# Rack::Blogengine Rack Middleware to serve a simple blog ## Build status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Benny1992/rack-blogengine.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Benny1992/rack-blogengine) ## Installation $ gem install rack-blogengine ## Usage `rack-blogengine generate ` will create your Folder skeleton ### Structure These folders and files will be created for you #### Folders `targetfolder/assets` `targetfolder/assets/style` `targetfolder/assets/js` `targetfolder/assets/layout` `targetfolder/assets/images` `targetfolder/operator` #### Files `targetfolder/assets/style/style.css` `targetfolder/assets/js/script.js` `targetfolder/assets/layout/layout.html` (filled with basic structure) `targetfolder/index.content` (filled with dummy content) `targetfolder/config.yml` (basic config setup - server: webrick, port: 3000) `targetfolder/operator/operator.rb` (define your operator methods in module UserOperator) ### Layout In the layout.html you use {title}, {content} and {date} which will then be populated with the values from each .content file Example: ```html {title}


{date} {content}
``` ### Content The Content files (.content) includes your content `[path][/path]` - this will be your access path to your blog entry `[title][/title]` - the title for your article `[date][/date]` - publishing date of your article `[content][/content]` - your content ### Hint For a root document (http://pathtoapp.tld/) path should be empty ([path]:[/path]) ### Operators In version 0.1.2 operator handling is included. To use this new feature you have to create a operator directory in your rackblog folder. In this directory create your operators (.rb files) with following skeleton ```ruby module UserOperator end ``` Your operators are normal ruby methods defined in this module. Available params are documents & html Param documents: An Array with document objects. This Document objects has following attributes: path, title, html Param html: The content of the file where the operator was included #### Example ```ruby module UserOperator def show_nav end end ``` In your layout.html then ```html ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request