require File.expand_path('../test_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) class BzrAnalyzerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "BzrAnalyzer#get_logs" do should "return a list of changed files" do bzr_analyzer = bzr_analyzer.expects(:`).with('bzr log -v --short ').returns(" 1947 Adam Walters 2010-01-16\n Second commit with 3 files now.\n M file1.rb\n M file2.rb\n M file3.rb\n\n 1946 Adam Walters 2010-01-16\n First commit\n A file1.rb\n") assert_equal ["file1.rb", "file2.rb", "file3.rb", "file1.rb"], bzr_analyzer.get_logs end should "scope the changed files to an optional date range" do bzr_analyzer ="1/16/2010") bzr_analyzer.expects(:`).with('bzr log -v --short -r 2010-01-16..').returns(" 1947 Adam Walters 2010-01-16\n Second commit with 3 files now.\n M file1.rb\n M file2.rb\n M file3.rb\n\n 1946 Adam Walters 2010-01-16\n First commit\n A file1.rb\n") assert_equal ["file1.rb", "file2.rb", "file3.rb", "file1.rb"], bzr_analyzer.get_logs end end context "BzrAnalyzer#get_revisions" do should "return a list of changeset ids" do bzr_analyzer = bzr_analyzer.expects(:`).with('bzr log --line ').returns("1947: Adam Walters 2010-01-16 Second commit with 3 files now.\n1946: Adam Walters 2010-01-16 First commit\n") assert_equal ["1947", "1946"], bzr_analyzer.get_revisions end should "scope the changesets to an optional date range" do bzr_analyzer ="1/16/2010") bzr_analyzer.expects(:`).with('bzr log --line -r 2010-01-16..').returns("1947: Adam Walters 2010-01-16 Second commit with 3 files now.\n1946: Adam Walters 2010-01-16 First commit\n") assert_equal ["1947", "1946"], bzr_analyzer.get_revisions end end context "BzrAnalyzer#get_updated_files_from_log(revision, revisions)" do should "return a list of modified files and the change hunks (chunks)" do bzr_analyzer = bzr_analyzer.expects(:`).with('bzr diff -r 1946..1947').returns("=== modified file 'a/file1.rb'\n--- a/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600\n+++ b/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:19:32 2010 -0600\n@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@\n-First\n-Adding sample data\n-Third line\ndiff -r 1947 -r 1946 file2.rb\n=== modified file 'a/file2.rb'\n--- a/file2.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600\n+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@\n-This is the second file.\n-\n-Little more data\n-\n-def cool_method\n- \"hello\"\n-end\ndiff -r 1947 -r 1946 file3.rb\n--- a/file3.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600\n+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000\n@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@\n-Third file here.\n-\n-def another_method\n- \"foo\"\n-end\n") assert_equal ["--- a/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ b/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:19:32 2010 -0600", "@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@", "--- a/file2.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000", "@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@", "--- a/file3.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000", "@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@"], bzr_analyzer.get_updated_files_from_log("1947", ["1947", "1946"]) end should "return an empty array if it's the final revision" do bzr_analyzer = assert_equal [], bzr_analyzer.get_updated_files_from_log("1946", ["1947", "1946"]) end end context "BzrAnalyzer#get_updated_files_change_info(revision, revisions)" do setup do @bzr_analyzer = end should "return all modified files with their line differences" do @bzr_analyzer.expects(:get_updated_files_from_log).with("1947", ["1947", "1946"]).returns(["--- a/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ b/file1.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:19:32 2010 -0600", "@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@", "--- a/file2.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000", "@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@", "--- a/file3.rb\tSat Jan 16 14:21:28 2010 -0600", "+++ /dev/null\tThu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000", "@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@"]) assert_equal({"/dev/null" => [1..8, 0..0, 1..6, 0..0], "file3.rb" => [], "file1.rb" => [], "file2.rb" => [], "file1.rb" => [1..4, 0..0]}, @bzr_analyzer.get_updated_files_change_info("1947", ["1947", "1946"])) end should "raise an error if it encounters a line it cannot parse" do @bzr_analyzer.expects(:get_updated_files_from_log).with("1947", ["1947", "1946"]).returns(["foo"]) assert_raise RuntimeError do @bzr_analyzer.stubs(:puts) # supress output from raised error @bzr_analyzer.get_updated_files_change_info("1947", ["1947", "1946"]) end end end end