# frozen_string_literal: true # dbus.rb - Module containing the low-level D-Bus implementation # # This file is part of the ruby-dbus project # Copyright (C) 2007 Arnaud Cornet and Paul van Tilburg # # This library is free software; you caan redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # See the file "COPYING" for the exact licensing terms. require "socket" require "singleton" # = D-Bus main module # # Module containing all the D-Bus modules and classes. module DBus # This represents a remote service. It should not be instantiated directly # Use {Connection#service} class Service # The service name. attr_reader :name # The bus the service is running on. attr_reader :bus # The service root (FIXME). attr_reader :root # Create a new service with a given _name_ on a given _bus_. def initialize(name, bus) @name = BusName.new(name) @bus = bus @root = Node.new("/") end # Determine whether the service name already exists. def exists? bus.proxy.ListNames[0].member?(@name) end # Perform an introspection on all the objects on the service # (starting recursively from the root). def introspect raise NotImplementedError if block_given? rec_introspect(@root, "/") self end # Retrieves an object at the given _path_. # @param path [ObjectPath] # @return [ProxyObject] def [](path) object(path, api: ApiOptions::A1) end # Retrieves an object at the given _path_ # whose methods always return an array. # @param path [ObjectPath] # @param api [ApiOptions] # @return [ProxyObject] def object(path, api: ApiOptions::A0) node = get_node(path, create: true) if node.object.nil? || node.object.api != api node.object = ProxyObject.new( @bus, @name, path, api: api ) end node.object end # Export an object # @param obj [DBus::Object] def export(obj) obj.service = self get_node(obj.path, create: true).object = obj object_manager_for(obj)&.object_added(obj) end # Undo exporting an object _obj_. # Raises ArgumentError if it is not a DBus::Object. # Returns the object, or false if _obj_ was not exported. # @param obj [DBus::Object] def unexport(obj) raise ArgumentError, "DBus::Service#unexport() expects a DBus::Object argument" unless obj.is_a?(DBus::Object) return false unless obj.path last_path_separator_idx = obj.path.rindex("/") parent_path = obj.path[1..last_path_separator_idx - 1] node_name = obj.path[last_path_separator_idx + 1..-1] parent_node = get_node(parent_path, create: false) return false unless parent_node object_manager_for(obj)&.object_removed(obj) obj.service = nil parent_node.delete(node_name).object end # Get the object node corresponding to the given *path*. # @param path [ObjectPath] # @param create [Boolean] if true, the the {Node}s in the path are created # if they do not already exist. # @return [Node,nil] def get_node(path, create: false) n = @root path.sub(%r{^/}, "").split("/").each do |elem| if !(n[elem]) return nil if !create n[elem] = Node.new(elem) end n = n[elem] end n end # Find the (closest) parent of *object* # implementing the ObjectManager interface, or nil # @return [DBus::Object,nil] def object_manager_for(object) path = object.path node_chain = get_node_chain(path) om_node = node_chain.reverse_each.find do |node| node.object&.is_a? DBus::ObjectManager end om_node&.object end # All objects (not paths) under this path (except itself). # @param path [ObjectPath] # @return [Array] # @raise ArgumentError if the *path* does not exist def descendants_for(path) node = get_node(path, create: false) raise ArgumentError, "Object path #{path} doesn't exist" if node.nil? node.descendant_objects end ######### private ######### # @raise ArgumentError if the *path* does not exist def get_node_chain(path) n = @root result = [n] path.sub(%r{^/}, "").split("/").each do |elem| n = n[elem] raise ArgumentError, "Object path #{path} doesn't exist" if n.nil? result.push(n) end result end # Perform a recursive retrospection on the given current _node_ # on the given _path_. def rec_introspect(node, path) xml = bus.introspect_data(@name, path) intfs, subnodes = IntrospectXMLParser.new(xml).parse subnodes.each do |nodename| subnode = node[nodename] = Node.new(nodename) subpath = if path == "/" "/#{nodename}" else "#{path}/#{nodename}" end rec_introspect(subnode, subpath) end return if intfs.empty? node.object = ProxyObjectFactory.new(xml, @bus, @name, path).build end end # = Object path node class # # Class representing a node on an object path. class Node < Hash # @return [DBus::Object,DBus::ProxyObject,nil] # The D-Bus object contained by the node. attr_accessor :object # The name of the node. # @return [String] the last component of its object path, or "/" attr_reader :name # Create a new node with a given _name_. def initialize(name) super() @name = name @object = nil end # Return an XML string representation of the node. # It is shallow, not recursing into subnodes # @param node_opath [String] def to_xml(node_opath) xml = ' ' xml += "\n" each_key do |k| xml += " \n" end @object&.intfs&.each_value do |v| xml += v.to_xml end xml += "" xml end # Return inspect information of the node. def inspect # Need something here "" end # Return instance inspect information, used by Node#inspect. def sub_inspect s = "" if !@object.nil? s += format("%x ", @object.object_id) end contents_sub_inspect = keys .map { |k| "#{k} => #{self[k].sub_inspect}" } .join(",") "#{s}{#{contents_sub_inspect}}" end # All objects (not paths) under this path (except itself). # @return [Array] def descendant_objects children_objects = values.map(&:object).compact descendants = values.map(&:descendant_objects) flat_descendants = descendants.reduce([], &:+) children_objects + flat_descendants end end # FIXME: rename Connection to Bus? # D-Bus main connection class # # Main class that maintains a connection to a bus and can handle incoming # and outgoing messages. class Connection # The unique name (by specification) of the message. attr_reader :unique_name # pop and push messages here attr_reader :message_queue # Create a new connection to the bus for a given connect _path_. _path_ # format is described in the D-Bus specification: # http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html#addresses # and is something like: # "transport1:key1=value1,key2=value2;transport2:key1=value1,key2=value2" # e.g. "unix:path=/tmp/dbus-test" or "tcp:host=localhost,port=2687" def initialize(path) @message_queue = MessageQueue.new(path) @unique_name = nil # @return [Hash{Integer => Proc}] # key: message serial # value: block to be run when the reply to that message is received @method_call_replies = {} # @return [Hash{Integer => Message}] # for debugging only: messages for which a reply was not received yet; # key == value.serial @method_call_msgs = {} @signal_matchrules = {} @proxy = nil end # Dispatch all messages that are available in the queue, # but do not block on the queue. # Called by a main loop when something is available in the queue def dispatch_message_queue while (msg = @message_queue.pop(blocking: false)) # FIXME: EOFError process(msg) end end # Tell a bus to register itself on the glib main loop def glibize require "glib2" # Circumvent a ruby-glib bug @channels ||= [] gio = GLib::IOChannel.new(@message_queue.socket.fileno) @channels << gio gio.add_watch(GLib::IOChannel::IN) do |_c, _ch| dispatch_message_queue true end end # FIXME: describe the following names, flags and constants. # See DBus spec for definition NAME_FLAG_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT = 0x1 NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING = 0x2 NAME_FLAG_DO_NOT_QUEUE = 0x4 REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER = 0x1 REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE = 0x2 REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS = 0x3 REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER = 0x4 DBUSXMLINTRO = ' ' # This apostroph is for syntax highlighting editors confused by above xml: " # @api private # Send a _message_. # If _reply_handler_ is not given, wait for the reply # and return the reply, or raise the error. # If _reply_handler_ is given, it will be called when the reply # eventually arrives, with the reply message as the 1st param # and its params following def send_sync_or_async(message, &reply_handler) ret = nil if reply_handler.nil? send_sync(message) do |rmsg| raise rmsg if rmsg.is_a?(Error) ret = rmsg.params end else on_return(message) do |rmsg| if rmsg.is_a?(Error) reply_handler.call(rmsg) else reply_handler.call(rmsg, * rmsg.params) end end @message_queue.push(message) end ret end # @api private def introspect_data(dest, path, &reply_handler) m = DBus::Message.new(DBus::Message::METHOD_CALL) m.path = path m.interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" m.destination = dest m.member = "Introspect" m.sender = unique_name if reply_handler.nil? send_sync_or_async(m).first else send_sync_or_async(m) do |*args| # TODO: test async introspection, is it used at all? args.shift # forget the message, pass only the text reply_handler.call(*args) nil end end end # @api private # Issues a call to the org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable.Introspect method # _dest_ is the service and _path_ the object path you want to introspect # If a code block is given, the introspect call in asynchronous. If not # data is returned # # FIXME: link to ProxyObject data definition # The returned object is a ProxyObject that has methods you can call to # issue somme METHOD_CALL messages, and to setup to receive METHOD_RETURN def introspect(dest, path) if !block_given? # introspect in synchronous ! data = introspect_data(dest, path) pof = DBus::ProxyObjectFactory.new(data, self, dest, path) pof.build else introspect_data(dest, path) do |async_data| yield(DBus::ProxyObjectFactory.new(async_data, self, dest, path).build) end end end # Exception raised when a service name is requested that is not available. class NameRequestError < Exception end # Attempt to request a service _name_. # # FIXME, NameRequestError cannot really be rescued as it will be raised # when dispatching a later call. Rework the API to better match the spec. # @return [Service] def request_service(name) # Use RequestName, but asynchronously! # A synchronous call would not work with service activation, where # method calls to be serviced arrive before the reply for RequestName # (Ticket#29). proxy.RequestName(name, NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING) do |rmsg, r| # check and report errors first raise rmsg if rmsg.is_a?(Error) details = if r == REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE other = proxy.GetNameOwner(name).first other_creds = proxy.GetConnectionCredentials(other).first "already owned by #{other}, #{other_creds.inspect}" else "error code #{r}" end raise NameRequestError, "Could not request #{name}, #{details}" unless r == REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER end @service = Service.new(name, self) @service end # Set up a ProxyObject for the bus itself, since the bus is introspectable. # @return [ProxyObject] that always returns an array # ({DBus::ApiOptions#proxy_method_returns_array}) # Returns the object. def proxy if @proxy.nil? path = "/org/freedesktop/DBus" dest = "org.freedesktop.DBus" pof = DBus::ProxyObjectFactory.new( DBUSXMLINTRO, self, dest, path, api: ApiOptions::A0 ) @proxy = pof.build["org.freedesktop.DBus"] end @proxy end # @api private # Wait for a message to arrive. Return it once it is available. def wait_for_message @message_queue.pop # FIXME: EOFError end # @api private # Send a message _msg_ on to the bus. This is done synchronously, thus # the call will block until a reply message arrives. # @param msg [Message] # @param retc [Proc] the reply handler # @yieldparam rmsg [MethodReturnMessage] the reply # @yieldreturn [Array] the reply (out) parameters def send_sync(msg, &retc) # :yields: reply/return message return if msg.nil? # check if somethings wrong @message_queue.push(msg) @method_call_msgs[msg.serial] = msg @method_call_replies[msg.serial] = retc retm = wait_for_message return if retm.nil? # check if somethings wrong process(retm) while @method_call_replies.key? msg.serial retm = wait_for_message process(retm) end rescue EOFError new_err = DBus::Error.new("Connection dropped after we sent #{msg.inspect}") raise new_err end # @api private # Specify a code block that has to be executed when a reply for # message _msg_ is received. # @param msg [Message] def on_return(msg, &retc) # Have a better exception here if msg.message_type != Message::METHOD_CALL raise "on_return should only get method_calls" end @method_call_msgs[msg.serial] = msg @method_call_replies[msg.serial] = retc end # Asks bus to send us messages matching mr, and execute slot when # received # @param match_rule [MatchRule,#to_s] def add_match(match_rule, &slot) # check this is a signal. mrs = match_rule.to_s DBus.logger.debug "#{@signal_matchrules.size} rules, adding #{mrs.inspect}" # don't ask for the same match if we override it unless @signal_matchrules.key?(mrs) DBus.logger.debug "Asked for a new match" proxy.AddMatch(mrs) end @signal_matchrules[mrs] = slot end # @param match_rule [MatchRule,#to_s] def remove_match(match_rule) mrs = match_rule.to_s rule_existed = @signal_matchrules.delete(mrs).nil? # don't remove nonexisting matches. return if rule_existed # FIXME: if we do try, the Error.MatchRuleNotFound is *not* raised # and instead is reported as "no return code for nil" proxy.RemoveMatch(mrs) end # @api private # Process a message _msg_ based on its type. # @param msg [Message] def process(msg) return if msg.nil? # check if somethings wrong case msg.message_type when Message::ERROR, Message::METHOD_RETURN raise InvalidPacketException if msg.reply_serial.nil? mcs = @method_call_replies[msg.reply_serial] if !mcs DBus.logger.debug "no return code for mcs: #{mcs.inspect} msg: #{msg.inspect}" else if msg.message_type == Message::ERROR mcs.call(Error.new(msg)) else mcs.call(msg) end @method_call_replies.delete(msg.reply_serial) @method_call_msgs.delete(msg.reply_serial) end when DBus::Message::METHOD_CALL if msg.path == "/org/freedesktop/DBus" DBus.logger.debug "Got method call on /org/freedesktop/DBus" end node = @service.get_node(msg.path, create: false) # introspect a known path even if there is no object on it if node && msg.interface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" && msg.member == "Introspect" reply = Message.new(Message::METHOD_RETURN).reply_to(msg) reply.sender = @unique_name xml = node.to_xml(msg.path) reply.add_param(Type::STRING, xml) @message_queue.push(reply) # dispatch for an object elsif node&.object node.object.dispatch(msg) else reply = Message.error(msg, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject", "Object #{msg.path} doesn't exist") @message_queue.push(reply) end when DBus::Message::SIGNAL # the signal can match multiple different rules # clone to allow new signale handlers to be registered @signal_matchrules.dup.each do |mrs, slot| if DBus::MatchRule.new.from_s(mrs).match(msg) slot.call(msg) end end else # spec(Message Format): Unknown types must be ignored. DBus.logger.debug "Unknown message type: #{msg.message_type}" end rescue Exception => e raise msg.annotate_exception(e) end # Retrieves the Service with the given _name_. # @return [Service] def service(name) # The service might not exist at this time so we cannot really check # anything Service.new(name, self) end alias [] service # @api private # Emit a signal event for the given _service_, object _obj_, interface # _intf_ and signal _sig_ with arguments _args_. # @param service [Service] # @param obj [DBus::Object] # @param intf [Interface] # @param sig [Signal] # @param args arguments for the signal def emit(service, obj, intf, sig, *args) m = Message.new(DBus::Message::SIGNAL) m.path = obj.path m.interface = intf.name m.member = sig.name m.sender = service.name i = 0 sig.params.each do |par| m.add_param(par.type, args[i]) i += 1 end @message_queue.push(m) end ########################################################################### private # Send a hello messages to the bus to let it know we are here. def send_hello m = Message.new(DBus::Message::METHOD_CALL) m.path = "/org/freedesktop/DBus" m.destination = "org.freedesktop.DBus" m.interface = "org.freedesktop.DBus" m.member = "Hello" send_sync(m) do |rmsg| @unique_name = rmsg.destination DBus.logger.debug "Got hello reply. Our unique_name is #{@unique_name}" end @service = Service.new(@unique_name, self) end end # = D-Bus session bus class # # The session bus is a session specific bus (mostly for desktop use). # # Use SessionBus, the non-singleton ASessionBus is # for the test suite. class ASessionBus < Connection # Get the the default session bus. def initialize super(self.class.session_bus_address) send_hello end def self.session_bus_address ENV["DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"] || address_from_file || ("launchd:env=DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET" if Platform.macos?) || (raise NotImplementedError, "Cannot find session bus; sorry, haven't figured out autolaunch yet") end def self.address_from_file # systemd uses /etc/machine-id # traditional dbus uses /var/lib/dbus/machine-id machine_id_path = Dir["{/etc,/var/lib/dbus,/var/db/dbus}/machine-id"].first return nil unless machine_id_path machine_id = File.read(machine_id_path).chomp display = ENV["DISPLAY"][/:(\d+)\.?/, 1] bus_file_path = File.join(ENV["HOME"], "/.dbus/session-bus/#{machine_id}-#{display}") return nil unless File.exist?(bus_file_path) File.open(bus_file_path).each_line do |line| if line =~ /^DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=(.*)/ address = Regexp.last_match(1) return address[/\A'(.*)'\z/, 1] || address[/\A"(.*)"\z/, 1] || address end end end end # See ASessionBus class SessionBus < ASessionBus include Singleton end # Default socket name for the system bus. SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS = "unix:path=/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket" # = D-Bus system bus class # # The system bus is a system-wide bus mostly used for global or # system usages. # # Use SystemBus, the non-singleton ASystemBus is # for the test suite. class ASystemBus < Connection # Get the default system bus. def initialize super(self.class.system_bus_address) send_hello end def self.system_bus_address ENV["DBUS_SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS"] || SYSTEM_BUS_ADDRESS end end # = D-Bus remote (TCP) bus class # # This class may be used when connecting to remote (listening on a TCP socket) # busses. You can also use it to connect to other non-standard path busses. # # The specified socket_name should look like this: # (for TCP) tcp:host=,port=2687 # (for Unix-socket) unix:path=/tmp/my_funky_bus_socket # # you'll need to take care about authentification then, more info here: # https://gitlab.com/pangdudu/ruby-dbus/-/blob/master/README.rdoc class RemoteBus < Connection # Get the remote bus. def initialize(socket_name) super(socket_name) send_hello end end # See ASystemBus class SystemBus < ASystemBus include Singleton end # Shortcut for the {SystemBus} instance # @return [Connection] def self.system_bus SystemBus.instance end # Shortcut for the {SessionBus} instance # @return [Connection] def self.session_bus SessionBus.instance end # = Main event loop class. # # Class that takes care of handling message and signal events # asynchronously. *Note:* This is a native implement and therefore does # not integrate with a graphical widget set main loop. class Main # Create a new main event loop. def initialize @buses = {} @quitting = false end # Add a _bus_ to the list of buses to watch for events. def <<(bus) @buses[bus.message_queue.socket] = bus end # Quit a running main loop, to be used eg. from a signal handler def quit @quitting = true end # Run the main loop. This is a blocking call! def run # before blocking, empty the buffers # https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=537401 @buses.each_value do |b| while (m = b.message_queue.message_from_buffer_nonblock) b.process(m) end end while !@quitting && !@buses.empty? ready = IO.select(@buses.keys, [], [], 5) # timeout 5 seconds next unless ready # timeout exceeds so continue unless quitting ready.first.each do |socket| b = @buses[socket] begin b.message_queue.buffer_from_socket_nonblock rescue EOFError, SystemCallError @buses.delete socket # this bus died next end while (m = b.message_queue.message_from_buffer_nonblock) b.process(m) end end end end end end