module Commands #/================================\# # The Commands # #\================================/# def search(term) term = term.downcase.strip # Search is case insensitive matches = @notes if term.include? "+t" term, tags = term.split("+t") if tags tags = tags.split(" ") matches = do |num, note| note != nil && has_tags(note, tags) end else # +t but no tags - return all results that have at least one tag matches = do |num, note| note != nil && note.tags.length > 0 end end elsif term.include? "-t" term, tags = term.split("-t") if tags tags = tags.split(" ") matches = do |num, note| note != nil && does_not_have_tags(note, tags) end else # Likewise, return all results with no tags matches = do |num, note| note != nil && note.tags.length == 0 end end end if term && term != "" matches = do |num, note| note.title.downcase.include?(term) || note.content.downcase.include?(term) end end set_filtered(matches) # TODO: Sort by most relevant # TODO: Highlight keywords where found len = matches.length print_list("Found #{len} Match#{"es" if len != 1}", @filtered) end def create(params) if params.first dirname = File.dirname(params.first) new_filename = File.basename(params.first, File.extname(params.first)) + ".md" rel_path = "" tags = [] if params.include? "+t" tags = params.slice(params.index("+t") + 1, params.length) puts "CREATING WITH TAGS: #{tags}" end if dirname != "." rel_path = dirname .gsub(@config.note_path, "") .gsub(File.basename(params.first), "") end full_path = File.join(@config.note_path, rel_path, new_filename) if File.exists?(full_path) if confirm("#{"Whoa!"} That file already exists. Overwrite it?") File.delete(full_path) @notes.each do |num, note| if note.path == full_path @notes[num] = nil puts "Removed!" end end else return end else # Make sure the directory actually exists. FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@config.note_path, rel_path)) end system "#{@config.editor} '#{full_path}'" if File.exists?(full_path) note = note.add_tags(tags) if tags.length > 0 note.created = note.update note.index = @index @notes[@index] = note @index += 1 set_filtered([note]) print_list("Created", @filtered) else puts "Scrapped the blank note..." end else puts "Please enter a filename as the first parameter" end end def open(params) num = params.first.to_i note = @notes[num] if note system "#{@config.editor} '#{note.path}'" note.update else puts "Hey! There is no note #{num}! Nice try." end end def delete(params) notes = multi_note(params) notes.each do |note| if note and File.exists? note.path num = note.index if confirm("You're #{'sure'.italic} you want to delete note #{num.to_s.bold.white} with title #{note.title.bold.white}?") FileUtils.rm(note.path) @notes[num] = nil @filtered[num] = nil puts "Deleted!" else puts "Whew! That was close." end end end end def peek(params) if params&.first&.downcase == 'config' return @config.print end note = @notes[params.first.to_i] if note lines = note.content.lines puts puts "-" * 40 puts note.title.bold.white puts lines.slice(0, 15) if lines.length > 15 puts puts "(#{lines.length - 15} more line#{'s' if lines.length != 16}...)".italic end puts "-" * 40 puts else puts "Note doesn't exist!" end end def tag(params) notes = multi_note(params) notes.each do |note| tags = params.slice(1, params.length) note.add_tags(tags) end set_filtered(notes) print_list("Changed", @filtered) puts "Added #{params.length - 1} tag#{"s" if params.length != 2} to #{notes.length} note#{"s" if notes.length != 1}." end def untag(params) notes = multi_note(params) notes.each do |note| tags = params.slice(1, params.length) note.remove_tags(tags) end set_filtered(notes) print_list("Changed", @filtered) puts "Removed #{params.length - 1} tag#{"s" if params.length != 2} from #{notes.length} note#{"s" if notes.length != 1}." end def tags(params) if params.empty? list_tags else puts "NOT YET IMPLEMENTED" end end def list_tags tags = longest = 0 sorted = [] @notes.each do |num, note| note.tags.each do |tag| tags[tag] += 1; end end tags.each do |tag, count| longest = tag.length if tag.length > longest sorted << [tag, count] end # Sort alphabetically sorted.sort_by! { |item| item[0] } puts puts "#{indent}All Tags".bold puts "#{indent}--------" puts sorted.each do |entry| tag, count = entry puts "#{indent}#{tag.bold} #{"." * (longest + 3 - tag.length)} #{count} notes" end puts end def info(params) # Shows metadata about a note or list of notes. notes = multi_note(params) set_filtered(notes) print_list("Note Info", @filtered, true) puts "Printed info for #{notes.length} notes." end def config(params = []) if params.length == 0 system "#{@config.editor} #{@config.path}" @config.load return end action, key, *value = params value = value.join(" ") if action == "get" if key puts "#{key}: \"#{@config.get(key)}\"" else @config.print end elsif action == "set" if key if value puts "Config: #{key} changed from '#{@config.get(key)}' to '#{value}'" @config.set(key, value) else puts "Can't set a key to a value if no value is given." end else puts "Can't set a key if one wasn't given." end else puts "Invalid action: #{action}" end end def help puts puts "Enter a command with the structure:" puts " #{@config.prompt} action parameter(s)" puts puts "Actions:" puts " - #{"new".bold.white} #{"filename".italic}" puts " Create a new note.".italic puts puts " - #{"edit".bold.white} #{"note_number".italic}" puts " Open a note for editing or reading.".italic puts puts " - #{"delete".bold.white} #{"note_number".italic}" puts " Delete a note.".italic puts puts " - #{"peek".bold.white} #{"note_number".italic}" puts " Print the first few lines of a note.".italic puts puts " - #{"tag".bold.white} #{"note_number".italic} #{"tag".italic} #{"tag".italic} #{"tag".italic} ..." puts " Add the space-delimited list of tags to a given note.".italic puts puts " - #{"untag".bold.white} #{"note_number".italic} #{"tag".italic} #{"tag".italic} ..." puts " Remove the space-delimited list of tags from a given note.".italic puts puts " - #{"tags".bold.white}" puts " List all tags and the number of notes each one is applied to.".italic puts puts " - #{"search".bold.white} #{"search_term".italic} ( +t/-t #{"tag".italic} #{"tag".italic} ... )" puts " Find notes that match the search term, or the specified tags.".italic puts puts " - #{"info".bold.white} #{"note_number(s)".italic}" puts " Display detailed metadata for one or more (comma-delimited) note numbers.".italic puts puts " - #{"list".bold.white}" puts " List every single note in your notes folder.".italic puts puts " - #{"config".bold.white} #{"(set/get)".italic} #{"key".italic} [#{"value".italic}]" puts " Manage your CNote configuration, either by setting keys through commands,".italic puts " or by just writing 'config' to open the file in your editor.".italic puts puts " - #{"exit".bold.white}" puts " Leave CNote.".italic puts puts " - #{"help".bold.white}" puts " You are here!".italic puts puts "Alternate actions:" puts " Most actions also have aliases that do the same thing." puts " These are listed for each command:" puts " - new: create, c, n" puts " - edit: e, open, o" puts " - delete: d, rm" puts " - peek: p" puts " - tag: t" puts " - untag: ut" puts " - search: find, f, s" puts " - info: i" puts " - list: l, ls" puts " - exit: quit, q, close" puts " - help: h" puts end def list set_filtered(@notes) print_list("All Notes", @filtered) end end