# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx # A button is a control that contains a text string, and is one of the most common elements of a GUI. # It may be placed on a dialog box or on a {Wx::Panel} panel, or indeed on almost any other window. # By default, i.e. if none of the alignment styles are specified, the label is centered both horizontally and vertically. If the button has both a label and a bitmap, the alignment styles above specify the location of the rectangle combining both the label and the bitmap and the bitmap position set with {Wx::Button#set_bitmap_position} defines the relative position of the bitmap with respect to the label (however currently non-default alignment combinations are not implemented on all platforms). # Since version 2.9.1 {Wx::Button} supports showing both text and an image (currently only when using wxMSW, wxGTK or wxOSX/Cocoa ports), see {Wx::Button#set_bitmap} and {Wx::Button#set_bitmap_label}, {Wx::Button#set_bitmap_disabled} &c methods. In the previous wxWidgets versions this functionality was only available in (the now trivial) {Wx::BitmapButton} class which was only capable of showing an image without text. # A button may have either a single image for all states or different images for the following states (different images are not currently supported under macOS where the normal image is used for all states): # # - <b>normal:</b> the default state # # - <b>disabled:</b> bitmap shown when the button is disabled. # # - <b>pressed:</b> bitmap shown when the button is pushed (e.g. while the user keeps the mouse button pressed on it) # # - <b>focus:</b> bitmap shown when the button has keyboard focus (but is not pressed as in this case the button is in the pressed state) # # - <b>current:</b> bitmap shown when the mouse is over the button (but it is not pressed although it may have focus). Notice that if current bitmap is not specified but the current platform UI uses hover images for the buttons (such as Windows or GTK+), then the focus bitmap is used for hover state as well. This makes it possible to set focus bitmap only to get reasonably good behaviour on all platforms. # # All of the bitmaps must be of the same size and the normal bitmap must be set first (to a valid bitmap), before setting any other ones. Also, if the size of the bitmaps is changed later, you need to change the size of the normal bitmap before setting any other bitmaps with the new size (and you do need to reset all of them as their original values can be lost when the normal bitmap size changes). # The position of the image inside the button be configured using {Wx::Button#set_bitmap_position}. By default the image is on the left of the text. # Please also notice that GTK+ uses a global setting called <code>gtk-button-images</code> to determine if the images should be shown in the buttons at all. If it is off (which is the case in e.g. Gnome 2.28 by default), no images will be shown, consistently with the native behaviour. # === Styles # # This class supports the following styles: # # - {Wx::BU_LEFT}: Left-justifies the label. Windows and GTK+ only. # # - {Wx::BU_TOP}: Aligns the label to the top of the button. Windows and GTK+ only. # # - {Wx::BU_RIGHT}: Right-justifies the bitmap label. Windows and GTK+ only. # # - {Wx::BU_BOTTOM}: Aligns the label to the bottom of the button. Windows and GTK+ only. # # - {Wx::BU_EXACTFIT}: By default, all buttons are made of at least the standard button size, even if their contents is small enough to fit into a smaller size. This is done for consistency as most platforms use buttons of the same size in the native dialogs, but can be overridden by specifying this flag. If it is given, the button will be made just big enough for its contents. Notice that under MSW the button will still have at least the standard height, even with this style, if it has a non-empty label. # # - {Wx::BU_NOTEXT}: Disables the display of the text label in the button even if it has one or its id is one of the standard stock ids with an associated label: without using this style a button which is only supposed to show a bitmap but uses a standard id would display a label too. # # - {Wx::Border::BORDER_NONE}: Creates a button without border. This is currently implemented in MSW, GTK2 and OSX/Cocoa. # # === Events emitted by this class # # The following event-handler methods redirect the events to member method or handler blocks for {Wx::CommandEvent} events. # Event handler methods for events emitted by this class: # # - {Wx::EvtHandler#evt_button}(id, meth = nil, &block): Process a {Wx::EVT_BUTTON} event, when the button is clicked. # # === # # Category: {Wx::Controls} <div class='appearance'><span class='appearance'>Appearance:</span><table><tr><td> wxMSW Appearance # </td><td> wxGTK Appearance # </td><td> wxOSX Appearance # </td></tr></table></div> # @see Wx::BitmapButton # # class Button < AnyButton # @overload initialize() # Default ctor. # @return [Wx::Button] # @overload initialize(parent, id, label=(''), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=0, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::ButtonNameStr) # Constructor, creating and showing a button. # The preferred way to create standard buttons is to use default value of label. If no label is supplied and id is one of standard IDs from this list, a standard label will be used. In other words, if you use a predefined {Wx::ID_XXX} constant, just omit the label completely rather than specifying it. In particular, help buttons (the ones with id of {Wx::StandardID::ID_HELP}) under macOS can't display any label at all and while {Wx::Button} will detect if the standard "Help" label is used and ignore it, using any other label will prevent the button from correctly appearing as a help button and so should be avoided. # In addition to that, the button will be decorated with stock icons under GTK+ 2. # @see Wx::Button#create # @see Wx::Validator # @param parent [Wx::Window] Parent window. Must not be NULL. # @param id [Integer] Button identifier. A value of {Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY} indicates a default value. # @param label [String] Text to be displayed on the button. # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] Button position. # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] Button size. If the default size is specified then the button is sized appropriately for the text. # @param style [Integer] Window style. See {Wx::Button} class description. # @param validator [Wx::Validator] Window validator. # @param name [String] Window name. # @return [Wx::Button] def initialize(*args) end # Button creation function for two-step creation. # For more details, see {Wx::Button#initialize}. # @param parent [Wx::Window] # @param id [Integer] # @param label [String] # @param pos [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Point] # @param size [Array(Integer, Integer), Wx::Size] # @param style [Integer] # @param validator [Wx::Validator] # @param name [String] # @return [Boolean] def create(parent, id, label=(''), pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, style=0, validator=Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, name=Wx::ButtonNameStr) end # Returns true if an authentication needed symbol is displayed on the button. # This method always returns false if the platform is not Windows Vista or newer. # @see Wx::Button#set_auth_needed # @return [Boolean] def get_auth_needed; end alias_method :auth_needed, :get_auth_needed # Returns the string label for the button. # # @see Wx::Button#set_label # @return [String] def get_label; end alias_method :label, :get_label # Sets whether an authentication needed symbol should be displayed on the button. # This method doesn't do anything if the platform is not Windows Vista or newer. # @see Wx::Button#get_auth_needed # @param needed [Boolean] # @return [void] def set_auth_needed(needed=true) end alias_method :auth_needed=, :set_auth_needed # This sets the button to be the default item in its top-level window (e.g. # the panel or the dialog box containing it). # As normal, pressing return causes the default button to be depressed when the return key is pressed. # See also {Wx::Window#set_focus} which sets the keyboard focus for windows and text panel items, and {Wx::TopLevelWindow#set_default_item}. # Under Windows, only dialog box buttons respond to this function. # # the old default item (possibly NULL) # @return [Wx::Window] def set_default; end # Sets the string label for the button. # @param label [String] The label to set. # @return [void] def set_label(label) end alias_method :label=, :set_label # Returns the default size for the buttons. # It is advised to make all the dialog buttons of the same size and this function allows retrieving the (platform, and current font dependent) size which should be the best suited for this. # The optional win argument is new since wxWidgets 3.1.3 and allows to get a per-monitor DPI specific size. # @param win [Wx::Window] # @return [Wx::Size] def self.get_default_size(win=nil) end end # Button end