module AutoComplete def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # # Example: # # # Controller # class BlogController < ApplicationController # auto_complete_for :post, :title # end # # # View # <%= text_field_with_auto_complete :post, title %> # # By default, auto_complete_for limits the results to 10 entries, # and sorts by the given field. # # auto_complete_for takes a third parameter, an options hash to # the find method used to search for the records: # # auto_complete_for :post, :title, :limit => 15, :order => 'created_at DESC' # # For help on defining text input fields with autocompletion, # see ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper. # # For more examples, see # * # * module ClassMethods def auto_complete_for(object, method, options = {}) define_method("auto_complete_for_#{object}_#{method}") do table = object.to_s.camelize.constantize.table_name find_options = { :conditions => [ "LOWER(#{table}.#{method}) LIKE (?)", '%' + params[object][method].downcase + '%' ], :order => "#{table}.#{method} ASC", :limit => 10 }.merge!(options) @items = object.to_s.camelize.constantize.find(:all, find_options) render :inline => "<%= auto_complete_result @items, '#{method}' %>" end end end end