package wordcram; import processing.core.PVector; /** * Once a WordPlacer tells WordCram where a word should go, a WordNudger * tells WordCram how to nudge it around the field, until it fits in with the * other words around it, or the WordCram gives up on the word. *
* WordCram gets a PVector from the nudger, and adds it to the word's desired * location, to find the next spot to try fitting the word. Note that the * PVectors returned from a nudger don't accumulate: if the placer * puts a Word at (0, 0), and the nudger returns (1, 1), and then (2, 2), * WordCram will try the word at (1, 1), and then (2, 2) -- not (1, 1) * and then (3, 3). *
* A WordNudger should probably start nudging the word only a little, to keep it
* near its desired location, and gradually nudge it more and more, so that,
* even if the desired area is congested, the word can still fit in somewhere.
* This is why the WordCram passes in attemptNumber
: it's the
* number of times it's attempted to place the word. This could (for example)
* scale the PVector, since the nudges don't accumulate (see above).
* @see RandomWordNudger
* @see SpiralWordNudger
* @author Dan Bernier
public interface WordNudger {
* How should this word be nudged, this time?
* @param word
* the word to nudge
* @param attemptNumber
* how many times WordCram has tried to place this word; starts
* at zero, and ends at
* (int)((1.0-word.weight) * 600) + 100
* @return the PVector to add to the word's desired location, to get the
* next spot to try fitting the word
public PVector nudgeFor(Word word, int attemptNumber);