# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'rouge' describe Rouge::Reader do before do @ns = Rouge[:"user.spec"].clear @ns.refer Rouge[:"rouge.builtin"] end describe "reading numbers" do it { @ns.read("12755").should eq 12755 } it { @ns.read("2_50_9").should eq 2509 } it { @ns.read("-999").should eq(-999) } it { @ns.read("+1704").should eq(1704) } context "floats" do it { @ns.read("23.0").should be_an_instance_of Float } it { @ns.read("23.0").should eq 23.0 } it { @ns.read("23.1").should eq 23.1 } it { @ns.read("-23.1").should eq(-23.1) } it { @ns.read("+17.04").should eq(17.04) } it { @ns.read("+1_000e-3").should eq(1.0) } it { @ns.read("+1E+3").should eq(1000) } end context "binary" do it { @ns.read("+0b10").should eq(2) } it { @ns.read("-0b10").should eq(-2) } end context "hexadecimal" do it { @ns.read("+0xf").should eq(15) } it { @ns.read("-0xf").should eq(-15) } end context "octal" do it { @ns.read("+0333").should eq(219) } it { @ns.read("-0333").should eq(-219) } end context "bad numbers" do it { expect { @ns.read("1.2.3") }.to raise_exception Rouge::Reader::UnexpectedCharacterError } it { expect { @ns.read("12..") }.to raise_exception Rouge::Reader::UnexpectedCharacterError } end end describe "symbols" do it { @ns.read("loki").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:loki] } it { @ns.read("wah?").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:wah?] } it { @ns.read("!ruby!").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"!ruby!"] } it { @ns.read("nil").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:nil] } it { @ns.read("nil").should eq nil } it { @ns.read("true").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:true] } it { @ns.read("true").should eq true } it { @ns.read("false").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:false] } it { @ns.read("false").should eq false } it { @ns.read("&").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:&] } it { @ns.read("*").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:*] } it { @ns.read("-").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:-] } it { @ns.read("+").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:+] } it { @ns.read("/").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:/] } it { @ns.read("|").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:|] } it { @ns.read("$").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"$"] } it { @ns.read(".").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"."] } it { @ns.read(".[]").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:".[]"] } it { @ns.read("=").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"="] } it { @ns.read("%").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"%"] } it { @ns.read(">").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:">"] } it { @ns.read("<").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"<"] } it { @ns.read("%50").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"%50"] } it { @ns.read("xyz#").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:"xyz#"] } it { @ns.read("-@").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:-@] } it { @ns.read(".-@").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:".-@"] } it { @ns.read("+@").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:+@] } it { @ns.read(".+@").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:".+@"] } end describe "keywords" do context "plain keywords" do it { @ns.read(":loki").should eq :loki } it { @ns.read(":/").should eq :/ } it { @ns.read(":wah?").should eq :wah? } it { @ns.read(":nil").should eq :nil } it { @ns.read(":true").should eq :true } it { @ns.read(":false").should eq :false } end context "string-symbols" do it { @ns.read(":\"!ruby!\"").should eq :"!ruby!" } end end describe "strings" do context "plain strings" do it { @ns.read("\"akashi yo\"").should eq "akashi yo" } it { @ns.read("\"akashi \n woah!\"").should eq "akashi \n woah!" } end context "escape sequences" do it { @ns.read("\"here \\\" goes\"").should eq "here \" goes" } it { @ns.read("\"here \\\\ goes\"").should eq "here \\ goes" } it { @ns.read("\"\\a\\b\\e\\f\\n\\r\"").should eq "\a\b\e\f\n\r" } it { @ns.read("\"\\s\\t\\v\"").should eq "\s\t\v" } end context "read as frozen" do it { @ns.read("\"bah\"").should be_frozen } end end describe "lists" do context "empty list" do it { @ns.read("()").should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[] } end context "one-element lists" do it { @ns.read("(tiffany)"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:tiffany]] } it { @ns.read("(:raaaaash)"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[:raaaaash] } end context "multiple-element lists" do it { @ns.read("(1 2 3)").should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[1, 2, 3] } it { @ns.read("(true () [] \"no\")"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:true], Rouge::Seq::Cons[], [], "no"] } end context "nested lists" do it { @ns.read("(((3) (())) 9 ((8) (8)))"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[3], Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[]]], 9, Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[8], Rouge::Seq::Cons[8]]] } end context "read as frozen" do it { @ns.read("()").should be_frozen } it { @ns.read("(1)").should be_frozen } it { @ns.read("(1 2)").should be_frozen } end end describe "vectors" do context "the empty vector" do it { @ns.read("[]").should eq [] } end context "one-element vectors" do it { @ns.read("[tiffany]").should eq [Rouge::Symbol[:tiffany]] } it { @ns.read("[:raaaaash]").should eq [:raaaaash] } end context "multiple-element vectors" do it { @ns.read("[1 2 3]").should eq [1, 2, 3] } it { @ns.read("[true () [] \"no\"]"). should eq [Rouge::Symbol[:true], Rouge::Seq::Cons[], [], "no"] } end context "nested vectors" do it { @ns.read("[[[3] [[]]] 9 [[8] [8]]]"). should eq [[[3], [[]]], 9, [[8], [8]]] } end context "read as frozen" do it { @ns.read("[]").should be_frozen } it { @ns.read("[1]").should be_frozen } it { @ns.read("[1 2]").should be_frozen } end end describe "quotations" do it { @ns.read("'x"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:quote], Rouge::Symbol[:x]] } it { @ns.read("''('x)"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:quote], Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:quote], Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:quote], Rouge::Symbol[:x]]]]] } end describe "vars" do it { @ns.read("#'x"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:var], Rouge::Symbol[:x]] } it { @ns.read("#'#'(#'x)"). should eq Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:var], Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:var], Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Seq::Cons[Rouge::Symbol[:var], Rouge::Symbol[:x]]]]] } end describe "maps" do context "the empty map" do it { @ns.read("{}").should eq({}) } end context "one-element maps" do it { @ns.read("{a 1}").to_s.should eq({Rouge::Symbol[:a] => 1}.to_s) } it { @ns.read("{\"quux\" [lambast]}"). should eq({"quux" => [Rouge::Symbol[:lambast]]}) } end context "multiple-element maps" do it { @ns.read("{:a 1 :b 2}").should eq({:a => 1, :b => 2}) } it { @ns.read("{:f :f, :y :y\n:z :z}"). should eq({:f => :f, :y => :y, :z => :z}) } end context "nested maps" do it { @ns.read("{:a {:z 9} :b {:q q}}").should eq( {:a => {:z => 9}, :b => {:q => Rouge::Symbol[:q]}}) } it { @ns.read("{{9 7} 5}").should eq({{9 => 7} => 5}) } end context "read as frozen" do it { @ns.read("{}").should be_frozen } it { @ns.read("{:a 1}").should be_frozen } end end describe "whitespace behaviour" do it { expect { @ns.read(":hello \n\n\t\t ").should eq :hello }.to_not raise_exception } it { expect { @ns.read("[1 ]").should eq [1] }.to_not raise_exception } it { expect { @ns.read(" [ 2 ] ").should eq [2] }.to_not raise_exception } end describe "empty reads" do it { expect { @ns.read("") }.to raise_exception(Rouge::Reader::EndOfDataError) } it { expect { @ns.read(" \n ") }.to raise_exception(Rouge::Reader::EndOfDataError) } end describe "comments" do it { @ns.read("42 ;what!").should eq 42 } it { @ns.read("[42 ;what!\n15]").should eq [42, 15] } it { expect { @ns.read(";what!") }.to raise_exception(Rouge::Reader::EndOfDataError) } it { @ns.read(";what!\nhmm").should eq Rouge::Symbol[:hmm] } end describe "syntax-quoting" do describe "non-cons lists" do context "quoting non-cons lists" do it { @ns.read('`3').should eq @ns.read("'3") } it { @ns.read('`"my my my"').should eq @ns.read(%{'"my my my"}) } end context "dequoting within non-cons lists" do it { @ns.read('`~3').should eq @ns.read("3") } it { @ns.read('``~3').should eq @ns.read("'3") } it { @ns.read('``~~3').should eq @ns.read("3") } end context "qualifying symbols" do it { @ns.read('`a').should eq @ns.read("'user.spec/a") } end context "not qualifying special symbols" do it { @ns.read('`.a').should eq @ns.read("'.a") } it { @ns.read('`&').should eq @ns.read("'&") } it { @ns.read('`|').should eq @ns.read("'|") } end end describe "cons-lists" do context "quoting cons lists" do it { @ns.read('`(1 2)').should eq @ns.read("(list '1 '2)") } it { @ns.read('`(a b)'). should eq @ns.read("(list 'user.spec/a 'user.spec/b)") } end context "dequoting within cons lists" do it { @ns.read('`(a ~b)').should eq @ns.read("(list 'user.spec/a b)") } it { @ns.read('`(a ~(b `(c ~d)))'). should eq @ns.read("(list 'user.spec/a (b " \ "(list 'user.spec/c d)))") } # Should the below include 'rouge.builtin/quote as it does? # Or should that be 'quote? Clojure reads it so. it { @ns.read('`(a `(b ~c))'). should eq @ns.read("(list 'user.spec/a (list 'user.spec/list " \ "(list 'rouge.builtin/quote 'user.spec/b) " \ "'user.spec/c))") } it { @ns.read('`~`(x)').should eq @ns.read("(list 'user.spec/x)") } end context "dequoting within maps" do it { @ns.read('`{a ~b}').to_s. should eq @ns.read("{'user.spec/a b}").to_s } end context "splicing within seqs and vectors" do it { @ns.read('`(a ~@b c)'). should eq @ns.read("(seq (concat (list 'user.spec/a) b " \ "(list 'user.spec/c)))") } it { @ns.read('`(~@(a b) ~c)'). should eq @ns.read("(seq (concat (a b) (list c)))") } it do @ns.read('`[a ~@b c]').should eq @ns.read(<<-ROUGE) (apply vector (concat (list 'user.spec/a) b (list 'user.spec/c))) ROUGE end it { @ns.read('`[~@(a b) ~c]'). should eq @ns.read("(apply vector (concat (a b) (list c)))") } end end describe "gensyms" do context "reading as unique in each invocation" do let(:a1) { @ns.read('`a#') } let(:a2) { @ns.read('`a#') } it { a1.to_s.should_not eq a2.to_s } end context "reading identically within each invocation" do let(:r) do @ns.read('`(a# a# `(a# a#))'). map {|e| e.respond_to?(:to_a) ? e.to_a : e}.to_a.flatten. flat_map {|e| e.respond_to?(:to_a) ? e.to_a : e}. flat_map {|e| e.respond_to?(:to_a) ? e.to_a : e}. find_all {|e| e.is_a?(Rouge::Symbol) and e.name.to_s =~ /^a/ } end it { r.should have(4).items } it { r[0].should eq r[1] } it { r[2].should eq r[3] } it { r[0].should_not eq r[2] } end end end describe "anonymous functions" do it { @ns.read('#(1)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [] (1))') } it { @ns.read('#(do 1)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [] (do 1))') } it { @ns.read('#(%)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [%1] (%1))') } it { @ns.read('#(%2)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [%1 %2] (%2))') } it { @ns.read('#(%5)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [%1 %2 %3 %4 %5] (%5))') } it { @ns.read('#(%2 %)').should eq @ns.read('(fn [%1 %2] (%2 %1))') } end describe "metadata" do context "reading" do subject { @ns.read('^{:x 1} y') } it { should eq Rouge::Symbol[:y] } its(:meta) { should eq({:x => 1}) } end context "stacking" do subject { @ns.read('^{:y 2} ^{:y 3 :z 2} y') } it { should eq Rouge::Symbol[:y] } its(:meta) { should include({:y => 2, :z => 2}) } end context "assigning tags" do subject { @ns.read('^"xyz" y') } it { should eq Rouge::Symbol[:y] } its(:meta) { should include({:tag => "xyz"}) } end context "assigning symbol markers" do subject { @ns.read('^:blargh y') } it { should eq Rouge::Symbol[:y] } its(:meta) { should include({:blargh => true}) } end end describe "deref" do it { @ns.read('@(boo)').should eq @ns.read('(rouge.core/deref (boo))') } end describe "multiple reading" do let(:r) { Rouge::Reader.new(@ns, "a b c") } it do r.lex.should eq Rouge::Symbol[:a] r.lex.should eq Rouge::Symbol[:b] r.lex.should eq Rouge::Symbol[:c] expect { r.lex }.to raise_exception(Rouge::Reader::EndOfDataError) end end describe "the ns property" do it { Rouge::Reader.new(@ns, "").ns.should be @ns } end describe "the comment dispatch" do it { @ns.read('#_(xyz abc) :f').should eq :f } end describe "regexp" do it { @ns.read('#"abc"').should be_an_instance_of Regexp } end end # vim: set sw=2 et cc=80: