require 'version' module LaserLemon module VestalVersions def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def has_many_versioned(association_id, options = {}, &extension) if options[:through] raise 'Versioning through relation ships is not supported. Version the join relationship instead.' end options[:after_remove] ||= [] options[:after_remove] << :remove_association has_many association_id, options, &extension #We can't use the after_add callback, because the object may not be saved, and then we don't have an ID to record. #So we need to put the recording of the change on the associated model's after_save callback.s #TODO: figure out how to get the change into the calling objects's changes versioned_class = self self.reflections[association_id].klass.send(:define_method, "vestal_version_#{self.reflections[association_id].name}_after_save_callback", { self.send((, self) self.send(( }) self.reflections[association_id].klass.send(:after_save, "vestal_version_#{self.reflections[association_id].name}_after_save_callback".to_sym) end def versioned has_many :versions, :as => :versioned, :order => 'versions.number ASC', :dependent => :delete_all do def between(from_value, to_value) from, to = number_at(from_value), number_at(to_value) return [] if from.nil? || to.nil? condition = (from == to) ? to :*[from, to].sort) all( :conditions => {:number => condition}, :order => "versions.number #{(from > to) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'}" ) end def at(value) case value when Version then value when Numeric then find_by_number(value.floor) when Symbol then respond_to?(value) ? send(value) : nil when Date, Time then last(:conditions => ['versions.created_at <= ?', value.to_time]) end end def number_at(value) case value when Version then value.number when Numeric then value.floor when Symbol, Date, Time then at(value).try(:number) end end end after_create :create_initial_version after_update :create_initial_version, :if => :needs_initial_version? after_update :create_version, :if => :needs_version? include InstanceMethods alias_method_chain :reload, :versions end end module InstanceMethods private def needs_initial_version? versions.empty? end def needs_version? !revisable_changes.empty? end def reset_version(new_version = nil) @last_version = nil if new_version.nil? @version = new_version end def create_initial_version versions.create(:changes => nil, :number => 1) end def create_version versions.create(:changes => revisable_changes, :number => (last_version + 1)) reset_version end def add_association(association_object) association_changes.merge!('association' => {:action => 'add', :name =>, :id =>}) end def remove_association(association_object) association_changes.merge!('association' => {:action => 'remove', :name =>, :id =>}) save #save here so that the version is recorded. This keeps it consistent w/ adding a association. If this is ever fixed on add, remove this save call end public def version @version ||= last_version end def last_version @last_version ||= versions.maximum(:number) end def association_changes @association_changes ||= {} end def revisable_changes changes.merge!(association_changes) end def reverted? version != last_version end def reload_with_versions(*args) reset_version reload_without_versions(*args) end def revert_to(value) to_value = versions.number_at(value) return version if to_value == version chain = versions.between(version, to_value) return version if chain.empty? new_version = chain.last.number backward = chain.first > chain.last backward ? chain.pop : chain.shift unrevertable_changes = %w(created_at created_on updated_at updated_on association) chain.each do |version| version.changes.except(*unrevertable_changes).each do |attribute, change| new_value = backward ? change.first : change.last write_attribute(attribute, new_value) end end reset_version(new_version) end def revert_to!(value) revert_to(value) reset_version if saved = save saved end def latest_changes return {} if version.nil? || version == 1 end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, LaserLemon::VestalVersions)