# This configuration was generated by # `rubocop --auto-gen-config` # on 2021-07-10 17:38:28 UTC using RuboCop version 1.16.1. # The point is for the user to remove these configuration records # one by one as the offenses are removed from the code base. # Note that changes in the inspected code, or installation of new # versions of RuboCop, may require this file to be generated again. # Offense count: 10 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: AutoCorrect, AllowHeredoc, AllowURI, URISchemes, IgnoreCopDirectives, IgnoredPatterns. # URISchemes: http, https Layout/LineLength: Max: 110 # Offense count: 1 Lint/MissingSuper: Exclude: - 'lib/amoeba/macros/base.rb' # Offense count: 17 Lint/UselessAssignment: Exclude: - 'spec/support/data.rb' # Offense count: 8 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne, ExcludedMethods, IgnoredMethods. # IgnoredMethods: refine Metrics/BlockLength: Max: 339 # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: CountComments, CountAsOne. Metrics/ClassLength: Max: 141 # Offense count: 3 # Configuration parameters: ForbiddenDelimiters. # ForbiddenDelimiters: (?-mix:(^|\s)(EO[A-Z]{1}|END)(\s|$)) Naming/HeredocDelimiterNaming: Exclude: - 'lib/amoeba/config.rb' # Offense count: 2 # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle, CheckMethodNames, CheckSymbols, AllowedIdentifiers. # SupportedStyles: snake_case, normalcase, non_integer # AllowedIdentifiers: capture3, iso8601, rfc1123_date, rfc822, rfc2822, rfc3339 Naming/VariableNumber: Exclude: - 'spec/support/data.rb' # Offense count: 1 RSpec/BeforeAfterAll: Exclude: - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' - 'spec/rails_helper.rb' - 'spec/support/**/*.rb' - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' # Offense count: 12 # Configuration parameters: Prefixes. # Prefixes: when, with, without RSpec/ContextWording: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: IgnoredMetadata. RSpec/DescribeClass: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' # Offense count: 3 # Configuration parameters: CountAsOne. RSpec/ExampleLength: Max: 134 # Offense count: 1 # Configuration parameters: . # SupportedStyles: have_received, receive RSpec/MessageSpies: EnforcedStyle: receive # Offense count: 7 RSpec/MultipleExpectations: Max: 55 # Offense count: 18 # Configuration parameters: IgnoreSharedExamples. RSpec/NamedSubject: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' # Offense count: 1 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: Strict, EnforcedStyle, AllowedExplicitMatchers. # SupportedStyles: inflected, explicit RSpec/PredicateMatcher: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' # Offense count: 5 # Cop supports --auto-correct. # Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle. # SupportedStyles: always, always_true, never Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' - 'spec/support/data.rb' - 'spec/support/models.rb' - 'spec/support/schema.rb' # Offense count: 5 # Cop supports --auto-correct. Style/StringConcatenation: Exclude: - 'spec/lib/amoeba_spec.rb' - 'spec/spec_helper.rb' - 'spec/support/models.rb'