require 'swift/adapter' require 'forwardable' module Swift class Adapter # Abstract SQL Adapter. # # @abstract class Sql < Adapter extend Forwardable def_delegators :db, :begin, :commit, :rollback, :ping, :close, :closed?, :escape, :query, :fileno, :result, :write def tables raise NotImplementedError end def fields table result = execute("select * from #{table} limit 0") Hash[] end def transaction *args db.transaction(*args) {|db| yield self} end protected def returning? raise NotImplementedError end def command_get record where ={|key| "#{key} = ?"}.join(' and ') "select * from #{} where #{where} limit 1" end def command_create record values = (['?'] * record.header.insertable.size).join(', ') returning = "returning #{record.header.serial}" if record.header.serial and returning? "insert into #{} (#{record.header.insertable.join(', ')}) values (#{values}) #{returning}" end def command_update record set ={|field| "#{field} = ?"}.join(', ') where ={|key| "#{key} = ?"}.join(' and ') "update #{} set #{set} where #{where}" end def command_delete record where ={|key| "#{key} = ?"}.join(' and ') "delete from #{} where #{where}" end def field_definition attribute "#{attribute.field} " + field_type(attribute) end def field_type attribute case attribute when Type::String then 'text' when Type::Integer then attribute.serial ? 'serial' : 'integer' when Type::Float then 'float' when Type::BigDecimal then 'numeric' when Type::Time then 'timestamp' # deprecated when Type::DateTime then 'timestamp' when Type::Date then 'date' when Type::Boolean then 'boolean' when Type::IO then 'blob' else 'text' end end end # Sql end # Adapter end # Swift