// <details> polyfill // http://caniuse.com/#feat=details // FF Support for HTML5's <details> and <summary> // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591737 // http://www.sitepoint.com/fixing-the-details-element/ ;(function () { 'use strict' var NATIVE_DETAILS = typeof document.createElement('details').open === 'boolean' // Add event construct for modern browsers or IE // which fires the callback with a pre-converted target reference function addEvent (node, type, callback) { if (node.addEventListener) { node.addEventListener(type, function (e) { callback(e, e.target) }, false) } else if (node.attachEvent) { node.attachEvent('on' + type, function (e) { callback(e, e.srcElement) }) } } // Handle cross-modal click events function addClickEvent (node, callback) { // Prevent space(32) from scrolling the page addEvent(node, 'keypress', function (e, target) { if (target.nodeName === 'SUMMARY') { if (e.keyCode === 32) { if (e.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault() } else { e.returnValue = false } } } }) // When the key comes up - check if it is enter(13) or space(32) addEvent(node, 'keyup', function (e, target) { if (e.keyCode === 13 || e.keyCode === 32) { callback(e, target) } }) addEvent(node, 'mouseup', function (e, target) { callback(e, target) }) } // Get the nearest ancestor element of a node that matches a given tag name function getAncestor (node, match) { do { if (!node || node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match) { break } node = node.parentNode } while (node) return node } // Create a started flag so we can prevent the initialisation // function firing from both DOMContentLoaded and window.onload var started = false // Initialisation function function addDetailsPolyfill (list) { // If this has already happened, just return // else set the flag so it doesn't happen again if (started) { return } started = true // Get the collection of details elements, but if that's empty // then we don't need to bother with the rest of the scripting if ((list = document.getElementsByTagName('details')).length === 0) { return } // else iterate through them to apply their initial state var n = list.length var i = 0 for (i; i < n; i++) { var details = list[i] // Save shortcuts to the inner summary and content elements details.__summary = details.getElementsByTagName('summary').item(0) details.__content = details.getElementsByTagName('div').item(0) // If the content doesn't have an ID, assign it one now // which we'll need for the summary's aria-controls assignment if (!details.__content.id) { details.__content.id = 'details-content-' + i } // Add ARIA role="group" to details details.setAttribute('role', 'group') // Add role=button to summary details.__summary.setAttribute('role', 'button') // Add aria-controls details.__summary.setAttribute('aria-controls', details.__content.id) // Set tabIndex so the summary is keyboard accessible for non-native elements // http://www.saliences.com/browserBugs/tabIndex.html if (!NATIVE_DETAILS) { details.__summary.tabIndex = 0 } // Detect initial open state var openAttr = details.getAttribute('open') !== null if (openAttr === true) { details.__summary.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true') details.__content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false') } else { details.__summary.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false') details.__content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true') if (!NATIVE_DETAILS) { details.__content.style.display = 'none' } } // Create a circular reference from the summary back to its // parent details element, for convenience in the click handler details.__summary.__details = details // If this is not a native implementation, create an arrow // inside the summary if (!NATIVE_DETAILS) { var twisty = document.createElement('i') if (openAttr === true) { twisty.className = 'arrow arrow-open' twisty.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u25bc')) } else { twisty.className = 'arrow arrow-closed' twisty.appendChild(document.createTextNode('\u25ba')) } details.__summary.__twisty = details.__summary.insertBefore(twisty, details.__summary.firstChild) details.__summary.__twisty.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true') } } // Define a statechange function that updates aria-expanded and style.display // Also update the arrow position function statechange (summary) { var expanded = summary.__details.__summary.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true' var hidden = summary.__details.__content.getAttribute('aria-hidden') === 'true' summary.__details.__summary.setAttribute('aria-expanded', (expanded ? 'false' : 'true')) summary.__details.__content.setAttribute('aria-hidden', (hidden ? 'false' : 'true')) if (!NATIVE_DETAILS) { summary.__details.__content.style.display = (expanded ? 'none' : '') var hasOpenAttr = summary.__details.getAttribute('open') !== null if (!hasOpenAttr) { summary.__details.setAttribute('open', 'open') } else { summary.__details.removeAttribute('open') } } if (summary.__twisty) { summary.__twisty.firstChild.nodeValue = (expanded ? '\u25ba' : '\u25bc') summary.__twisty.setAttribute('class', (expanded ? 'arrow arrow-closed' : 'arrow arrow-open')) } return true } // Bind a click event to handle summary elements addClickEvent(document, function (e, summary) { if (!(summary = getAncestor(summary, 'summary'))) { return true } return statechange(summary) }) } // Bind two load events for modern and older browsers // If the first one fires it will set a flag to block the second one // but if it's not supported then the second one will fire addEvent(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', addDetailsPolyfill) addEvent(window, 'load', addDetailsPolyfill) })()