module Hive # Tracks all content including posts, comments (replies). # # To find a post, you can do a lookup using the {Hive::Post#find_by_slug} scope: # # post = Hive::Post.find_by_slug '@steemit/firstpost' # # A post has many children, which are direct replies to that post. # # children = post.children # # Each child post has a parent that links back to the post it is a reply # to: # # parent = children.first.parent # # A post also has an account_record, which is the ActiveRecord version of the # account string: # # account = post.account_record # # A post has many followers, which are the accounts that follow the author: # # followers = post.followers # # A post belongs to a community, which can be accessed as community_record, # the ActiveRecord version of the community string: # # communit = post.community_record # # A post has many flaggers, which are the accounts that have flagged this # post: # # flaggers = post.flaggers # # A post has many rebloggers, which are the accounts that have reblogged this # post: # # rebloggers = post.rebloggers # # A post has many promoters, which are the accounts that have promoted this # post: # # promoters = post.promoters # # Scopes # ====== # # We can use these scopes to perform a lookup on posts: # # posts = 'alice' # posts = 'steemit' # posts = Hive::Post.category 'steemit' # posts = Hive::Post.depth 0 # only returns root posts # posts = Hive::Post.root_posts # same as depth 0 # # Replies can be queried by specifying depth greater than zero: # # replies = Hive::Post.depth 1..10 # only returns replies up to 10 in depth # replies = Hive::Post.depth 1..255 # only returns replies # replies = Hive::Post.replies # same as depth 1..255 # # We can also specify replies for a particular author, which is analogous to # all replies to an author on (i.e.: # # replies = Hive::Post.replies(parent_author: 'alice') # # We can query for posts that were reblogged by someone: # # posts = Hive::Post.rebloggers('alice') # # If we want to grab all of the posts that have *all* of these tags: # # posts = Hive::Post.tagged(all: %w(steemit steem video youtube)) # # Or we can grab all of the posts with *any* of these tags: # # posts = Hive::Post.tagged(any: %w(steemit steem video youtube)) # # Or, which is the same as using any: # # posts = Hive::Post.tagged(%w(steemit steem video youtube)) # # Here, we can find all of the posts that mention *all* of these accounts: # # posts = Hive::Post.mentioned(all: %w(alice bob)) # # Or find all of the posts that mention *any* of these accounts: # # posts = Hive::Post.mentioned(any: %w(alice bob)) # # We can order by (which automatically joins {Hive::PostsCache}): # # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_payout(:asc) # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_payout # same as order_by_payout(:asc) # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_payout(:desc) # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_children # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_author_rep # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_total_votes # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_up_votes # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_promoted # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_created_at # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_payout_at # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_updated_at # posts = Hive::Post.order_by_rshares # first result is the most flagged post! # # Other scopes: # # posts = Hive::Post.deleted # posts = Hive::Post.deleted(false) # posts = Hive::Post.pinned # posts = Hive::Post.pinned(false) # posts = Hive::Post.muted # posts = Hive::Post.muted(false) # posts = Hive::Post.valid # posts = Hive::Post.valid(false) # posts = Hive::Post.promoted # posts = Hive::Post.promoted(false) # posts = Hive::Post.reblogged # posts = Hive::Post.reblogged(false) # posts = Hive::Post.after(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.after(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.before(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.before(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.updated_after(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.updated_after(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.updated_before(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.updated_before(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.payout_after(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.payout_after(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.payout_before(7.days.ago) # posts = Hive::Post.payout_before(7.days.ago, invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.payout_zero # posts = Hive::Post.payout_zero(false) # posts ='busy') # posts ='busy', version: '1.0') # posts ='busy', version: '1.0', invert: true) # posts = Hive::Post.format('markdown') # posts = Hive::Post.format('markdown', invert: false) # # All scopes can be strung together, e.g.: # # posts ='alice').promoted # posts = Hive::Post.replies(parent_author: 'alice').community('steemit') # posts = Hive::Post.category('steemit').depth(255).valid # posts = Hive::Post.tagged(all: %w(radiator ruby)).where.not(author: 'inertia') # posts = Hive::Post.mentioned(all: %w(inertia whatsup)).tagged(any: %w(community shoutout)) # # Most interesting queries (once your node is fully synchronized): # # Hive::Post.order_by_rshares.deleted.first # o_O mfw class Post < Base # Blockchain limit on depth. MAX_HARD_DEPTH = 65535 # Witness limit on depth. MAX_SOFT_DEPTH = 255 self.table_name = :hive_posts has_one :cache, class_name: 'PostsCache' belongs_to :parent, class_name: 'Post' has_many :children, -> { depth(1..MAX_SOFT_DEPTH) }, inverse_of: 'parent', foreign_key: :parent_id, class_name: 'Post' belongs_to :author_account, primary_key: :name, foreign_key: :author, class_name: 'Account' has_many :followers, through: :author_account, source: :followers belongs_to :community_record, primary_key: :name, foreign_key: :community, class_name: 'Community' has_many :community_members, through: :community_record, source: :members has_many :community_accounts, through: :community_record, source: :accounts has_many :flags has_many :flaggers, through: :flags, source: :account_record has_many :reblogs has_many :rebloggers, through: :reblogs has_many :post_tags has_many :payments has_many :promoters, through: :payments, source: :from has_many :feed_cache has_many :feed_accounts, through: :feed_cache, source: :account scope :author, lambda { |author| where(author: author) } scope :community, lambda { |community| where(community: community) } scope :category, lambda { |category| where(category: category) } scope :depth, lambda { |depth, options = {invert: false}| r = if depth == 0 where(depth: depth, parent: nil) else where(depth: depth).where.not(parent: nil) end r = all.where.not(id: r) if !!options[:invert] r } scope :root_posts, -> { depth(0) } scope :replies, lambda { |options = {invert: false}| r = depth(1..MAX_SOFT_DEPTH) if !!options[:parent_author] || !!options[:parent_permlink] parent_posts = all if !!options[:parent_author] parent_author = Post::transform_account_selector options[:parent_author] parent_posts = parent_posts.where(author: parent_author) end if !!options[:parent_permlink] parent_posts = parent_posts.where(permlink: options[:parent_permlink]) end r = r.where(parent_id: parent_posts) end r = all.where.not(id: r) if !!options[:invert] r } scope :deleted, lambda { |deleted = true| where(is_deleted: deleted) } scope :pinned, lambda { |pinned = true| where(is_pinned: pinned) } scope :muted, lambda { |muted = true| where(is_muted: muted) } scope :valid, lambda { |valid = true| where(is_valid: valid) } scope :promoted, lambda { |promoted = true| if promoted where.not(promoted: 0.0) else where(promoted: 0.0) end } scope :reblogged, lambda { |reblogged = true| if reblogged where(id: else where.not(id: end } scope :rebloggers, lambda { |rebloggers = []| reblogs = Reblog.where(account: rebloggers) reblogged.where(id: } scope :feed_cache, lambda { |account, options = {invert: false}| r = if account.is_a? ActiveRecord::Relation root_posts.joins(:feed_cache). where('hive_feed_cache.account_id IN(?)', else account = Post::transform_account_selector account root_posts.joins(:author_account, :feed_cache). where(' IN(?)', account) end if !!options[:invert] all.root_posts.where.not(id: r) else r end } scope :feed, lambda { |account, options = {invert: false}| account = Post::transform_account_selector account r = root_posts.joins(:author_account, :rebloggers). where(' IN(?) OR hive_reblogs.account IN(?)', account, account) if !!options[:invert] all.root_posts.where.not(id: r) else r end } scope :tagged, lambda { |*args| options = if args[0].nil? || args[0].is_a?(Hash) args[0] || {} else {any: args} end relation = all if !!options[:all] [options[:all]] do |tag| selector = Hive::PostTag.where(tag: tag).select(:post_id) relation = relation.where(id: selector) end end if !!options[:any] relation = relation.where(id: Hive::PostTag.where(tag: [options[:any]].flatten).select(:post_id)) end if !!options[:invert] where.not(id: relation) else relation end } scope :mentioned, lambda { |options = {}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.mentioned(options).select(:post_id)) } scope :after, lambda { |after, options = {invert: false}| invertable 'hive_posts.created_at > ?', after, options } scope :before, lambda { |before, options = {invert: false}| invertable 'hive_posts.created_at < ?', before, options } scope :updated_after, lambda { |after, options = {invert: false}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.updated_after(after, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :updated_before, lambda { |before, options = {invert: false}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.updated_before(before, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :payout_after, lambda { |after, options = {invert: false}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.payout_after(after, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :payout_before, lambda { |before, options = {invert: false}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.payout_before(before, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :payout_zero, lambda { |payout_zero = true| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.payout_zero(payout_zero).select(:post_id)) } scope :app, lambda { |app, options = {version: nil, invert: false}| where(id:, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :format, lambda { |format, options = {invert: false}| where(id: Hive::PostsCache.format(format, options).select(:post_id)) } scope :order_by_cache, lambda { |*args| field = args[0].keys.first rescue raise('Order field must be specified.') direction = args[0].values.first || :asc table = Hive::PostsCache.arel_table joins(:cache).order(table[field.to_sym].send(direction.to_sym)) } scope :order_by_feed_cache, lambda { |*args| field = args[0].keys.first rescue raise('Order field must be specified.') direction = args[0].values.first || :asc table = Hive::FeedCache.arel_table joins(:feed_cache).order(table[field.to_sym].send(direction.to_sym)) } scope :order_by_payout, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(payout: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_children, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(children: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_author_rep, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(author_rep: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_total_votes, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(total_votes: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_up_votes, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(up_votes: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_promoted, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(promoted: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_created_at, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(created_at: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_payout_at, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(payout_at: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_updated_at, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(updated_at: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_rshares, lambda { |*args| order_by_cache(rshares: args[0] || :asc) } scope :order_by_feed_cache_created_at, lambda { |*args| order_by_feed_cache(created_at: args[0] || :asc) } # Finds a post by slug (or even URL). # # @param slug String A composite of author and permlink that uniquely identifies a post. E.g.: "@steemit/firstpost" # @return def self.find_by_slug(slug) slug = slug.split('@').last slug = slug.split('/') author = slug[0] permlink = slug[1..-1].join('/') Post.where(author: author, permlink: permlink).first end # All tags related to this post. # # @return def tags; post_tags.pluck(:tag); end # The entire discussion related to this post including all children and # grandchildren replies (the result also includes this post). # # @return {ActiveRecord::Relation} def discussion clause = <<-DONE = ? AND hive_posts.category = ? AND >= ? AND IN(?) DONE Post.deleted(false). where(clause, community, category, id, discussion_ids) end # Returns the unique string containing the author and permlink, useful in # restful development as param_id, if desired. # # @return String def slug "@#{author}/#{permlink}" end private # @private def discussion_ids(ids = [id]) new_ids = Post.deleted(false).depth(1..MAX_SOFT_DEPTH). where(community: community, category: category). where(parent_id: ids).pluck(:id) ids += new_ids + discussion_ids(new_ids) if new_ids.any? ids.uniq.compact end end end