= Jumping Words The program for Ubuntu or MAC OS X(!!! Only 10.8 or higher version MAC OS X). Does this: speaks and displays in the pop-up window the word (phrase) and then translated word (phrase). After end of list back to start. == Dependencies For linux sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin For MAC OS X for the Russian users you must change the voice of system to Milena == Actions Starting jwords -s Stoping ctrl+c View a list of words jwords -l 1 to write: писать 2 root: корень 3 list: список ... Adding words to the database jwords -a root: корень jwords -a to game: играть Delete a word from the database (indicated by the index of the word) jwords -d 1 jwords -d 1 2 == Install gem install jumping_words == ToDo For Ubuntu users give config for changing language system voice.