module ActiveRecord::Import::SQLite3Adapter include ActiveRecord::Import::ImportSupport MIN_VERSION_FOR_IMPORT = "3.7.11".freeze MIN_VERSION_FOR_UPSERT = "3.24.0".freeze SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT = 500 # Override our conformance to ActiveRecord::Import::ImportSupport interface # to ensure that we only support import in supported version of SQLite. # Which INSERT statements with multiple value sets was introduced in 3.7.11. def supports_import? database_version >= MIN_VERSION_FOR_IMPORT end def supports_on_duplicate_key_update? database_version >= MIN_VERSION_FOR_UPSERT end # +sql+ can be a single string or an array. If it is an array all # elements that are in position >= 1 will be appended to the final SQL. def insert_many( sql, values, _options = {}, *args ) # :nodoc: number_of_inserts = 0 base_sql, post_sql = if sql.is_a?( String ) [sql, ''] elsif sql.is_a?( Array ) [sql.shift, sql.join( ' ' )] end value_sets = ::ActiveRecord::Import::ValueSetsRecordsParser.parse(values, max_records: SQLITE_LIMIT_COMPOUND_SELECT) transaction(requires_new: true) do value_sets.each do |value_set| number_of_inserts += 1 sql2insert = base_sql + value_set.join( ',' ) + post_sql insert( sql2insert, *args ) end end[], number_of_inserts, [], []) end def pre_sql_statements( options ) sql = [] # Options :recursive and :on_duplicate_key_ignore are mutually exclusive if !supports_on_duplicate_key_update? && (options[:ignore] || options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore]) sql << "OR IGNORE" end sql + super end def post_sql_statements( table_name, options ) # :nodoc: sql = [] if supports_on_duplicate_key_update? # Options :recursive and :on_duplicate_key_ignore are mutually exclusive if (options[:ignore] || options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore]) && !options[:on_duplicate_key_update] sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_ignore( options[:on_duplicate_key_ignore] ) end end sql + super end def next_value_for_sequence(sequence_name) %{nextval('#{sequence_name}')} end # Add a column to be updated on duplicate key update def add_column_for_on_duplicate_key_update( column, options = {} ) # :nodoc: arg = options[:on_duplicate_key_update] if arg.is_a?( Hash ) columns = arg.fetch( :columns ) { arg[:columns] = [] } case columns when Array then columns << column.to_sym unless columns.include?( column.to_sym ) when Hash then columns[column.to_sym] = column.to_sym end elsif arg.is_a?( Array ) arg << column.to_sym unless arg.include?( column.to_sym ) end end # Returns a generated ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING statement given the passed # in +args+. def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_ignore( *args ) # :nodoc: arg = args.first conflict_target = sql_for_conflict_target( arg ) if arg.is_a?( Hash ) " ON CONFLICT #{conflict_target}DO NOTHING" end # Returns a generated ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE statement given the passed # in +args+. def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update( table_name, *args ) # :nodoc: arg, primary_key, locking_column = args arg = { columns: arg } if arg.is_a?( Array ) || arg.is_a?( String ) return unless arg.is_a?( Hash ) sql = ' ON CONFLICT ' conflict_target = sql_for_conflict_target( arg ) columns = arg.fetch( :columns, [] ) condition = arg[:condition] if columns.respond_to?( :empty? ) && columns.empty? return sql << "#{conflict_target}DO NOTHING" end conflict_target ||= sql_for_default_conflict_target( primary_key ) unless conflict_target raise ArgumentError, 'Expected :conflict_target to be specified' end sql << "#{conflict_target}DO UPDATE SET " if columns.is_a?( Array ) sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_array( table_name, locking_column, columns ) elsif columns.is_a?( Hash ) sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_hash( table_name, locking_column, columns ) elsif columns.is_a?( String ) sql << columns else raise ArgumentError, 'Expected :columns to be an Array or Hash' end sql << " WHERE #{condition}" if condition.present? sql end def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_array( table_name, locking_column, arr ) # :nodoc: results = do |column| qc = quote_column_name( column ) "#{qc}=EXCLUDED.#{qc}" end increment_locking_column!(table_name, results, locking_column) results.join( ',' ) end def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_hash( table_name, locking_column, hsh ) # :nodoc: results = do |column1, column2| qc1 = quote_column_name( column1 ) qc2 = quote_column_name( column2 ) "#{qc1}=EXCLUDED.#{qc2}" end increment_locking_column!(table_name, results, locking_column) results.join( ',' ) end def sql_for_conflict_target( args = {} ) conflict_target = args[:conflict_target] index_predicate = args[:index_predicate] if conflict_target.present? '(' << Array( conflict_target ).reject( &:blank? ).join( ', ' ) << ') '.tap do |sql| sql << "WHERE #{index_predicate} " if index_predicate end end end def sql_for_default_conflict_target( primary_key ) conflict_target = Array(primary_key).join(', ') "(#{conflict_target}) " if conflict_target.present? end # Return true if the statement is a duplicate key record error def duplicate_key_update_error?(exception) # :nodoc: exception.is_a?(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) && exception.to_s.include?('duplicate key') end private def database_version defined?(sqlite_version) ? sqlite_version : super end end