require 'active_model/validator' module Dragonfly module Model module Validations class PropertyValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(model, attribute, attachment) if attachment property = attachment.send(property_name) model.errors.add(attribute, message(property, model)) unless matches?(property) end rescue RuntimeError => e Dragonfly.warn("validation of property #{property_name} of #{attribute} failed with error #{e}") model.errors.add(attribute, message(nil, model)) end private def matches?(property) if case_insensitive? prop = property.to_s.downcase allowed_values.any?{|v| v.to_s.downcase == prop } else allowed_values.include?(property) end end def message(property, model) message = options[:message] || "#{property_name.to_s.humanize.downcase} is incorrect. " + "It needs to be #{expected_values_string}" + (property ? ", but was '#{property}'" : "") message.respond_to?(:call) ?, model) : message end def check_validity! raise ArgumentError, "you must provide either :in => [, ..] or :as => " unless options[:in] || options[:as] end def property_name options[:property_name] end def case_insensitive? options[:case_sensitive] == false end def allowed_values @allowed_values ||= options[:in] || [options[:as]] end def expected_values_string if allowed_values.is_a?(Range) "between #{allowed_values.first} and #{allowed_values.last}" else allowed_values.length > 1 ? "one of '#{allowed_values.join('\', \'')}'" : "'#{allowed_values.first.to_s}'" end end end private def validates_property(property_name, options) raise ArgumentError, "you need to provide the attribute which has the property, using :of => " unless options[:of] validates_with PropertyValidator, options.merge(:attributes => [*options[:of]], :property_name => property_name) end end end end