# Prop [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/zendesk/prop.png)](https://travis-ci.org/zendesk/prop) Prop is a simple gem for rate limiting requests of any kind. It allows you to configure hooks for registering certain actions, such that you can define thresholds, register usage and finally act on exceptions once thresholds get exceeded. Prop supports two limiting strategies: * Basic strategy (default): Prop will use an interval to define a window of time using simple div arithmetic. This means that it's a worst-case throttle that will allow up to two times the specified requests within the specified interval. * Leaky bucket strategy: Prop also supports the [Leaky Bucket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_bucket) algorithm, which is similar to the basic strategy but also supports bursts up to a specified threshold. To get going with Prop, you first define the read and write operations. These define how you write a registered request and how to read the number of requests for a given action. For example, do something like the below in a Rails initializer: ```ruby Prop.read do |key| Rails.cache.read(key) end Prop.write do |key, value| Rails.cache.write(key, value) end ``` You can choose to rely on whatever you'd like to use for transient storage. Prop does not do any sort of clean up of its key space, so you would have to implement that manually should you be using anything but an LRU cache like memcached. ## Setting a Callback You can define an optional callback that is invoked when a rate limit is reached. In a Rails application you could use such a handler to add notification support: ```ruby Prop.before_throttle do |handle, key, threshold, interval| ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument('throttle.prop', handle: handle, key: key, threshold: threshold, interval: interval) end ``` ## Defining thresholds Once the read and write operations are defined, you can optionally define thresholds. If, for example, you want to have a threshold on accepted emails per hour from a given user, you could define a threshold and interval (in seconds) for this like so: ```ruby Prop.configure(:mails_per_hour, threshold: 100, interval: 1.hour, description: "Mail rate limit exceeded") ``` The `:mails_per_hour` in the above is called the "handle". You can now put the throttle to work with these values, by passing the handle to the respective methods in Prop: ```ruby # Throws Prop::RateLimitExceededError if the threshold/interval has been reached Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour) # Prop can be used to guard a block of code Prop.throttle!(:expensive_request) { calculator.something_very_hard } # Returns true if the threshold/interval has been reached Prop.throttled?(:mails_per_hour) # Sets the throttle "count" to 0 Prop.reset(:mails_per_hour) # Returns the value of this throttle, usually a count, but see below for more Prop.count(:mails_per_hour) ``` Prop will raise a `RuntimeError` if you attempt to operate on an undefined handle. ## Scoping a throttle In many cases you will want to tie a specific key to a defined throttle. For example, you can scope the throttling to a specific sender rather than running a global "mails per hour" throttle: ```ruby Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour, mail.from) Prop.throttled?(:mails_per_hour, mail.from) Prop.reset(:mails_per_hour, mail.from) Prop.query(:mails_per_hour, mail.from) ``` The throttle scope can also be an array of values, e.g.: ```ruby Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour, [ account.id, mail.from ]) ``` ## Error handling If the throttle! method gets called more than "threshold" times within "interval in seconds" for a given handle and key combination, Prop throws a `Prop::RateLimited` error which is a subclass of `StandardError`. This exception contains a "handle" reference and a "description" if specified during the configuration. The handle allows you to rescue `Prop::RateLimited` and differentiate action depending on the handle. For example, in Rails you can use this in e.g. `ApplicationController`: ```ruby rescue_from Prop::RateLimited do |e| if e.handle == :authorization_attempt render status: :forbidden, message: I18n.t(e.description) elsif ... end end ``` ### Using the Middleware Prop ships with a built-in Rack middleware that you can use to do all the exception handling. When a `Prop::RateLimited` error is caught, it will build an HTTP [429 Too Many Requests](http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-http-new-status-02#section-4) response and set the following headers: Retry-After: 32 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 72 Where `Retry-After` is the number of seconds the client has to wait before retrying this end point. The body of this response is whatever description Prop has configured for the throttle that got violated, or a default string if there's none configured. If you wish to do manual error messaging in these cases, you can define an error handler in your Prop configuration. Here's how the default error handler looks - you use anything that responds to `.call` and takes the environment and a `RateLimited` instance as argument: ```ruby error_handler = Proc.new do |env, error| body = error.description || "This action has been rate limited" headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => body.size, "Retry-After" => error.retry_after } [ 429, headers, [ body ]] end ActionController::Dispatcher.middleware.insert_before(ActionController::ParamsParser, :error_handler => error_handler) ``` An alternative to this, is to extend `Prop::Middleware` and override the `render_response(env, error)` method. ## Disabling Prop In case you need to perform e.g. a manual bulk operation: ```ruby Prop.disabled do # No throttles will be tested here end ``` ## Threshold settings You can chose to override the threshold for a given key: ```ruby Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour, mail.from, :threshold => current_account.mail_throttle_threshold) ``` When the threshold are invoked without argument, the key is nil and as such a scope of its own, i.e. these are equivalent: ```ruby Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour) Prop.throttle!(:mails_per_hour, nil) ``` The default (and smallest possible) increment is 1, you can set that to any integer value using :increment which is handy for building time based throttles: ```ruby Prop.configure(:execute_time, threshold: 10, interval: 1.minute) Prop.throttle!(:execute_time, account.id, increment: (Benchmark.realtime { execute }).to_i) ``` ## Optional configuration You can add optional configuration to a prop and retrieve it using `Prop.configurations[:foo]`: ```ruby Prop.configure(:api_query, threshold: 10, interval: 1.minute, category: :api) Prop.configure(:api_insert, threshold: 50, interval: 1.minute, category: :api) Prop.configure(:password_failure, threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute, category: :auth) ``` ``` Prop.configurations[:api_query][:category] ``` You can use `Prop::RateLimited#config` to distinguish between errors: ```ruby rescue Prop::RateLimited => e case e.config[:category] when :api raise APIRateLimit when :auth raise AuthFailure ... end ``` ## Using Leaky Bucket Algorithm You can add two additional configurations: `:strategy` and `:burst_rate` to use the [leaky bucket algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaky_bucket). Prop will handle the details after configured, and you don't have to specify `:strategy` again when using `throttle`, `throttle!` or any other methods. ```ruby Prop.configure(:api_request, strategy: :leaky_bucket, burst_rate: 20, threshold: 5, interval: 1.minute) ``` * `:threshold` value here would be the "leak rate" of leaky bucket algorithm. ## License Copyright 2015 Zendesk Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.