= Birdbath Birdbath provides methods which let you assert the current state of the schema and run your migrations against the _test_ database. == Install gem install birdbath If you're using it outside of a Rails environment (for whatever reason) include the Birdbath module in your tests: require 'test/unit' require 'birdbath' class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Birdbath def test_something ... end end == Use *assert_schema*: verifies the schema of the database exactly matches the one specified. def test_the_schema assert_schema do |s| s.table :books do |t| t.column :id, :integer t.column :title, :string, :limit => 5 t.column :author, :string end s.table :reviews do |t| t.column :id, :integer t.column :book_id, :integer t.column :body, :text t.column :rating, :integer, :default => 0 t.index :book_id, :name => 'index_book_id_on_reviews' end end end This would verify there are only two tables defined in the test database: _books_ and _reviews_ (schema_info is ignored). It will also verify that the _book_ table has the three columns, _id_, _title_ and _author_, each with their respective types. Indexes are verified too. *assert_table*: verify a table is found exactly as specified: assert_table :books do |t| t.column :id, :integer t.column :title, :string, :limit => 5 t.column :author, :string t.index :author, :name => 'index_author_on_books' end *drop_all_tables*: does just what it says to your _test_ database. *migrate*: executes the migrations against the test database using the same mechanism as rake db:migrate. def test_the_migrations migrate migrate :version => 0 migrate :version => 10 migrate end This would do the same thing as running the following rake commands, but within a test case: rake db:migrate rake db:migrate VERSION=0 rake db:migrate VERSION=10 rake db:migrate By combining the two helpers you can write a test that shows you can run all your migrations and get the final schema: def test_should_be_able_to_migrate_from_an_empty_schema drop_all_tables # we shouldn't have any tables assert_schema do |s| end migrate assert_schema do |s| s.table :books do |t| t.column :id, :integer t.column :title, :string t.column :author, :string end s.table :reviews do |t| t.column :id, :integer t.column :book_id, :integer t.column :body, :text t.column :rating, :integer t.index :book_id, :name => 'index_book_id_on_reviews' end end end The *migrate* helper can also be useful for testing data tranformation migrations: def test_should_get_rid_of_bad_data drop_all_tables migrate :version => 7 Book.reset_column_information book = Book.create! :title => "bad title\nwith\todd spacing" migrate :version => 8 # should cleanse spacing in book titles book.reload assert_equal "bad title with odd spacing", book.title end == Authors * Micah Alles (alles@atomicobject.com) * David Crosby (crosby@atomicobject.com) * Patrick Bacon (bacon@atomicobject.com) * © 2007-2011 {Atomic Object}[http://www.atomicobject.com] * More Atomic Object {open source}[http://www.atomicobject.com/pages/Software+Commons] projects