/* Riassence Framework * Copyright 2009 Riassence Inc. * http://riassence.com/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this software package. If not, contact licensing@riassence.com */ /*** = Description ** COMM.Session is the session key manager. ** ** COMM.Session is used by COMM.Transporter to generate key hashes for ** the session management of COMM.Transporter's keys. ** ** The server expects this exact algorithm and refuses to serve unless ** the SHA1 hash sum of the keys matches. ** ** Uses a +SHAClass+ instance for generation. ** ** +COMM.Queue+ runs as a single instance, dan't try to reconstruct it. ***/ COMM.Session = HClass.extend({ /** The constructor takes no arguments. **/ constructor: function(){ var _this = this; _this.sha = SHAClass.nu(8); _this.sha_key = _this.sha.hexSHA1(((new Date().getTime())*Math.random()*1000).toString()); _this.ses_key = '0:.o.:'+_this.sha_key; _this.req_num = 0; }, /** = Description * Generates a new SHA1 sum using a combination of * the previous sum and the +_newKey+ given. * * Sets +self.ses_key+ and +self.sha_key+ * * = Parameters: * +_newKey+:: A key set by the server. * **/ newKey: function(_sesKey){ var _this = this, _shaKey = _this.sha.hexSHA1(_sesKey+_this.sha_key); _this.req_num++; _this.ses_key = _this.req_num+':.o.:'+_shaKey; _this.sha_key = _shaKey; } }).nu();