# Bootstrap #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# task :bootstrap, :use_bundle_dir? do |_t, args| if system('which bundle') if args[:use_bundle_dir?] sh 'bundle install --path ./travis_bundle_dir' else sh 'bundle install' end else $stderr.puts "\033[0;31m" \ "[!] Please install the bundler gem manually:\n" \ ' $ [sudo] gem install bundler' \ "\e[0m" exit 1 end end begin require 'bundler/gem_tasks' task :default => 'spec' # Spec #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# desc 'Runs all the specs' task :spec do puts "\033[0;32mUsing #{`ruby --version`}\033[0m" start_time = Time.now sh "bundle exec bacon #{specs('**')}" duration = Time.now - start_time puts "Tests completed in #{duration}s" Rake::Task['rubocop'].invoke if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' end def specs(dir) FileList["spec/#{dir}/*_spec.rb"].shuffle.join(' ') end #-- Rubocop ----------------------------------------------------------------# if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' require 'rubocop/rake_task' RuboCop::RakeTask.new end rescue LoadError $stderr.puts "\033[0;31m" \ '[!] Some Rake tasks haven been disabled because the environment' \ ' couldn’t be loaded. Be sure to run `rake bootstrap` first.' \ "\e[0m" end