module Georgia class MessagesController < Georgia::ApplicationController def show begin @message = Georgia::Mailer::Message.find(params[:id]).decorate authorize @message rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound authorize Georgia::Mailer::Message redirect_to search_messages_path, alert: 'This message could not be found.' end end def index authorize Georgia::Mailer::Message redirect_to georgia.search_messages_path end def search authorize Georgia::Mailer::Message search_definition = @search =[:page]) @messages = Georgia::Mailer::MessageDecorator.decorate_collection(@search.records) end def destroy set_messages authorize @messages messages_count = @messages.length if @messages.destroy_all render_success("#{'Message'.pluralize(messages_count)} successfully deleted.") else render_error('Oups. Something went wrong.') end end def destroy_all_spam authorize Georgia::Mailer::Message redirect_to search_messages_path(s: true), notice: 'Busy purging all spam messages.' end def spam set_messages authorize @messages begin if ! render_success("#{'Message'.pluralize(@messages.length)} successfully reported as spam.") else render_error('Oups. Something went wrong.') end rescue Rakismet::Undefined => ex render_error(ex.message) end end def ham set_messages authorize @messages begin if ! render_success("#{'Message'.pluralize(@messages.length)} successfully moved to your inbox.") else render_error('Oups. Something went wrong.') end rescue => ex render_error(ex.message) end end def resend_notification @message = Georgia::Mailer::Message.find(params[:id]) authorize @message if Georgia::Mailer::Notifier.new_message_notification(@message).deliver redirect_to :back, notice: 'Notification successfully sent.' else redirect_to :back, alert: 'Oups. Something went wrong. Message could not be delivered.' end end private def set_messages ids = params[:id].split(',') @messages = Georgia::Mailer::Message.where(id: ids) end def render_success success_message @status_message = success_message @status = :notice respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to :back, notice: @status_message } format.js { render layout: false } format.json { render json: { ids:, message: @status_message, status: @status } } end end def render_error error_message @status_message = error_message @status = :alert respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to :back, alert: @status_message } format.js { render layout: false } format.json { render json: { message: @status_message, status: @status } } end end end end