlugin === null) { $scope.oryxArrangmentPlugin = new ORYX.Plugins.Arrangement($scope.editor); } return $scope.oryxArrangmentPlugin; }, _getOryxDockerPlugin: function ($scope) { if ($scope.oryxDockerPlugin === undefined || $scope.oryxDockerPlugin === null) { $scope.oryxDockerPlugin = new ORYX.Plugins.AddDocker($scope.editor); } return $scope.oryxDockerPlugin; } } }; /** Custom controller for the save dialog */ var SaveModelCtrl = [ '$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', '$route', '$location', function ($rootScope, $scope, $http, $route, $location) { var modelMetaData = $scope.editor.getModelMetaData(); var description = ''; if (modelMetaData.description) { description = modelMetaData.description; } var saveDialog = { 'name' : modelMetaData.name, 'description' : description}; $scope.saveDialog = saveDialog; var json = $scope.editor.getJSON(); json = JSON.stringify(json); var params = { modeltype: modelMetaData.model.modelType, json_xml: json, name: 'model' }; $scope.status = { loading: false }; $scope.close = function () { $scope.$hide(); }; $scope.saveAndClose = function () { $scope.save(function() { window.location.href = "./"; }); }; $scope.save = function (successCallback) { if (!$scope.saveDialog.name || $scope.saveDialog.name.length == 0) { return; } // Indicator spinner image $scope.status = { loading: true }; modelMetaData.name = $scope.saveDialog.name; modelMetaData.description = $scope.saveDialog.description; var json = $scope.editor.getJSON(); json = JSON.stringify(json); var selection = $scope.editor.getSelection(); $scope.editor.setSelection([]); // Get the serialized svg image source var svgClone = $scope.editor.getCanvas().getSVGRepresentation(true); $scope.editor.setSelection(selection); if ($scope.editor.getCanvas().properties["oryx-showstripableelements"] === false) { var stripOutArray = jQuery(svgClone).find(".stripable-element"); for (var i = stripOutArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stripOutArray[i].remove(); } } // Remove all forced stripable elements var stripOutArray = jQuery(svgClone).find(".stripable-element-force"); for (var i = stripOutArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { stripOutArray[i].remove(); } // Parse dom to string var svgDOM = DataManager.serialize(svgClone); var params = { json_xml: json, svg_xml: svgDOM, name: $scope.saveDialog.name, description: $scope.saveDialog.description }; // Update $http({ method: 'PUT', data: params, ignoreErrors: true, headers: {'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}, transformRequest: function (obj) { var str = []; for (var p in obj) { str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p])); } return str.join("&"); }, url: KISBPM.URL.putModel(modelMetaData.modelId)}) .success(function (data, status, headers, config) { $scope.editor.handleEvents({ type: ORYX.CONFIG.EVENT_SAVED }); $scope.modelData.name = $scope.saveDialog.name; $scope.modelData.lastUpdated = data.lastUpdated; $scope.status.loading = false; $scope.$hide(); // Fire event to all who is listening var saveEvent = { type: KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_MODEL_SAVED, model: params, modelId: modelMetaData.modelId, eventType: 'update-model' }; KISBPM.eventBus.dispatch(KISBPM.eventBus.EVENT_TYPE_MODEL_SAVED, saveEvent); // Reset state $scope.error = undefined; $scope.status.loading = false; // Execute any callback if (successCallback) { successCallback(); } }) .error(function (data, status, headers, config) { $scope.error = {}; console.log('Something went wrong when updating the process model:' + JSON.stringify(data)); $scope.status.loading = false; }); }; }];