# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- module SXP ## # An S-expression generator. # # Takes an object and pretty-prints it using reasonable indentation rules class Generator ## # A basic block containing constituent # objects, either blocks or strings. class Block BLOCK_MIN_LENGTH = 80 # @attr [Integer] amount of indent applied to this block attr_reader :indent ## # @param [Object] obj # @param [Integer] indent # @param [Hash{Symbol => RDF::URI}] prefixes (nil) # @param [RDF::URI] base_uri (nil) def initialize(obj, indent, prefixes: nil, base_uri: nil) @indent = indent @elements = [] @prefixes = prefixes @base_uri = base_uri if obj.is_a?(Array) # If this is a base or prefix element, update our representations if obj.first == :base && obj.length == 3 && obj[1].is_a?(RDF::URI) base_uri = obj[1] @elements << Block.new(:base, indent + 1) @elements << Block.new(obj[1], indent + 1) @elements << Block.new(obj.last, indent + 1, prefixes: prefixes, base_uri: base_uri) elsif obj.first == :prefix && obj.length == 3 && obj[1].is_a?(Array) prefixes = prefixes ? prefixes.dup : {} obj[1].each do |defn| prefixes[defn.first.to_s.chomp(':').to_sym] = RDF::URI(defn.last) if defn.is_a?(Array) && defn.length == 2 end @elements << Block.new(:prefix, indent + 1) @elements << Block.new(obj[1], indent + 1) @elements << Block.new(obj.last, indent + 1, prefixes: prefixes, base_uri: base_uri) else obj.compact.each do |o| @elements << Block.new(o, indent + 1, prefixes: prefixes, base_uri: base_uri) end end else @elements = obj end end ## # Aggregate length over each element accounting for spaces # # @return [Integer] # If indent is not not nil, returns zero def length if @elements.is_a?(Array) @elements.map(&:length).inject(:+).to_i + @elements.length - 1 else @elements.to_sxp(prefixes: @prefixes, base_uri: @base_uri).length end end ## # Turn block into a string in S-expression form # This should only be called on a block when # no indentation is to be applied # @return [String] def to_sxp(prefixes: nil, base_uri: nil) @elements.to_sxp(prefixes: prefixes || @prefixes, base_uri: base_uri || @base_uri) end ## # Determins if this block is an SXP, or not # @return [Boolean] def sxp? @elements.is_a?(Array) end ## # Format block # @return [String] def formatted # Output individual block elements on separate lines buffer = "" if sxp? && length > BLOCK_MIN_LENGTH buffer += do_indent + '(' first, *elems = @elements unless first.sxp? # It's atomic, write out after paren buffer += first.to_sxp(prefixes: @prefixes, base_uri: @base_uri) + "\n" else buffer += "\n" elems.unshift(first) end elems.each do |e| buffer += e.formatted end buffer += do_indent + ")\n" else buffer += do_indent + @elements.to_sxp(prefixes: @prefixes, base_uri: @base_uri) + "\n" end buffer end private def do_indent(offset = 0); ' ' * (indent + offset); end end ## # Format S-expressions to a String # # @param [Array] sxps # @return [Object] def self.string(*sxps) require 'stringio' unless defined?(StringIO) buf = StringIO.new write(buf, *sxps) buf.string end ## # Format S-expressions to STDOUT # # @param [Array] sxps # @return [Object] def self.print(*sxps) write($stdout, *sxps) end ## # Write formatted S-expressions to an IO like object # # @param [Object] out # @param [Array] sxps # @return [Object] def self.write(out, *sxps) generator = self.new(out) sxps.each do |sxp| generator.render(sxp) end generator end ## # Initialize output with a stack of IO buffers # # @param [#write] buffer def initialize(buffer) @output = buffer end ## # Render an element. # For Array, this recursively renders each constituent into blocks. # If the agregate length of a block is less than MIN_BLOCK characters, # combine each constituent block into a single line. # # Rendering does not perform final formatting, but returns a recursive # array of blocks which are each ultimattely formattted onto their # own line with leading whitespace. # # @param [Object] sexp # @return [Block] def render(sexp) block = Block.new(sexp, 0) if block.length > 40 buffer = block.formatted # Attempt to fold symbols and strings onto proceeding line output = "" prev_length = 0 buffer.lines.each do |line| if (stripped = line.strip)[0,1] != '(' && prev_length + stripped.length + 1 < Block::BLOCK_MIN_LENGTH # Append to previous line start, match, rem = output.rpartition(/\S/) output = start + match + " " + stripped + rem prev_length += stripped.length + 1 else # Terminate line and append this line output += line prev_length = line.length - 1 end end @output.write output.gsub(/\)\s+\)/, '))') else @output.puts(block.to_sxp) end end end # Generator end # SXP